No regrets ninety-two

Chapter 164 The Friendship That Comes Out

Chapter 164 The Friendship That Comes Out
Wu Xiaozheng naturally had something to say.

"Mr. Zhao, I admit that it is indeed my fault that I didn't do my homework during the winter vacation, but I can guarantee that my money will be received in an upright manner, and I have neither stolen nor robbed. You can rest assured about this."

"Also, do you think it's okay for you to tell my family's ugliness in public? Have you considered my feelings?"

After finishing speaking, Wu Xiaozheng ignored Zhao Yuerong's reaction, turned around and walked straight to the seat he remembered.

The whole class was dumbfounded.

Zhao Yuerong was also in a daze.

It stands to reason that Wu Xiaozheng turned around and left like this, which was very rude to the teacher and a challenge to the teacher's authority, so she should have said something.

But she couldn't say anything.

Because of what Wu Xiaozheng said, Zhao Yuerong realized that it was really inappropriate for him to expose his family scandal in public.

Moreover, judging from Jiang Han's reaction just now, it seems that there is really no problem with the source of Wu Xiaozheng's money, and he seems to have made a preconceived mistake.

Zhao Yuerong really didn't know what to say.

However, the authority of the teacher must still be maintained.

After thinking about it, she came up with a sentence: "I'll give you three days, you have to finish your homework during the winter vacation, otherwise you won't be able to attend this class."

Then, she handed Wu Xiaozheng's winter vacation homework to the students in the first row, signaling to pass it on.

This can be regarded as a step down for both parties.

There was a strange dull atmosphere in the classroom.

Fortunately, the time to leave school at noon came soon.

"Let's go eat, and remember to return to the classroom on time in the afternoon."

After Zhao Yuerong said this, she stepped forward and left the classroom.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Xiaozheng was surrounded by many classmates.

"Zhenghan, don't be sad."

"Let's go, Zhenghan, let's eat first, and we'll talk about homework in the afternoon."

"Zhenghan, go get some food, I brought delicious food from home!"


This was something Wu Xiaozheng didn't expect. When he confronted the old lady Zhao head-on, it revealed the friendship of his classmates towards him.

This moved him again.

This is the cuteness of junior high school students, they are comforting Wu Xiaozheng in their own way.

Although these people are skinny, they already have their own judgments about right and wrong, and they won't be superstitious about what the teacher says, let alone look down on Wu Xiaozheng because of his family affairs.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Yuanshan who had just made a report. Everyone alienated him intentionally or unintentionally, which made him very confused.

This is probably the reason why he usually makes less trouble with everyone.

He still doesn't understand that what students of this age hate the most are informers, even if the informants are justified, everyone is very disgusted with this kind of behavior.

The reason is very simple.

No one can guarantee that they will not make mistakes, and no one wants to be informed and punished by the teacher.

Now Wu Xiaozheng looks very calm.

He wasn't really angry or sad, he was just thinking about some issues seriously.

Facing the concern of his classmates, he was both moved and enlightened.

In his previous life, he had been deliberately concealing family affairs, because he was afraid of being laughed at by his classmates and looked down upon by his classmates, so he became very sensitive and inferior.

Thinking about it now, he must have overreacted at the time, which is why he had such a violent reaction to Liu Yifei and Zhao Yuerong's words and deeds, and also led to the subsequent changes.

But judging from the current reaction of the students, the matter of his parents is actually nothing, and everyone doesn't seem to care too much.

Therefore, Wu Xiaozheng felt that returning to school this time was the right answer, and it was worth it!

Just for everyone's friendship, just for my own perception just now.

"Let's go, let's go to the cafeteria for dinner."

Wu Xiaozheng stood up and said openly.

He really missed the food in the school cafeteria.

In Wu Xiaozheng's impression, the big pot rice in the cafeteria tastes really good and is quite affordable. The school has no idea of ​​making students money by relying on it.

This is very rare, because in this era, many other schools began to report that the canteens were contracted, expensive, and tasted bad.Only in No. [-] Middle School, when Wu Xiaozheng fled, there was no dissatisfaction caused by the canteen problem.

Until 20 years later, at the reunion of classmates, some classmates still said that they missed the dishes in the cafeteria.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaozheng suddenly remembered another thing.

That is, on the first day of school, the time of dinner is the happiest time, because on this day, the boarding students who are not in the city usually bring some delicious food from home, just like Zhang Yuanshan.

It's just that what most of the students bring is not the rations for a long time, but the love dishes specially made by parents who are worried that their children will not eat well in school.

So when these students arrive at school, as long as they are not too stingy, they will openly take out these love dishes and share them with the students.

So on this day, many students did not eat in the cafeteria after ordering meals, but went back to the dormitory to eat, very lively and happy.

Wu Xiaozheng misses this kind of simple happiness.

He felt that in such an atmosphere, what one eats is not the taste, but a kind of happiness.

That being the case, he has another idea.

"Come on, let's have a big dinner today, whoever brings good food from home, report it, and eat together."

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

I thought to myself, this guy is really big-hearted. He was criticized by the teacher just now, but now he seems to be fine.

But his proposal was immediately supported by everyone.

"I brought spicy beef jerky."

"I brought fried tofu and boiled bacon."

"I brought tamales."

"I brought dried cured fish."

"I brought smoked loach."


There are really a lot of delicious ones.

Because most of the students in the city surrounded Wu Xiaozheng, out of herd mentality, many students who were further away did not leave, waiting for everyone to act together.

Now that Wu Xiaozheng made a proposal, there were many responders.

"That's it. Let's go get some food. I'll take care of the meals in the cafeteria." Wu Xiaozheng said carelessly.

Most of the students brought dried vegetables that can last for a long time, and with so many people, it is definitely not enough to eat those vegetables alone, and they must supplement some dishes from the cafeteria.

Since he initiated the proposal, he would naturally have to spend some money, not to mention that the consumption in the cafeteria is nothing to him at all.

"This is not good, let's go out together!"

Some people are worried that Wu Xiaozheng will go bankrupt.

At this time, Jiang Han said: "Let's get out of school, now Zhenghan is a rich man, we can't afford him."

Everyone was a little bit surprised.

Because for everyone present, everyone is not yet financially independent, no matter how good the family conditions are, there is still a limit to the monthly expenses, and there are not many people who can afford to treat everyone to eat and drink.

What surprised everyone was Jiang Han's words.

From what she said, Wu Xiaozheng doesn't seem to be short of money now?Jiang Han wanted to testify in front of Mr. Zhao just now...

Is there an inside story?
So everyone looked at Wu Xiaozheng again.

Wu Xiaozheng didn't want to reveal anything about himself, nor did he want to hide it too much, so he said openly, "Don't worry, I won't be poor. Also, if any of you are temporarily short of money in the future, you can come to me."

In his opinion, in the face of precious friendship, what can be solved with money is really not a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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