Chapter 585

#胡宇退出娱乐圈# The matter quickly became a hot search, and more and more fans saw it, and everyone started crying, begging Huo Yu not to quit.

Many fans even went to Lin Haohao's Weibo to beg her not to let Huo Yu withdraw from the circle, they were all willing to accept her, bless them, and only begged Huo Yu not to withdraw from the circle.

In the end, Huo Yu posted a long article, reviewing the details of his career since he entered the circle. The most important thing was to thank his fans, and he also explained in detail the reasons for leaving the circle, because he wanted to return to his family and give his children a complete home.

Because Huo Yu's mind has been made up, no matter what the fans say, the matter of retiring from the circle is a foregone conclusion.

Most of Huo Yu's fans actually choose to follow Lin Haohao, maybe they can get some news about Huo Yu from her in the future, so Lin Haohao's Weibo directly increased by 3000 million fans, which shocked the Weibo circle After all, there has never been such a 3000 million followers overnight.

Lin Haohao lived up to the expectations of his fans. When Weibo was open, he would pull Huo Yu from time to time.Huo Yu's fans are happier than New Year's Eve. After all, before Huo Yu quit the circle, the updates were not so frequent. Posting a photo is like killing him. Sometimes there is no photo for several months. Now it's better, January If there are at least two, of course I am very happy.

Gradually, all Huo Yu's fans became Lin Haohao's fans, Yusao Yusao's screams were so sweet, she blowing rainbow farts every day, and praised her in fancy ways.

Lin Haohao has really benefited from it, and feels that he is in a very good mood every day.

There was also a live broadcast, but it didn't last long, only half an hour.

Of course, Huo Yu also appeared on the screen, and the fans were so excited, they kept brushing gifts, but she said not to, but the fans just didn't listen, and insisted on telling their children, so they broadcast live for half an hour unexpectedly, Gifts received 120 million.

In the end, they donated the money directly to the orphanage, which was considered a good deed for the children.

Lin Haohao's expected date of delivery is August 8, which is around the Valentine's Day of the Chinese Valentine's Day.

The doctor said that her skeleton is too small and her pelvis is relatively small, so the conditions for a natural delivery are not good, so she suggested a direct caesarean section.

So they discussed it at that time, if they have an attack before Qixi Festival, they will go to the hospital for an autopsy, if not, they will have an autopsy on Valentine's Day of Qixi Festival.

As a result, it happened when I was about to go to the hospital on Qixi Festival.

The elders of the Qi family and the Lin family's parents all went to the hospital to wait when they heard that they were about to give birth.

The contractions made Lin Haohao almost collapse, feeling as if she was about to burst apart, and it was summer again, her clothes and hair were all soaked.

Huo Yu was so distressed that he kept hugging her, encouraging her, and helping her massage her waist.

They went to class before and knew how to relieve the pain of the mother, and saw that Lin Haohao's stomach was moving all the time, and the two cubs didn't stop at all.

"Torture mom again, come out and I'll beat your ass to pieces." Huo Yu would communicate with the children every day, telling them stories, talking, and singing.

Perhaps the children remembered his voice, and when they heard his words, they quieted down obediently for a while.

Finally arrived at the hospital and hurriedly prepared for the caesarean section.

Huo Yu accompanied him into the operating room the whole time, and stood beside him in sterile clothes. The doctors performed the operation. He saw Lin Haohao's stomach being cut open layer by layer. Tears, I swear that I will never do anything wrong to her in this life, and I will obey her in everything from now on. She is really working too hard.

"Congratulations to you two. They are twins. My brother is 52cm and 3.2KG, and my sister is 50cm and 2.8KG." After the doctor took the two babies out, they handed them over to the nurse for treatment, and measured their height and weight.

(End of this chapter)

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