Chapter 505 Official Announcement
The Internet has exploded, and Weibo has been paralyzed. It is even worse than when Huo Yu and Qiao Mo were uploaded last time.

Lin Haohao and Huo Yu, who were the parties involved, had already arrived at the hospital, so they had an examination at the local hospital, and it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him, except that his hands were all skinned because of digging the two brothers and sisters, and the ten fingers connected to the heart, which was extremely painful.

But Huo Yu had a strong endurance, he didn't say a word when he was treating the wound, he gritted his teeth tightly and broke out in a cold sweat.

Lin Haohao watched from the side, feeling extremely distressed, and kept helping him wipe his sweat.

After the wound was healed and his head was cleared, they left.

Because the director of the film crew and some actors were injured, it is temporarily impossible to continue filming, and everyone has to take a group vacation for a while.

Lin Haohao went back to City A with Huo Yu and Su Zihuan, while waiting for the plane.

"Huo Yu, should we talk about it on Weibo?" Lin leaned on Huo Yu's shoulder well, wishing not to leave him for a moment.

God knows how she survived last night. It was thanks to her good sister Su Zihuan, who flew thousands of miles with her, and waited with her all the time to enlighten her. If it wasn't for Su Zihuan, she might have collapsed long ago.

"Yes." Huo Yu had been waiting for this day for a long time, and now that Lin Haohao was willing to make it public, he certainly wished for it.

Weibo has been repaired and can be used normally now.

Huo Yu lost his mobile phone, but luckily he had a spare phone, because his finger was injured, so he typed very, very slowly.

Lin Haohao was writing his own, and the two of them didn't plan to discuss writing the same copy, so they wrote according to their own.

"Wait for me to send it first, and then you will." Huo Yu said in a low voice.

"Why?" Lin asked puzzled.

"Because I chased you, they won't scold you for posting." Huo Yu wasn't chauvinistic, but worried that Lin Haohao would be scolded.

Lin was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Huo Yu to even consider this point, and there was only infinite sweetness left in his heart.

She had already edited the copy, and had been waiting for Huo Yu to write it, but Huo Yu refused to let her read it, saying that she would go to his Weibo to read it later.

I don't know what he wrote mysteriously, which aroused her strong curiosity.

Huo Yu finally finished writing 5 minutes before boarding the plane.

Huo Yu V: Meeting you is the luckiest thing for me, confessing to you is the most correct thing I do, loving you is what I will do in my life.You are my plan for a long time @林好好, I will spend the evening with you for the rest of my life. 【Love】【Love】

Because Lin Haohao was editing the page, she had no way to quit for the time being. She could only listen to Huo Yu's agreement, and then she sent what she wrote.

Lin Haohao V: You fulfilled all my fantasies about the other half, met love, believed in love, and always loved. @胡宇【Love】【Love】.I didn't want to occupy public resources, but after this earthquake, I know that love cannot wait, and love cannot be hidden.I hope everyone can be loved and have a loving heart.At the same time, I also hope that everyone will pay more attention to the Anling earthquake, pray for every victim, and give praise to every rescue fighter.Don't be impulsive like me and almost bring trouble to the rescue work.I apologize to everyone here, sorry!

The two people's Weibo posts are equivalent to an official announcement.

Almost paralyzed Weibo again, the previous trending search has not gone down, and now it is about to be on the trending search again.

Huo Yu has already greeted Guo Wei, don't let them be on the hot search, save the hot search for the earthquake, so that more people can pay attention.

Even though they are already working hard to suppress the heat, the topic of the two people is too high to be suppressed at all.

 Alright, let's make an official announcement with Brother Yu!

  Looking forward to their sweeter love in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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