Chapter 470

Even if Lin Yefeng flattered him, admitted his mistake, and promised that there would be no next time, Hao Wenjuan remained unmoved and insisted on letting him hang out for a few days before following Lin Haohao to her villa.

Although Lin Haohao sympathized with her father, but this time she stood by her mother.

Even if this kind of thing didn't really happen, it was still very disturbing, so she took her mother away very simply.

It was only after she came out that she remembered that Huo Yu was still waiting for her at the door, so she hurried over.

"Hey, Huo Yu is at the door, why didn't you tell him earlier, why didn't you let him sit at home?" Hao Wenjuan immediately felt better when she saw Huo Yu, and looked at Lin Haohao reproachfully.

Lin Hao had no choice but to keep silent, and silently accepted the complaints from Ma Ma.

"Auntie, I was the one who said to wait in the car. Don't talk about her. The main reason is that it's so late, I don't want to disturb you and uncle's rest." Huo Yu saw that his daughter-in-law was being blamed, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

The more Huo Yu protected Lin, the happier Hao Wenjuan was.

"Okay, let's not talk about her. Do you mind if Auntie takes your car to stay at Haohao's house for a few days?" Hao Wenjuan looked at Lin Haohao in relief, feeling that she did not find the wrong person this time, and it could be seen that Huo Yu really loved her .

"Of course not, auntie, please get in the car." Huo Yu hurriedly opened the car door and invited Hao Wenjuan to get in the car.

After the three got into the car, they went directly to Lin Haohao's villa.

On the way, Hao Wenjuan asked some questions about the crew, of course the main question was about Huo Yu, after all he was her idol.

Because there was no traffic jam at night, I soon arrived at Lin Haohao's villa.

Because Hao Wenjuan was here, Huo Yu naturally couldn't take Lin Haohao back to his home, he could only watch them go home.

"Huo Yu, is there anyone in your family?" Hao Wenjuan suddenly stopped and asked.

"No, I'm usually alone." Huo Yu shook his head.

"Then don't go back, just stay here tonight, anyway, you can stay here." Hao Wenjuan, as a person who has been here, why can't she move the inseparable mood of the two young people who are in love.

Huo Yu's eyes lit up, he thought he was going to sleep alone tonight, but the mother-in-law was too strong.

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Huo Yu got out of the car, followed Lin Haohao and the others into the house with their luggage.

Because it was really getting late, Hao Wenjuan went to sleep in the guest room by herself.

Lin Haohao took Huo Yu back to her bedroom. She hadn't lived at home for a long time, but because there was always a nanny at home, the room was always tidy and clean.

She asked Huo Yu to take a bath first, and tidied up the things the two of them had brought back.

Huo Yu quickly came out of the shower, wrapped his lower body with a bath towel, and walked to the bed with a worried expression on his face.

"Honey, I forgot something, do you have it at home?" Huo Yu asked in a low voice.

"What?" Lin Haohao had already tidied up and was sitting by the bed playing with his mobile phone

"It's just a little raincoat." Huo Yu leaned over and whispered in her ear.

Lin Hao shook his hand and almost dropped the phone on the ground.

"It's so late today, you can't give me a vacation, I'm so tired." God, who can tell her what to do if there is a wolf who can never get enough to feed at home.

"But you're coming to your aunt soon, and you're going to rest for a week." Huo Yu said pitifully.

Who made his wife so delicious, she knows the taste, and now she can't quit.

"Eh...let's rest today too, I'm really tired." Lin Haohao was really super tired after a busy day today, so he clasped his hands together as a prayer.

(End of this chapter)

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