Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 236 Meeting in New York

Chapter 236 Meeting in New York (4)
However, since breaking away from the Yan family, Yan Xi's state of mind has also changed. He wants to see what progress has been made in New York in the past few years. After washing, Yan Xi tied his hair into a ponytail, put on jeans and a suit The short-sleeved T-shirt looks very simple.

Sun Qingya and Yan Xi were no different, they were only dressed in casual attire, and they put on sneakers directly. Before leaving, Cheng Lin told them to be careful.

Regarding Yan Xi, Cheng Lin is very at ease. What he is worried about is Sun Qingya. Sometimes Sun Qingya always likes to get into trouble. It may be due to Sun Qingya's growth environment, and she always has a military family in her heart. Justice exists.

Yan Xi is the opposite of Sun Qingya in many respects. Most of the time, Yan Xi has an attitude of having nothing to do with himself, and Yan Xi's ability is also higher than that of Sun Qingya. Of course, Cheng Lin will feel relieved.

"Xiao Xi, can we drive or not?" Sun Qingya said.

Although Yan Xi is only 16 years old, she already has a driver's license in Country M. Sun Qingya is two years older than Yan Xi, so naturally she already has a driver's license.

"No, it's inconvenient." Yan Xi said.

Driving out of New York at this time, Yan Xi is most afraid of renting a car, the nightlife of New Yorkers is very developed, and it is more convenient for two people to move around without driving.

"That's right, let's go." Sun Qingya said, and most of the time, Sun Qingya absolutely obeyed Yan Xi's words.

After discussing with each other, Yan Xi came to Fifth Avenue once three years after his farewell. The Rockefeller Center located on Fifth Avenue was brightly lit. Seeing the building, Yan Xi couldn't help thinking, I don't know what Lan Zexi would do at this moment. Not in New York.

When she recovered, Yan Xi shook her head. After she parted with Lan Zexi last time, Yan Xi always thought of Lan Zexi occasionally. Sometimes Yan Xi wanted to forget, but the more she remembered.

"Xiao Xi, should we go for a walk in the street behind?" Sun Qingya suggested.

The last street of Fifth Avenue is a place of high consumption. It gathers the most luxurious clubs and bars in the world. To a certain extent, it is also the most chaotic place.

"Forget it, do you want to go?" Yan Xi asked.

"I really want to go. Although I have only heard about it, I have never seen it. I want to see it. Can you go with me? If we don't go in and play, we will just walk around there." Sun Qingya said.

Sun Qingya was really curious about it, otherwise she wouldn't have begged Yan Xi to take her there. There were times when she wanted to go there alone, but she was a little scared.

"Okay, let's go for a walk, but we won't go in, even if we want to go in, our appearance is not appropriate." Yan Xi said.

Both of them were dressed in casual clothes, so it was really inappropriate to go somewhere. In the previous life, Yan Xi was also curious and wanted to go for a play, but after driving past somewhere, he finally left without entering. The place has long been familiar with the strangeness, and there is not much curiosity. Since Sun Qingya wants to go and see, Yan Xi feels that there is nothing wrong with going there with her.

Unlike many entertainment venues in small places, New York is a big city after all, and it is relatively more civilized than other places, although perhaps it is the darkness hidden below that Yan Xi has no way of knowing.

"Xiao Xi, you are too kind, let's go." Sun Qingya said.

The two walked past the Rockefeller Center building until they reached the last street, where the lights were brightly lit, day and night had already been reversed here, all kinds of luxury cars passed by, Sun Qingya was dazzled for a while, it turned out that there were still people passing by living such a life.

Sun Qingya has always felt that Yan Xi's life is already luxurious enough. What she saw today broke her previous values. The men and women here are wearing different dresses, or there are beauties in fragrant cars, or the two of them approached a building hand in hand. Sun Qingya looked at herself and then at Yan Xi at the clubhouse that Dong couldn't name, and finally understood what Yan Xi said just now, the casual attire of the two of them is really eye-catching here.

Yan Xi is much better than Sun Qingya, she has experienced more, and she has seen more. The people here know that she is not in the same way as them, and the life of luxury and money is not suitable for her.

"Have you seen enough?" Yan Xi said to Sun Qingya who was looking around.

"Xiaoxi, so people here can still lead such a life." Sun Qingya said.

"Why, you also want to live this kind of life." Yan Xi said with a smile, Yan Xi knew that Sun Qingya was not a vain girl, otherwise Yan Xi would not have been with her for three years.

"No, look at all of them dressed like that, my parents will break my legs." Sun Qingya said, and couldn't help shivering.

"Hehe, let's go if we're optimistic." Yan Xi said.

"That's right, you can see that they are all looking at us, but it's really conspicuous that we are here like this." Sun Qingya said.

It is impossible to get a taxi here, and the two of them didn't drive here, so they could only plan to walk along the path to another street and take a taxi home, but life is often not so happy.

As soon as he walked in, he saw two men blocking a woman in a corner. Sun Qingya always had a sense of justice, and before Yan Xi had time to hold her back, Sun Qingya rushed forward.

Sun Qingya didn't ask if she was willing, she went straight up and pulled the two men away, protecting the woman behind her.

Sun Qingya's skill is not bad, after all, she had trained in the special forces when she was in Huaxia, but facing two men who were much taller than Sun Qingya, Sun Qingya still struggled, and there was no possibility of defeating her. After Sun Qingya came over and dragged the two men, she immediately picked up the bag on the ground and quickly fled the alley.

Seeing that Sun Qingya was at a disadvantage, Yan Xi immediately walked over, and directly knocked a man down on the ground with his strength. After all, Sun Qingya had practiced before, so she soon put another man on the ground on the ground.

"Xiao Xi, I always thought I underestimated you, but I never thought you were stronger than me." Sun Qingya said.

"Don't be so impulsive in the future." Yan Xi said, letting go of the man on the ground.

"Don't bully single girls in the future." Sun Qingya also let go of the man, not forgetting to warn her.

"Do you know who you let go just now?" The man said dissatisfiedly, and then glared at Yan Xi and Sun Qingya, thinking that they were meddling in their own business.

Yan Xi didn't intend to open his mouth. Yan Xi didn't intend to take care of these things. He only intervened when he saw that Sun Qingya was at a disadvantage. But when one man was talking, the other man, that character, had already picked up the phone and made a call. a number.

Seeing all this, Yan Xi knew that something was wrong, but now he could only wait for it to be resolved. Yan Xi felt that not intervening in this matter would teach Sun Qingya a lesson. After all, there is no need for Massa here, and there are no people here Massa was so simple and kind, and it was impossible for Yan Xi to take care of Sun Qingya for the rest of her life. After Sun Qingya went to Princeton University, she had to learn to be independent.

(End of this chapter)

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