Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 192 The Chaos of the Yan Family

Chapter 192 The Chaos of the Yan Family (3)
"Xiao Xi, why are you calling me when you have time? Do you need me to send you something?" Wang Jin said. Recently, she would deliver some ingredients to Yan Xi's hotel in the morning every morning, thinking that what she delivered in the morning was almost nothing.

Although Yan Xi told Yan Zhenglin that he lived in the New Century Hotel, he never told Yan Zhenglin that he lived on the top floor. Even Yan Zhenglin was not qualified to live on the top floor, because the top floor was built for Yan Xi and his companions.

"No, would you like to ask for your help?" Yan Xi said.

"Just order it directly." Wang Jin said, Yan Xi is one of his own, and he is also his boss. If she can help him, he will be flattered.

"I want five VIP dinner cards from Tianyu, and of course it's limited to the day after tomorrow." Yan Xi said.

"No problem, I'll prepare it and send it to you later." Wang Jin said.

Tianyu's VIP dinner card was launched by Tianyu two years ago. You can enjoy all the dishes of Tianyu, and there is no need to make a reservation. Wang Jin doesn't know what Yan Xi is going to do, but he knows that Yan Xi must have her own use. Just do what Xi orders.

Although Yan Xi is in Beijing now, Yan Xi is rather homely, and the weather outside is too hot. Yan Xi didn't particularly want to go out. As for Daniel Yan Xi, he originally wanted Cheng Lin to take him out for a walk. The two big men told me if there was anything to do.

If it is said that traveling to Beijing is not the best choice, there are plans for high-rise buildings here, and there are active shopping places here, but there are no suitable scenic spots for tourism. For Daniel and Yan Xi, if they want to travel, they will definitely not go to the city , all three of them chose to stay in the room directly, dealing with various affairs.

After Yan Xi's last meeting, he wrote all kinds of proposals every day, and he didn't have any free time. Even if his body was free, his mind was still working.

Daniel saw that Yan Xi pulled Yan Xi and said that he wanted to invest in Huaxia as soon as he was free. Yan Xi also readily agreed, but he had to wait for Yan Xi to deal with his own affairs. Now Yan Xi doesn't have much time to go. Conducting market research, there are too many things going on recently, Yan Xi doesn't want to make any irrational feelings.

Regarding investment, some people may think that Yan Xi is always taking risks, but every time Yan Xi takes risks, she is [-]% sure. She will never let herself be defenseless and put herself in danger like in her previous life.

In this way, two days passed slowly, whether it was Genesis, Huang Chao, or Tian Yu, Yan Xi took care of everything, and was finally able to relax and watch the play with peace of mind.

Two days later...

"Ellen, why did you smile so happily early in the morning?" Daniel said.

Today, Yan Xi finally stopped holding the computer early in the morning. His business was dealt with the day before yesterday. Yesterday he was bored and finished playing the game all day. The game was recommended by Yan Xi, an online game under Genesis, Of course Yan Xi would not do useless work, she mainly wanted to listen to Daniel's opinion.

"It's nothing, isn't it a bit sorry for throwing you halfway in the last two days? I have prepared a good show for you today. Do you want to go and see it?" Daniel said.

"Okay, I'm going to change." Daniel said, looking at the home clothes on his body.

Having stayed with Yan Xi for a long time, Daniel has also gotten used to wearing home clothes when inside the house. In Yan Xi's words, it doesn't matter whether it looks good or not, the main thing is that it is comfortable, and the same is true for Cheng Lin.

"No hurry, it's not time yet." Yan Xi said.

"When will it be?" Daniel said. He was exhausted all day yesterday. The game developed by Genesis is relatively good in China now, but the game is too simple for a top student at Harvard.

"In the evening, by the way, what do you want to eat in the morning?" Yan Xi said.

In the past few days, the stock market in country M has experienced some unusual fluctuations. Yan Xi knew that the fluctuations this time would not change much. Cheng Lin had been staring at them since he posted them. He began to analyze and deal with them early in the morning. Cheng Lin is now considered a master in Xi's cultivation, especially in terms of receipt information. Who made Cheng Lin most interested in hackers before?

"Millet porridge and egg pancakes," Daniel said.

Millet porridge and egg pancakes were made by Yan Xi several times when he was in country M. Daniel fell in love with them after eating them once, but he was embarrassed to speak up, and he would naturally not let go of the opportunity to speak up.

The millet porridge Yan Xi put some beans in it. Although it is said to be millet porridge, it was actually improved by Yan Xi. As for the egg pancake, it was a bit like a durian pancake. It was very crunchy, but the workmanship was very troublesome.

"Okay, but you have to give me a suggestion for yesterday's game." It's not so easy to eat breakfast that you cook yourself, of course you have to pay for it.

"No problem." Daniel doesn't care about the delicious food, and now he still has his favorite breakfast. If Yan Xi doesn't make him breakfast, I suggest that he should provide it. Thinking about it this way, he can feel at ease.

One morning, Daniel finally came up with a more substantive proposal, which surprised Yan Xi. Remembering that Daniel wanted to invest in IT in China two days ago, it seemed that he really didn't know Daniel.

"It's too complete, but isn't it too difficult?" Yan Xi said after reading it.

"In the early stage, I think it is very good. As long as this opportunity is added in the later stage, if it is done well, it may be promoted internationally." Daniel said confidently. The game yesterday also gave him a lot of inspiration.

"Then are you interested in investing?" Yan Xi said, he didn't know much about the game, but it might be a good choice for Daniel to invest.

"I'm quite interested, but how could Ellen be willing to let me have a share of the pie?" Daniel said. He understood Yan Xi's approach, and what he liked was absolute control of the situation. In fact, in some respects, he and Lan Zexi is very similar.

"Am I stingy?" Yan Xi said, of course Yan Xi is happy to have more profits, now there is only China's market, if it can be promoted to the world, the market will expand more than ten times, everything is worth doing now.

"No, aren't you afraid of losing things beyond your control?" Daniel said.

Daniel has never talked with Yan Xi about business visits, but when he gets along with Yan Xi, he understands Yan Xi's approach. He thinks it is a Wall Street financial company. On the surface, it looks like a joint venture, but in the end it is Yan Xi's absolute Control, in terms of practice, is somewhat of Rockefeller's business philosophy.

"No, because the partner is you." Yan Xi said.

Daniel's investment vision is good, and IT is his weakness. Now that Daniel joins, Yan Xi has more time to deal with his own affairs. In the past three years, Yan Xi knows that Daniel is a trustworthy person, so he trusts him It doesn't matter what happens to him, even if Daniel wants to annex his IT company in the future, it doesn't matter, after all, it will be many years later.

(End of this chapter)

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