Chapter 530
[Red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty]: Peaceful coexistence is obviously impossible.

[Red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty]: Because, even if you don't want to fight our city, the GM will not agree. Their ultimate goal of building a new city is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the players through city warfare.

[Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: If there is nothing wrong with each other every day, everyone just fights monsters and upgrades. Over time, players will also become discouraged and depressed.

[Red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty]: If my guess is correct, a new city building token will definitely be issued within half a year at the most.

【August Osmanthus】: ...

[August Osmanthus]: That is to say, when the time comes, we will go to war in the three cities?
[Red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty]: It should be two cities. The beauty of the beauty probably does not need to passively participate in the city battle, and Mr. Dan Ding should be able to choose independently.

[Osmanthus fragrans in August]: If this is the case, wouldn’t the beauty of the city be equivalent to the ancient city of Loulan?
[January Plum Blossoms]: Not necessarily, the ancient city of Loulan is set by the system, while the beautiful city belongs to red makeup, red clothes and drunken beauty girls. Although they don't participate in the city battle, they can still freely design the city according to their subjective consciousness.

[April Peach Blossom]: Wait!

[April Peach Blossom]: I have something to ask.

[April Peach Blossom]: The confidante city lord just said that if a city war is really necessary, Mr. Dan Ding will be in charge of whether the confidant Qingcheng participates in the city war. What does that mean?Aren't you the city lord?
[Red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty]: The city lord can grant the authority of the deputy city lord. Mr. Tan Ding's authority is the same as mine except that he cannot transfer the position of the city lord.

[April Peach Blossom]: No, sister, you misunderstood me.I want to ask, why is it not your responsibility?What are you going to do then?
[Red makeup, red dress, drunk beauty]: Ha ha.

[Red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty]: Do what you want.

Lan Tian said something perfunctory.

About the fact that she will gradually reduce the time she plays games, she has never mentioned it to anyone.

Of course, if Li Xiaomeng was around, she would tell her, but since he got Mu Yu, this guy got tired of being with that kid every day, and he didn't have time to accompany her in the game at all.

What's more, Li Xiaomeng didn't know that Lan Tian had lost the excitement and enthusiasm she had when playing games with her.

Without Lin Feng, facing the familiar scenes and characters in the game, she will inevitably feel sad.

[One person listening to the sea]: Are you ready to retire?
Just when Lan Tian was about to exit the chat room, a message from Chen Hai popped up from the channel that had been silent for a moment.

Lan Tian consciously frowned.

After thinking for a while, he still pretended not to see anything and said "goodbye" to August Osmanthus, and then exited the speech room.

Chen Hai on the other end of the computer hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and smiled.

He was sure that Lan Tian had seen his news.

Because, he also saw her hesitation, even though separated by the screen, he was still sure.

Before she exited the chat room, his message had been sent for a while. During this period, no one else spoke, only his message was hung at the end. Since she can say goodbye to August Osmanthus in the channel, how can she say goodbye? Can't see his message?
I'm afraid...

Chen Hai let out a long and deep breath.

I'm afraid she pretended not to see it.

Does she really hate him that much?


Could it be because he resolutely left Fengyun Comeback?Or was it because he insisted on ignoring the guild's rules and asking Lin Yuechan and Fan Qingyang to join Uprising?

Is she disgusted by his ruthlessness?Or are you contemptuous of his arrogance?
Indeed, he shouldn't have asked her to let Lin Yuechan join The Comeback, and he should have said it so arrogantly and conceitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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