Chapter 502 Not Too Bad
Gang [One person listening to the sea]: Regarding this, I can't draw conclusions, but I can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with Hongyan's character. Since she agreed, she shouldn't go back on her word.

Guild [February Cherry Blossom]: Then how to explain her conversation with the black-bellied emperor Gong on the World Channel?
Gang [One person listening to the sea]: Maybe there is some misunderstanding in the middle, don't worry, wait and see.

Guild [February Cherry Blossom]: Hmph, I'm afraid that if we wait any longer, Xincheng will become a member of the Dynasty Guild.

Guild [One person listening to the sea]: If that's the case, I'll compensate for all the losses, okay?
Er Yue Sakura's aggressive attitude made Chen Hai feel a little disgusted, so the tone of what he said was not very good.

He didn't blame Eryue Yinghua for doubting Lan Tian's character. What he was disgusted with was that he had already made a promise to defend Lan Tian, ​​but he didn't expect Er Yue Yinghua to still hold on.

This is no longer as simple as distrusting Lan Tian, ​​even he doesn't trust him either.

If not, why bother to complain endlessly?
Guild [January Plum Blossoms]: There is still more than a day before the city is built. I also think we should wait and see. Beauty doesn't seem like a person who doesn't keep her word.

Guild [February Cherry Blossom]: Is your "beauty" very easy to pronounce?Do you want to be so intimate?

Guild [January Plum Blossoms]: ...

Guild [January Plum Blossom]: The main reason is that her name is too long, and it takes a long time to type if it is called the full name.

Guild [July Lotus]: Haha!

Guild [Tingchan under the Moon]: I think it's another person who falls under the skirt of a woman's pomegranate, just like listening to the sea alone.

Guild [One person listening to the sea]: ...

Guild [One person listening to the sea]: You don't even call your cousin anymore?
Guild [Tingchan under the Moon]: Who told you to lean towards the blue sky!

Gang [One person listening to the sea]: I'm just seeking truth from facts.

Guild [Tingchan under the Moon]: You are obsessed with sex!

Gang [One person listening to the sea]: You are making trouble for no reason.

Guild [Tingchan under the Moon]: You are not allowed to help her!You know that I am incompatible with her, but you still say hello to her in front of me, clearly you are bullying me!
Guild [One person listening to the sea]: ...

Gang [One person listening to the sea]: Obviously you are bullying Lan Tian.

Guild [Tingchan under the Moon]: You still say? !

Guild [Tingchan under the Moon]: Between me and her, you can only choose one!Either you quit Hundred Flowers Blooming and go back to your little lover's situation, or stay here with me honestly and completely sever ties with that blue sky!
Guild [February Cherry Blossom]: Is this the rhythm of a catastrophe?

Guild [January Plum Blossom]: I choose Lantian.

Guild [February Cherry Blossom]: Not promising.

Guild [January Plum Blossoms]: ...

Guild [July Lotus]: Sister Chan, this is the rhythm that is going to drive Brother Tinghai crazy.

Guild [February Cherry Blossom]: If he is crazy, it proves that he has a ghost in his heart. If he is frank and frank, how can he not let go of it?

Guild [One person listening to the sea]: I just like the blue sky, and I just love red makeup, red clothes and drunken beauty. What, is there a problem? !
If it is said that Chen Hai's message was mixed with displeasure, then it is definitely an undisguised hostility now.

Eryue Yinghua was choked firmly, although she was annoyed in her heart, she didn't dare to speak back.

She is not as chic and comfortable as Lan Tian in the gang.

It's true that the leader of The Return of the Wind and Cloud is Mr. Tranquility, but the little fat man has always been very measured in doing things, and he will never let Lan Tian have a bad time.

Even, there are many things that Lan Tian has the final say on.

Although Eryue Yinghua is the deputy gang leader, and has a slightly ambiguous relationship with August Osmanthus, but August Osmanthus never personally said that she likes her, she just treats her better than ordinary girls.

Therefore, facing a local tyrant who has made great contributions to the gang like Yi Ren Ting Hai, if August Osmanthus didn't accuse him of anything, she would not dare to speak casually.

 Ann, babies.

(End of this chapter)

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