Chapter 457
Everyone went ashore and submitted the task.

Lan Tian watched the question mark on the head of the Seagod's daughter turn into an exclamation mark, and after it turned into a question mark again, he hesitated.

Click to open.

So, I was stunned.

Another mission?

Team [Chapter 7 of the Night]: Is there a bug in the event? !

Team [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: Do you all have them?

Team [Agent 250]: Hmm.

Team [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: Don't worry about the reason, hurry up and continue brushing.

The five hurriedly accepted the task and dived into the seabed again.

Catch small fish again, and after submitting the task, the question mark appeared again, exactly the same as before.

The team [One person listening to the sea]: What the hell is it?

Lan Tian narrowed his eyes, looking at the mage in the silver silk blue robe at the bottom of the sea, frowning in thought.

Will it be related to him?
It stands to reason that after teaming up to spawn monsters and submitting tasks, if you want to enter another map or repeatedly enter the same map again, as long as one teammate is not in front of you, you will not be able to enter.

But this time is different.

After receiving the second fish catching mission just now, Lin Feng was still on the team list, and at the bottom of the sea, the five of them were at the NPC on the shore, but they still entered the map smoothly again.

According to the previous rules, it is completely unworkable.

They were in a hurry to catch fish to gain experience, so they forgot about Lin Feng's existence. Thinking about it now, it's really unbelievable.

Team [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: Could it be related to Qingcheng?

Team [One person listening to the sea]: What do you mean?
Team [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: He has never been out at the bottom of the sea.

They are all old players of the game, Lan Tian just clicked to wake up, and everyone immediately understood.

Team [I made the sun round]: Is it really a bug?As long as one person doesn't go out to submit the task, the rest of the teammates can earn unlimited experience?

The team [One person listening to the sea]: Try kicking out the master later?

Just as he finished speaking, a white light flashed, and the blue figure disappeared out of thin air.

The team [one person listening to the sea]: ...

The team [One person listening to the sea]: The Great God is really good for me.

Lan Tian smiled.

It must be that the Bluetooth receiver did not detect the face recognition, so it was determined that Lin Feng hung up and forced him to log off.

Team [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: I'm staying at the bottom of the sea, you go and submit the task.

Team [Agent 250]: Good.

The facts really confirmed everyone's speculation.

If you keep a teammate out of the map, you can do unlimited missions.

In fact, not only Lan Tian and the others encountered this situation, but other players also encountered it, but they were not as smart as Lan Tian and others to make bold guesses, so they just swiped a few more times.

Because once all teammates go ashore and submit the task, this BUG will disappear.

Of course, none of the players who have encountered this situation made a statement on the world channel, but just notified their friends through private chat.

After all, if this kind of thing is publicized, it will inevitably be seen by the supervisory customer service. When the system is updated, there will be no benefit, so sneakily pretend to know nothing, and quietly brush the experience.

Quickly swiping the experience with one hand, Lan Tian took the phone with the other hand and sent a text message to Lin Feng.

[Blue Sky]: Will you be here for a while?
Not sure if there is still a bug tomorrow, Lan Tian didn't want Lin Feng to miss this good opportunity, even though he knew he was at a party, so after thinking about it carefully, he still sent a message.

(End of this chapter)

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