Chapter 448 Overwhelmed

During the holidays, there are quite a lot of gang members online.

Fatty Wan Lang is actually online, and is actively organizing gang activities, and there will be a gang battle at night.

Lan Tian wasn't very interested in this anymore, so he didn't participate, just watched their passionate discussion and yelled.

Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: Do you still have time to play games? !
Just as Lan Tian wanted to reveal that it was him, another message from the little fat man popped up.

Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: Forget it, with your technical level, you can only be a helper, not much help.

Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: Boss is going crazy, right?

Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: Oh!I knew it!His character requires perfection in everything. Our Chinese special effects are not good at all, and there are not many capable people. He is not irritable, so he saw the devil!
Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: I originally planned to go abroad for further study, but now it’s fine, because he is unwilling to leave even a single step in the blue sky, how can he still study? !
Lan Tian only felt his head "buzz", and he stayed on the spot.

Fatty Wan Lang's message was still going on, she just browsed dully.

Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: Why don't you speak?
Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: Did you get caught by the boss while playing games during working hours?
Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: Haha!You are miserable now!Mess him up when he's in a bad mood, and you'll die in a rhythmic way!

Lan Tian felt his whole body was icy cold, and his ten fingers covered the keyboard stiffly.

Private chat [I'm a sissy]: He planned to leave after the next year, didn't he?
Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]:?

Private chat [Mr. Tranquility]: Don't you know about this?
Private chat [I am a sissy]: Oh, I thought the boss said something else to you again.

Lan Tian lied.

Although it's immoral to impersonate Guo Jintao to get the little fat man Wan Lang's words, but...

She has no choice.

She knew that even if she asked, those two people would not tell, and it was even more impossible for Lin Feng to tell her, and even said that he had no intention of studying abroad at all.

She knows him too well.

He must have been afraid that after he left, she would be left sad and lonely in University A, so he would rather give up the great opportunity for further studies, and guard her, protect her, and love her.

Just like when she asked him that day, which is more important, career or her, his answer was that she was more important.

Although that answer was what she wanted, but now that the choice was in front of her, she hoped that he would give up her and choose to go to the United States.

However, when she thought of breaking up with him in the next year, she was so reluctant to part with her.

She can't help but miss him for a few days, let alone a few years.

Those special effects technologies are owned by Americans, and they have never been bought with money.

When Lin Feng went there, he had to start as an apprentice and learn step by step before he could get in touch with other people's core technology. In this way, it was impossible for him to come back in a year or a half, or even in three or five years.

Can you bear the longing for such a long time?

What about Lin Feng, will he survive?

There is only one way to separate the two sides of the strait, and that is for her to go to the United States with him.

But it doesn't work that way either.

She just entered her freshman year, and the high expenses for the remaining three years were beyond their family's affordability.

Although it is true that my father is the director of the Land Bureau, he is a man of two sleeves, dedicated to the country and society, and never greedy for a penny. The salary of him and his mother is only enough to live on.

(End of this chapter)

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