Chapter 435 The battle is over
Amidst the excited shouts of the crowd, Li Ming's tall body in late autumn had slowly fallen to the ground.

I saw the woman in the picture flipped her wrist, and the staff was put into the backpack.

Standing against the wind, white clothes are better than snow, amidst lightning and thunder, peach blossoms bloom.

"Red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty wins!" The male commentator raised his arms and shouted, immediately setting the audience on fire.

The few players who had prejudice against Lan Tian at the beginning also suddenly admired the petite girl in front of them at this moment.

It seems that he is not just a vase, he can secure the position of city lord, and it is not because of his nepotism with Qingsi Qingshan Yiqingcheng, he does have his own strength.

Everyone on one side of the gymnasium was so excited beyond description, while on the other side, a young silver-haired young man kept banging his head on the LCD screen in front of him, howling uncontrollably.

"Lan Tian, ​​how could your luck be so good! If it weren't for the damned Pursue sentient beings and the fireball technique, I would be the one who had the last laugh! Evil Pursue sentient beings! Damn the fireball technique! Shameless 'Children's Heart 'ah……"

Lan Tian squinted her eyes and smiled softly: "That's because I've been with the great god for a long time, and my character has become better."

"Great God, you should marry me too!" Li Ming in late autumn suddenly raised his head and said with two innocent eyes.

Lin Feng turned a blind eye.

Tong Guiyu was not happy anymore, he pulled a lock of Late Autumn's Liming's hair, and smiled sinisterly: "Try to talk about it again?"

Lan Tian ignored their quarreling, smiled at Lin Feng, and went to the rest area.

In the second round, a certain Huahua and a certain hastily took advantage of the melee and did not obey the rules. Therefore, at the beginning of the third round, Lin Feng put them down without saying a word, and then, the nine of them started the melee.

In order to satisfy Late Autumn's Li Ming's desire to win, Tong Gui Yu Jin spared no effort to protect him with death, and insisted on protecting him until the end. Seeing this, Lin Feng didn't do anything cruel, but chose to die gracefully under Lan Tian's attack.

In the end, only the fat man was left and at the dawn of late autumn, the fat man could only pretend to twitch his hand and slapped himself to death in the sight of the same death.

Therefore, Liming in late autumn won the third round without any suspense, and raised his eyebrows at the blue sky happily.

This time, they died together but didn't say anything, Lin Feng just flicked an ice knife and looked over, so frightened that Li Ming in late autumn hurriedly retracted his head, and quickly ran away with the excuse of taking a rest.

After the game, prizes will be distributed on the spot.

All the masters who participated in the competition gave a small gift, and the winners Lan Tian, ​​Lin Feng and Late Autumn Liming had three other rewards to choose from besides the small gift.

They are a branded computer worth 3 yuan, a digital camera worth 3 yuan, or 2 yuan in cash.

Dawn in late autumn chose a digital camera, while Lan Tian and Lin Feng chose cash, and then handed over the cash to the relevant staff.

It is said that 1 yuan will be used as a reward, and it will be distributed to the players who come to the gymnasium to participate in the meeting during the event tomorrow morning, and the other 3 yuan will be distributed by mail to the players who come back.

The award presentation was originally a live broadcast, but now, everyone in the audience was even more excited, and their respect for Lin Feng and Lan Tian couldn't help but increase a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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