Chapter 325
A certain grass, who was killing happily, would not easily spare her, immediately summoned his mount and chased after her.

Lan Tian moved forward rapidly, while deftly dodging a certain hasty skill.

It's very easy for her.

There was no shortage of PK with Lin Feng when she was free, and she was very familiar with the mage's skills. Coupled with Lin Feng's usual guidance, now she can accurately judge the opponent's next move as long as the opponent raises his hand and makes a subtle movement. The skill and the location of the skill drop.

The speed of the Flying Pig was already faster than the Purple Feather Spirit Beast, so, soon, a certain grass fell a certain distance from the blue sky.

Lan Tian deliberately slowed down.

She was afraid that if she ran too fast, someone would hastily give up chasing her.

Beauty Allure finally appeared in front of her eyes.

On the thick and solid city gate, the four big characters of "Beautiful Beauty" gleaming in golden light are particularly dazzling, majestic yet reserved.

Lan Tianfei dismounted from his mount, drew out his staff, and fought again at the gate of the city with a certain grass who was chasing up.

Due to the different speeds of the mounts, the onlookers came one after another after Lan Tian had a hasty fight with a certain one.

In an instant, the gate of the city was almost completely surrounded again.

The onlookers didn't understand what the battle meant from the beginning to the end.

It stands to reason that Qingsi Qingshan Yiqingcheng couldn't be afraid of someone hasty, but what they saw with their own eyes was that Qingsi Qingshan Yiqingcheng suddenly flew away.

Maybe there is something urgent in reality.

Everyone can only guess like this.

But Lan Tian's style of play made them even more confused.

Lan Tian was not a hasty opponent, which was expected by them, but they couldn't figure out why Lan Tian would suddenly run so far to come to Hongyan Qingcheng in the middle of the fight.

At first they thought that Lan Tian's helper was here, but after a closer look, it was true that there were players who had made a comeback at the gate of the city, but none of them had the intention of helping them.

What is this ghost?

Just when everyone was racking their brains, Lan Tian's blood volume was finally about to bottom out.

Lan Tian's mood became tense.

If she couldn't be lured to kill her hastily in the city, if she moved a step slower, it is very likely that she would die here for nothing today.

Compared to Lan Tian, ​​a certain hastily breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't know why Yi Qingcheng, who was evenly matched with him, suddenly changed to Lan Tian, ​​but being able to kill one was one, and being able to kill her by one level was considered compensation for a certain Hua Hua's level.

But I didn't expect that the level of the blue sky had risen to another level after only a few dozen days.

However, fortunately, she is only a doctor after all, and no matter how improved her skills are, she cannot compare with Yi Qingcheng with blue silk and blue shirt, so a certain hastily gradually let go of her guard.

Looking at the last bit of blood remaining in Lan Tian, ​​a certain sneered lightly and snorted, and directly used the initial skill Fireball.

He had been staring at the blue sky with his fingers all the time, and at the moment when the fireball technique hit her, his feet slipped quickly, and then he took two big steps, rolled on the ground, and flashed into the city cleanly.

The fireball landed on her accurately the moment she stepped into the city gate.

Not surprisingly, Lan Tian fell to the ground.

Currently [a certain Huahua]: Since you want to escape, why don't you leave earlier?
Seeing that a certain hastily killed Lan Tian, ​​a certain Huahua was overjoyed, and arrogantly said sarcastic remarks that seemed to be concerned.

(End of this chapter)

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