Chapter 279 Two-pronged approach
Guild [Fleeing Years]: A group of villains, such cute little pigs, you are so cruel that you can kill them.

Looking down at the city, Fleeting Nian shook his head regretfully.

Just when the soldiers were blaming themselves for the behavior of Ultraman beating the little monster like himself, Lin Feng's words aroused their fighting spirit again.

Guild [Blue silk and green shirt is also alluring]: Attack with all your strength, let's knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

Everyone should understand the meaning of these words.

There are so many covetous people below, if they don't show some strength to let them see, they will think how easy it is to bully them again, and they can scare away one by one. In this case, after the system siege is over, the players will attack The number of people will not be so many.

Fleeting Years was still crying and accusing those who killed the little wild boars one second, but in the next second he worked harder than anyone else to slaughter the second wave of little monkeys.

Seeing everyone staring straight at their eyes, they secretly sighed, women are really fickle!
A total of 50 waves of monsters, the first few waves are naturally not very powerful, just as soon as they appeared, they were instantly killed and emptied by everyone, even so fast that the system had no time to recover the corpses. In the blink of an eye, the monster corpses at the base of the city wall had piled up like a mountain.

Some of the well-operated ones, and some of them are flamboyant, deliberately throwing out the range of skills to ensure that they are close to the players' bodies without killing them, so as not to arouse public outrage, saying that they kill innocent people indiscriminately.

This trick really worked, scaring some timid players to jump away.

World [Plum Blossom Five]: Friends who are watching the excitement, please stand outside, so as not to accidentally hurt you, the defense of the city is quite nervous, please forgive us.

Plum Blossom Five came out at the right time to act as a good guy.

His sincere and modest words immediately won the goodwill of many people, and he moved away from it, and some even said that it was okay, it was important for them to defend the city and kill monsters, and they would pay attention to it.

Guild [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: I don't think it's enough.

Since you want to shake the tiger, let's make some big noises.

Gang [Mr. Calm]: What good idea does my sister-in-law have?

Guild [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: Talk about money.

World [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: Resurrection is here to announce that if we succeed in defending the city, we will give each of you an extra 5 gold coins in addition to the rewards given by the system to express our gratitude for your support, thank you!However, if players who have sieged the city wait, we will not be able to issue gold coins!

As soon as Lan Tian said this, many people applauded immediately.

They were not a big gang in the first place, and they came here just to fish in troubled waters, to see if they could get some benefits. Now that they will have gold coins when they successfully defend the city, they can't help but feel a little bit excited. I see, it is indeed extraordinary, and it is not comparable to them at all.

After careful consideration, it must be that the benefits gained from giving up the siege are many.

Why not get 5 gold coins easily without fighting Fengyun again?
At the moment, many people expressed their opinions, saying that they were just watching the fun, and they had no malicious intentions to attack them, so please rest assured.

However, they were relieved and happy, but some people were upset.

The world [some grass]: A group of poor people, open their eyes to money! 5 gold coins will send you away!What a waste, a bunch of trash!
The hasty words of a certain name-calling curse naturally made the players feel uncomfortable. Many of those who planned to attack the city with him also drew a clear line with him here.

(End of this chapter)

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