Chapter 240 Provoking Discord
Private chat [Tingting Yuli]: The devil and I are in the same school, you know this, right?
Lan Tian chose to remain silent.

She had a vague premonition that Wang Yating wanted to provoke something, but she didn't intend to tell Wang Yating that she was Lan Tian.

Private chat [Tingting Yuli]: I know you are watching, I said, listen, although the words are not nice, but I am really doing it for your own good.

Private chat [Tingting Yuli]: I saw Lan Tian this morning, that is, the devil, with her, and our school's school grass, do you know who he is in the game?Hehe, even your husband with blue silk and blue shirt is also alluring.

Private chat [Tingting Yuli]: It turns out that Qingsi Qingshan Yiqingcheng and the devil are actually a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend in reality. Not only that, but according to the results I saw with my own eyes, they have already had sex.

Private chat [Tingting Yuli]: Hongzhuang, I really feel worthless and distressed for you.

Private chat [Tingting Yuli]: If I didn't regard you as a friend, I wouldn't tell you these things. Although Xuanyuan has a good impression of you, I feel a little uncomfortable with you, but I have always done things openly and honestly. One yard, the reason why I tell you this is that I don't want you to be cheated.

Lan Tian smiled.

This Wang Yating is really laid back, is she not at ease if something happens or something?

Private chat [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: I knew about this a long time ago.

Private chat [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: To use your words, one size fits all, even if Qingcheng and Devil are boyfriend and girlfriend, it still doesn't prevent me from liking him. I also like Devil, and I wish them the best.

Private chat [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: Now that you have finished speaking, please leave with peace of mind, walk slowly, and don't see you off.

Private chat [Tingting Yuli]: I didn't expect you to be so spineless!
Private chat [Tingting Yuli]: You deserve to be tricked!
Private chat [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: Thank you, I am happy.

After speaking, Lan Tian directly kicked Tingting Yuli out of the gang.

Of course, if you tell her directly that she is Lan Tian, ​​Wang Yating's face must be very bright. However, Lan Tian thinks that it is enough to do it once a day when it comes to slapping people in the face. She should continue to maintain a gentle and kind image.

After the episode, Lan Tian focused on the gang, and she didn't take Wang Yating and Xuanyuan seriously.

If these two people hadn't been pestering her all the time, she might not have remembered who they were.

For those unimportant people and things, especially enemies, she has always been very forgetful.

Guild [Red Makeup, Red Dress, Drunk Beauty]: What is your impression of Qing Cheng?
Lan Tian first threw stones to ask for directions.

Guild [Coffee Girl]: Is blue silk and blue shirt also attractive?
Gang [red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty]: Yes.

Guild [Coffee Girl]: My favorite master, none of them.

Guild [Agent 250]: I think it’s okay. I didn’t mean to speak ill of Xuanyuan after he left. I personally feel that Qingsi Qingshan Yiqingcheng is more responsible and responsible than Xuanyuan.

Gang [Six of Hearts]: Well, I agree.

Guild [Red Makeup, Red Clothes, Drunk Beauty]: Do you like the name Resurrection?
Speaking of this, how can everyone fail to guess Lan Tian's thoughts?
Guild [Swordsman]: Are you going to go to "Rise of the Wind and Cloud"?

Guild [Red makeup, red clothes, drunk beauty]: Not necessarily, it depends on your wishes, if you agree, we will all go together, if you want to stay, we will continue to guard.

Guild [Plum Blossom Five]: Alas, it’s up to you to make troubles, anyway, Dragon Inn has reached the point where it is today.

(End of this chapter)

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