The ace all-rounder is on fire

Chapter 521 The Familiar Yellow Diamond

Chapter 521 The Familiar Yellow Diamond

That big guy who mingled with everyone in the bureau with a smile on his face 365 days a year, served as a training partner for Lin Shen for 3 years, and was often beaten up by her, just left suddenly?

Lin Shen's heart seemed to be gouged out by a dagger.

Lin Shen is not a person who is good at making friends, perhaps because she was abandoned since she was a child, she is very insecure and naturally wary of people, she can't be as familiar as Fang Can, and it is difficult for others to walk into her In her heart, she rarely shows her emotions on her face.

But she is also a very emotional person, as long as she recognizes you as her friend, she will never leave you behind in wind and rain, mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Lin Shen's thoughts were chaotic, and he drove aimlessly, tears flowing silently.

Not long ago, Da Jiang pretended to be a horse boy and followed her to the mountain village to perform tasks, and came forward to drive away the troublesome village rogues.

Up to now, Lin Shen still has the photos he took that day in his mobile phone.

The off-road vehicle was parked by the river, and Lin Shen was sitting on the reef by the river, silently watching the Lanqing River flowing eastward silently under the night.

"Da Jiang blocked a shot for Comrade...the bullet...was shot from his throat..."

Old Xu's words echoed in his mind over and over again, tormenting Lin Shen's soul.

"My name is Jiang Zhengyang, and they all call me Da Jiang. Little girl, I heard that you are very good at fighting. The leader asked me to be your training partner. I don't want to bully people, especially girls. I will fight with you with one hand. If you lose, you will not be allowed to fight." cry."

"Hey, I didn't see it! The little girl is pretty good at playing movies!"

"This round doesn't count. From now on, I will use two hands. If you can still beat me like you did just now..."

"Agent Lin...I surrender...I surrender! I'm about to be strangled to death by you!"

"Lin Shen, thank you for helping my sister find the best mentor. Our family would like to treat you to dinner..."

"Boss Lin, this jar is good for holding kimchi. Take a picture of me with your mobile phone, and remember to turn on the beauty face!"

Lin Shen never imagined that the operation in the mountain village that day would be the last cooperation between them.

That joke also became the last dialogue between them.

——Comrades, from the moment you stand in front of the battle flag and make a solemn oath, you have become a glorious GHG agent.

You are hunters lurking in the dark, you are warriors walking on the blade.

You will face the test of life and death anytime and anywhere, no matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead is, no matter how powerful the enemy is, please remember your mission and responsibility.

The blood in the chest is burning, and the blade will always move forward!
This is the tradition of Bureau 7. Every time a newcomer passes the test through layers of selection and joins the ranks of agents, the seniors in the bureau will say such words at the oath meeting.

Lin Shen clearly remembered that Da Jiang was officially promoted to an agent a week before he carried out the arrest operation in England with her.

When they met, Da Jiang was very happy, saying that he thought he could only be a training partner for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect to be able to wear a police uniform and become an agent.He said that he must be worthy of the police uniform and the badge on the big-brimmed hat.

He also said that in the future, if his girlfriend knows that her boyfriend is a secret agent, she will definitely feel unspeakable pride.

But this 26-year-old boy has never been in a relationship so far.

Today, only 41 days have passed since the day he officially became an agent.

Lin Shen took out her mobile phone and found the last photo she took of Da Jiang. Da Jiang was heartlessly happy holding the cultural relics jar, smiling like a 200-jin fool.

Lin Shen zoomed in on the photo, looked at it carefully, and tears fell on the phone screen...

Lin Shen flew to Yanjing on the second night.

Jiang Zhengyang was awarded the title of martyr and buried in Babaoshan Martyrs Cemetery.

On the day of bidding farewell to Jiang's body, Lin Shen changed into a police uniform and went to the Martyrs Cemetery with comrades from the bureau.

In the parking lot outside the cemetery, a middle-aged man with a thin figure and sunglasses was manipulating a laptop with a cigarette in his mouth.

Judging from the picture on the screen, he hacked into the surveillance of the cemetery. Under the control of his mouse, the high-definition surveillance camera of the cemetery can freely change the angle, position and zoom in...

The image of Lin Shen wearing a police uniform and raising his right hand in salute was frozen on his computer screen.

"Hmph, Lin Shen... Agent No. 7 of the 13th bureau, we should settle the account two years ago."

The man drew a blood-red ╳ on Lin Shen's face with a paintbrush, and the corners of his dark red lips curled up evilly with squinted eyes...

The day when Lin Shen came to Yan's house for consultation for the second time was a bit hot.

Yan Xiong just woke up from his lunch break, feeling quite refreshed.

The room on the first floor of the villa faces the sun.When Yan Wanjin accompanied Lin Shen in, Yan Xiong was sitting by the bed, drinking tea.

"Dr. Xiaolin is here? tea to Doctor Xiaolin."

Yan Xiong greeted him with a smile, feeling much warmer than last time.

Yan Wanjin also repeatedly praised Lin Shen's superb medical skills, and the results were immediate.

Lin Shen nodded politely, "How do you feel these past two days?"

"I feel much more energetic than before, and I haven't been sick all this time. It's the rejuvenation of He Guoyi's master student... That set of acupuncture is really effective."

"The prescriptions in "The Record of Acupuncture at the Gate of Ghosts" left by my master are specifically for the aversion to cold."

Yan Xiong nodded, and his eyes fell on the needle case in Lin Shen's hand. The needle case was 1 meter long, and he had seen it more than [-] years ago.

"This box... I've seen it before. It was passed to you by He Guoyi, right?"

"You have a good memory."

"There are a few silver needles that are more than two feet long. The long needles used by Dr. He used to lift my stomach and cured my gastroptosis. I am deeply impressed..."

The old man sighed.

Lin Shen didn't know about the master's treatment of Yan Xiong. He Lantai saved countless lives in her life, and she probably didn't even remember it.

Lin Shen put the needle case on the sandalwood table next to it, and the nanny brought a cup of tea.

Lin Shen asked some specific details about Yan Xiong's illness.

During the conversation, Lin Shen's eyes fell on the mat under Yan Xiong inadvertently.

Lin deeply recognizes that mat, an ivory mat made by the emperor during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty.

At last year's Longlide Autumn Auction, Midaiko Takato bought this ivory mat at a sky-high price of ¥1 million, and now it is spread under Yanxiong's body.


After the small talk, therapy begins.

Lin Shen told Yan Xiong that his old illness was stubborn and cold, and today's leg treatment should be supplemented with warm moxibustion.That is to add moxa to the handle of the silver needle. Moxibustion and acupuncture are carried out at the same time, and there are two acupoints on the legs that need to be pricked with 7-inch long needles. I hope Yan Xiong will not be nervous.

Yan Xiong told her that Dr. He Guo treated him in the same way when he was still alive. He was completely at ease and asked Lin Shen to treat him with peace of mind.

During the second group of acupuncture, Yan Wanjin's little granddaughter ran in.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Why do you have so many needles on your body? It's like a you hurt?"

The 4-year-old girl said childishly.

"Yunyun comes to grandpa, don't disturb grandpa's medical treatment."

The little girl was curious and refused to leave, "Grandpa, the needle must be very painful, I'll help you pull out the needle." Saying that, she was about to pull out the needle on Yan Xiong's body.

Yan Wanjin quickly picked up his granddaughter. The little girl twisted her body, and the small stones in her hand fell to the floor and rolled to Lin Shen's feet.

The golden piece is crystal clear, and the sunlight coming in from the window shines on it, dazzling.

Yan Wanjin couldn't move, Lin Shen bent down and picked up the stone.A yellow diamond the size of a pea looks like an unpolished rough, with excellent color and heavy in the hand.

Lin Shen had seen the shape of this diamond in the photos left by his grandfather. During the trip to South Africa, the reason why Lin Shen and Qin Xiaoran went deep into the Welling Mara Canyon to find diamond veins was because of the few diamonds left behind by his grandfather.One of the yellow diamonds is only photographed, not the real thing.

Now that she has seen the real thing, it has become the plaything of the little princess of the Yan family.

"Old Yan, please keep it." Lin Shen calmly handed the diamond to Yan Wanjin.

Yan Wanjin glanced at his granddaughter who was still struggling in his arms, frowned and said, "Yunyun, grandpa told you that diamonds can't be played with, as it would be dangerous if you put them in your mouth!"

"This is beautiful, Grandpa, look, this is shiny..." The little girl coquettishly held up the diamond to Yan Wanjin.

Yan Wanjin carried his granddaughter out of Yan Xiong's bedroom, and told the nanny to take good care of the child.

Lin Shen looked at Yan Xiong who was healing quietly with his eyes closed on the bed...

Yan Xiong turned a deaf ear to the small episodes happening around him, without even raising his eyelids, he lay quietly on the bed, it seemed that these daily trivial matters around him could not stir up any waves in his heart.

Lin Shen's eyes gradually dimmed...

The missing one among the diamonds left by grandpa became the property of Yan's family. Whether it was stolen or given to Zhou Jie by grandpa back then, no one knew the answer unless the person concerned himself said it.

The three black hands behind the A·103 case were Zhou Jie, Yan Xiong, and Takato Yunao.

Takato is dead.

Where has Zhou Jie been in the past 30 years?Whether it's life or death... only Yan Xiong who is lying on the bed can make it clear.

When injecting Yan Xiong's legs and soles, the nanny came over and took off Yan Xiong's socks.

The moment the needle was dropped, Lin Shen was stunned, and the hand holding the silver needle trembled slightly.

Lin Shen quickly squeezed the silver needle tightly to cover up his gaffe.

Yan Xiong has 6 toes on his left foot.

Zhou Jie's left foot has 6 toes, and Yan Xiong's left foot also has 6 toes.

The couple have 6 toes on their left feet?
Is it possible that these two searched for objects according to the standard of the 6 toes of the left foot?

The probability of such a coincidence is extremely rare, right?
Lin Shen was stunned for half a minute.

That afternoon, when Lin Shen left Yan's house, he kept thinking about it.

When going out, there happened to be a visitor from Yan's house, Yan Wanjin smiled and motioned for him to wait for him in the living room, and sent Lin Shen out by himself.

When the middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and a mask entered the door, he stopped and looked back at Lin Shen, his gaze paused for a while.

Lin Shen had something on his mind and didn't pay much attention to it.

After seeing Lin Shen off, Yan Wanjin and the visiting middle-aged man entered Yan Xiong's bedroom in the villa.

"I'll come and see godfather."

The man took off his sunglasses and mask, tore off the fake beard pasted on his face, and saluted Yan Xiong on the bed.

"Son, it's good that you come back."

Yan Xiong hunched over and sat cross-legged on the bed, a kindness appeared in his eyes.

The two sat down, Yan Wanjin said, "Qinglang, are you safe this time?"

"Brother, don't worry. The police can't help me with their abilities."

This man is the murderer who killed agent Jiang Zhengyang, Qinglang who escaped from the Northwest Prison, a killer trained by Yan Xiong.

"What are your plans for the future?"

"I'm going back to Southeast Asia. Before I leave, I'll see you and my godfather. I still have some things to deal with before I leave."

"I'll get you some money, and you can live a good life over there."

"Brother, my godfather gave me my life. Once I leave this time, I don't know when I will come back. I have something to ask you temporarily."

"you say……"

"That's the little girl you sent away... who is she?"

"She..." Yan Wanjin raised his eyelids and glanced at Yan Xiong who was sitting by the bed.

"A child adopted by an old man, a closed disciple of He Lantai, a great national doctor, who is quite accomplished in acupuncture and moxibustion. Now he has opened a porcelain shop in Yundu. Your brother invited her to treat my illness."

Yan Xiong's hoarse voice summed it up in one sentence.

"The old man adopted... the child?"

Qinglang half-closed his eyes, frowned, and tapped lightly with his left hand on the mahogany coffee table beside him...

Yan Wanjin saw his uncertain face, took a sip of tea, and said casually, "What are you thinking?"

Qinglang was silent for a while, then smiled casually: "I don't know if she is a doctor, but I can be sure...she is not a child."

Yan Wanjin was slightly astonished, and put down his teacup, "Brother, there is something in your might as well just say it if you have something to say, have you met her?"

Qinglang took out his mobile phone and clicked on the photo album, "Brother, two days ago, I had a conflict with the police who were chasing me in Beijing, and I killed an agent. On the day that agent was buried, I hacked into the Babaoshan The monitoring system took a few photos in the cemetery, which is very can take a look with your godfather."

Yan Wanjin took the phone and sat beside his father.

"You took this picture at Babao Mountain?"

"Yes, you flip back."

"There's also a policewoman here, she's quite pretty and has a good figure, en? She's Lin Shen!!!"

"To be precise, she is an agent of the Secret Service. She was the one who killed my boss and caught me in the Golden Triangle two years ago."

On the way back in the car, Lin Shen called Yan Zihan's mother, Zeng Qiuni.

"Hello, Aunt Zeng!"

"Hello, Kobayashi! What are you up to?"

"I'm driving, Auntie. I have something I want to consult with Grandpa Yan. Is it convenient for him?"

"Convenient, convenient, he is basking in the sun in the yard. Just wait a moment."

After a while, Yan Qiusheng's hearty laughter came from the phone.

"Miss Xiaolin, hello! What can you do with me?"

"Hi, grandpa! I suddenly want to ask you something... about Yan Xiong."

"About the tell me."

"Does Yan Xiong have 6 toes on his left foot?"

"Ah?" The voice of the old man Yan Qiusheng was stunned, "How is it possible, he is just like a normal person! There are only ten toes, one is not more and the other is not."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure... we two grew up together. When we were young, we often went to the river with bare buttocks to take a bath. I don't know how much hair he has grown. I know exactly how many toes he has grown. That guy He wears size 45 shoes, and the supply and marketing cooperatives in the village can't buy him a suitable size, so he has to go to the city to buy them..."


The number of toes is wrong, and the size of the feet is not right!

Can Yan Xiong's dry feet be 45?
(End of this chapter)

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