Reborn Totalitarian Queen

Chapter 712 Yin Zhan will be responsible for everything she does!

Chapter 712 Yin Zhan will be responsible for everything she does! (4)
Originally, even if Concubine Chun hadn't died, with Song Chuxi as a person, she would have to settle the score with her, which would save her trouble.She originally thought it was Yin Shao who did it, but at that time Yin Shao was in Prince Chen's mansion, and he was as delirious as she was. He didn't wake up until the next morning, so it was impossible for him to do it. Yin Zhan was discovered.

After all, before she married into the East Palace, she and Yin Zhan had a friendship, and it wasn't surprising that he would make a move, so even though they didn't mention it to each other afterwards, they reached a tacit understanding .

Yin Shu is now suspicious of Concubine Chun's death, and after careful investigation, there will be a day when the truth will be found out, and then the thing between him and Yin Zhan will be the revenge of killing his mother.

But this enmity was caused by her.

The Concubine Chun deserves more than a death sentence. She Song Chuxi has clear grievances and grievances. Although she will not anger Yin Shu for this, Yin Zhan is the one who killed for her. Whether it is out of selfishness or reason, she will definitely stand on On Yin Zhan's side——

Although Yin Zhan did that matter, she will be responsible to the end, there is no reason to stand by and do nothing.

This past event has also passed for many years, and speaking of it, it is another bad debt that cannot be calculated.

Song Chuxi squeezed the letter paper in his hand and smiled wryly, then went to the corner to light a palace lantern, and burned the letter paper to ashes by the candlelight.

Yin Shu set off to return to the capital in mid-April, Duanmuqi was not embarrassed but did not show up, Song Chuxi personally went to the city gate to see him off.

In this season, the fields outside are green with warblers flying and grasses growing, which makes people feel refreshed at first glance.

"The weather during this period is good, but after leaving the border of Nantang, it will be rainy this season on Jiangnan Road, so please be careful." Song Chuxi said, and reminded him by the way.

Yin Shu frowned and looked at her, wondering if he heard her words, he was silent for a while before he pursed his lips and said, "Will you go to the celebration at the end of the year?"

Song Chuxi didn't expect him to ask this, raised his eyebrows slightly and gave him a questioning look, "Why?"

"I just want to know, what do you mean by what you said to me last time? Are you going to form an alliance with me or make a deal?" Yin Shu said, his face flushed slightly from being suppressed, and his tone became inexplicably irritable and urgent.

After all, he is not a person who is naturally good at calculating like Duanmuqi, who has always lived in conspiracy and tricks. Looking back, he just thinks about what Song Chuxi said to him that day, and he feels very depressed.

Alliance or deal?
She, Song Chuxi, has no penchant for defrauding her allies, nor does she want to betray and stab her, but when it comes to making a deal——

The benefits she can get from Yin Shu have already been obtained, and the rest are just favors.

It doesn't make any sense for her to continue discussing this matter, but it is obvious that Yin Shu is serious.

"None." Song Chuxi said, with a casual smile on his lips, "I just think you helped me so much before, and I should do something for you, since you don't need it now. , let’s talk about it then.”

Hearing this, Yin Shu frowned even tighter.

Seeing that the sun had risen, Song Chuxi looked back, "It's getting late, you go, I still have things to do in my house, I have to go back in a while."

Yin Shu didn't move, but he fixed his eyes on her, with a serious expression on his face that made people have to pay attention.

Song Chuxi gave a questioning look, "Is there anything else?"

"Actually, you planned it from the very beginning, right?" Yin Shu asked suddenly, he was quite indignant at what seemed to be a random remark.

Song Chuxi didn't understand why, the curvature of the corners of her lips stiffened slightly.

As soon as Yin Shu raised his hand, He Xu led his followers back away for a while.

After the scene was cleared, it seemed that the surrounding air became much colder. Song Chuxi looked around uncomfortably, but then Yin Shu suddenly took a step forward and stood directly in front of her.

Although the two of them were the same age, and Song Chuxi's stature was not short among girls of the same age, they were still half a head lower than him, so she had to look up to see his face.

"From the very beginning, you planned to use my hand and identity as a cover to help you take down Song Chengze and take down the military power in the fortress. I don't know what's going on between you and Duanmuqi now. , but it is obvious that you want to use me to give yourself another retreat. On the court side, my father and prince obviously cannot give up the plan to conquer Nantang, or you have to fight with the Duanmu family Lian Cheng came to defend Nantang with all his strength, or—if I am the person in charge in the future, you probably don’t mind, right? What you want to target now is the person who has had conflicts with you and prevented you from being in charge, and Not because of Baonantang. Ah Chu, I haven’t known you for a day or two, if you really have such a profound sense of righteousness, then no matter what happened before, you shouldn’t turn against Duanmuqi.” Yin Yin Shu said, looking at the bright face of the girl in front of him with a complicated expression.

"I'm nothing more than a woman with no ambitions. Why should I take the rise and fall of the entire Nantang as my responsibility and force it on my head?" Song Chuxi smiled.

She did have such a plan, she hated the emperor and Yin Shao, but she also knew very well that it would be impossible for her alone to overthrow the Beidi dynasty that had been ruled by the Yin family for hundreds of years. Just talking nonsense.

If the country changes hands, the whole world will be in turmoil, and the people will be displaced. I don't know how many years it will take to stabilize again.

Although she is selfish, will she destroy the world for her own selfishness?Such a thing, if you ask yourself, she can't do it.

So the best way is to step down all those in the royal family who have hatred against her, and then change to a higher position who has no hatred against her.

And this Yin Shu who came to his door was the best choice.

The main thing is-

Because of Concubine Chun's death, Yin Shu himself had resentment towards the emperor.

It is most suitable for her to have such a person in the position.

"Yin Shu, from the beginning to the end, I just wanted to protect myself." Song Chuxi said, and then followed the conversation, and the corners of his lips curved into a smile again, "And you are not at a disadvantage, are you? ?”

Yin Shu was taken aback.

He asked just now, asking if she already knew that he secretly had a hole card, but she missed it just because of a moment of excitement.

Song Chuxi looked at him frankly, "Since you have such a plan in the first place, in fact, I don't think I'm unilaterally calculating you. Our cooperation is only for mutual benefit and everyone gets what they need. Since everyone It’s profitable, so why not do it?”

(End of this chapter)

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