Me and the male lead group CP

Chapter 797 Mrs. Lu is a magic stick 41

Chapter 797 Mrs. Lu is a magic stick 41
Mu Weiwei only glanced at Lu Xing when he entered the private room, and Mu Weiwei didn't look at Lu Xing the rest of the time.

"I don't hate it. What right do I have to hate the Lu family? It's just that I can't climb up to the Lu family. In my eyes, you are superior and untouchable."

"Still talking angry." The more Lu Xingyue said this, the angrier Mu Weiwei became.

"What are angry words? Could it be that I, Mu Weiwei, have to be controlled by you even for my own thoughts and right to speak? I am not worthy of you, Lu Xing. After all, you are the son of heaven, but that is already my past, you guys What else do you want? I've been away for three years, isn't that enough?"

"This is my hometown, do you want me to never show up for the rest of my life?"

Seeing Mu Weiwei so angry, Lu Xing was shocked, but he didn't say anything.

He didn't expect that Mu Weiwei's resentment was so deep.

"Lu Xing, why are you looking for me? I don't want others to affect my appetite. After all, these are my own money. I must respect my self-supporting life."

"Weiwei, can we have a peaceful talk?" Lu Xing was very helpless, he really couldn't say a harsh word to Mu Weiwei, he couldn't reprimand him!
"Calm? In the eyes of Young Master Lu, isn't I, a little guy, not calm now?"

Lu Xing was silent for a while, "Let's eat first."

As he spoke, he picked up a pair of chopsticks, and picked up the dish that Mu Weiwei ate just now.

Mu Weiwei was stunned, why didn't this Lu Xing follow the routine?

This is... so shameless?
Mu Weiwei put down her chopsticks angrily, "This is my meal, I didn't treat you to it!"

"Then I treat you to eat, how about it?"

Mu Weiwei sat there, thinking for a long time, "Then give me the cash, 50."

With a meal of 50 yuan, Mu Weiwei also wanted Lu Xing to quit.

But who would have thought, Lu Xing did not refute at all, a neat and good word.

"Give me your bank card number, I'll have someone transfer it in now."

Mu Weiwei took out a card and placed it in front of Lu Xing.

Lu Xing glanced at it, then picked up his phone, edited a message and sent it.

"I'll eat after the money arrives." Lu Xing looked at Mu Weiwei flatteringly, with a smile on his face.

Money arrives fast!

After 5 minutes of making up the knife, Mu Weiwei received a message from the bank.

50 has arrived!
As expected, it wasn't much, Mu Weiwei gritted her teeth!
Lu Xing picked up his chopsticks with a smile, "Shall we eat together now?"

Mu Weiwei raised her head, her voice was flat, "I don't think these dishes are enough, so I need to order some more."

Before Mu Weiwei rang the bell, Lu Xing had already rang it, and the waiter walked in immediately.

Mu Weiwei looked at the menu and ordered more than [-] dishes in a hurry!

If all these dishes are served, the table will definitely not fit, and there are already more than a dozen of them!

Mu Weiwei handed the menu to the waiter. The waiter felt different, but the better service quality made her go out, and she was shocked.

Rich people are luxury!
Lu Xing didn't seem to care at all.

Mu Weiwei had no choice but to say, "I took a look just now and ordered the most expensive king crab, Australian lobster, and a kind of fish that I haven't eaten before. It is said that where is it airlifted to keep it fresh? It costs 10,000+ per catty." .”

"So this meal will cost about 60 to [-] yuan!" Mu Weiwei said without blushing.

Lu Xing smiled, "It's okay, as long as you like it."

In fact, this meal is actually only [-] to [-]!

Mu Weiwei has earned hundreds of thousands, but she still feels unhappy!
(End of this chapter)

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