Knock down the monster with one punch

Chapter 486 Scoom was beaten dumbfounded

Chapter 486 Scoom was beaten dumbfounded
"Master Du! Ah Lei pulled the airdrop away!" Miss Qianyi yelled as her excited legs rubbed against each other crazily and trembled!

"I buy Karma! The airdrop went with the hunter! They left together!" The European and American commentators were incoherent. He couldn't imagine that the material that appeared in the game's funny video would actually appear in a world-class game with increased difficulty. In the invitational game!
"The magical god of war is still incredible as always! He is like the hero who came out of the comics, full of magical magic! Wow~ does he have the magic card of Cardcaptor Sakura? Or Doraemon A dream pocket? Or is it Conan’s genius mind who has perfect control over the details?” The Japanese commentator’s chuunibha has completely committed,
"Is the coach there? I also want to learn how to eat chicken!"

"I'm going to learn the hunter type, and I want the same style!"

Reflecting the exclamation in the competition venue, Liu Lei on the big screen supported the speedboat and drove away.A bunch of red signal smoke hangs like a long tail at the stern of the ship, as if to show off, but everyone has nothing to do with him.


The speedboat rides the wind and waves, and gallops forward!In front, the three of Gao Dewei opened the way, spared a certain distance and then plunged ashore!

"Look, what's in the airdrop box?"

Human beings are always full of curiosity about unknown affairs, just like men are always interested in other people's wives, this is due to nature.

After Zhu Tou couldn't wait to seal off the smoke, Pidianpidianer rushed over.

"Fuck! It's AWM!"

"There is also a third-level first-level third-level armor, an eight-fold mirror!"

"MMP! This is a full score airdrop!"

"I got it from the airdrop, I'll earn it with blood!"

It's still early game!

When the AWM with every second of every day and every second of air appears in the hands of Liu Lei, how beautiful is that picture?

Gao Dewei was so happy that he almost cried, being able to lean on the chest muscles of a big guy with a super fierce gun, wow~ so hi!Just thinking about it makes me almost unbearable!

"Come on, come on, make sure you get the third-level armor!"

"I'll get the head, scope and gun."

"By the way, the quadruple lens is for you to use!"

Liu Lei was also overjoyed when he heard the words, and happily replaced AWM.


The crisp sound of reloading seems so sweet.

With 20 rounds of Maglan bullets, how many heads would be smashed into pieces in the smoke?

Liu Lei suddenly became excited and raised his eyes!


"Put in!"

"Let's do something!"


A safe landing is a good sign, which means that there are no teams nearby for the time being.For 4am, which currently has no vehicles, it is tantamount to great news.

The four-person formation is divided into two groups, the eye-catching group and the isolated group, with Gao Dewei paired with Liu Lei.The distance between each other is always kept within the range that can be supported at any time, and they advance slowly.

"Don't go into the urban area yet! We don't know the information about the surrounding area. Going to the urban area is no different from binding yourself in a cage."

Liu Lei cut out the map,

"Did you see the positions of these two toilets! Let's occupy one on each side!"

"But well~~"

Suddenly elongated the tone,
"Hey, eye-catching, you go in alone!"

"Pig head, you too!"

"Lonely! Look at me!"

Liu Lei shrugged his nose, raised the corners of his mouth,

"Hey hey, watch it carefully, study hard!"

"How do I do, how do you learn!"

Before the voice fell, trot all the way!
He ran straight to Gao Dewei's closet to the toilet door and lay down on the ground in a tuft of grass, raised the muzzle and aimed at the toilet door!
"Pig head, after a while when you find someone, you are allowed to make noise!"

"Once they find you, they can make a big noise!"

"And when they have the intention of rushing to anal you... damn it, dance for me! You can dance as the wild boar is in heat! Like Grandpa Lu before he was banned!"

"The more you dance, the more hidden I will be!"

"Do you understand me?"

"Hahaha! You bastard, you really have a bad heart!" Gao Dewei nodded excitedly, "Understood! How could you not understand?"

"What about you, Gucun?"

"I understand too!"

"OK! Then hurry up and act!"

"Our location is a proper transportation fortress! If you swipe the circle, the team in the city will come out! If you swipe the circle, the team from the wild area will be transferred!"

"It's just that the position is not good and difficult to attack and defend, so no one came to occupy it!"

"Just so we're going fishing!"

As Liu Lei spoke, his mentality became more and more self-indulgent, and even brought a hint of optimism and entertainment from the rank game.Invisibly, it affected the other three people, making most of the pressure from being chased by Li Kui and Li Zi disappear.
"Come on, buddies! Let's make trouble and relax!"

"Be optimistic! Be optimistic! Or fucking, be fucking optimistic!"

"Forget about eating chicken, let's talk about it after we're done!"

While smiling, he winked at Gao Dewei and Eye-catching,
"It's time to show off your acting skills! You two bastards are masturbating and masturbating. Our jungler is here to gank, so the seduction doesn't know?"

"Don't worry! Look at me!" Gao Dewei was full of confidence and patted his chest!The two pieces of pork belly rippled instantly.

"Look at you!" Eye-catching and proud, pouted, with the same tone of determination!

"OK! Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!" Liu Lei focused his eyes on the computer screen again, and heard the faint roar of the vehicle engine, which became more and more clear!
"No~ I'll leave the stage to you!"

"Please start your performance!"


Li Kui's team is in a bad state right now!

very bad!

Like a menopausal aunt, suddenly came the aunt!Adding the two together, the mentality is evident!
The voice channel of the team was also much more silent, filled with a depressing atmosphere.

From the high-spirited yesterday, from the rhetoric in the interview booth, to now it has fallen from the top position to the top of the list.The world is changing too fast, and I can't accept it for a while!

And in the last round, after Tianxiu commanded the team to destroy Gao Dewei and the three guarding the bridge without damage, the flag that snarled out of his mouth was still in his ears:

"Hunter! You are a lone wolf again!"

"Sorry, I did it!"

"Come on! How about showing me how a lone wolf eats chicken?"

"Hey, I'm waiting for you!"

emm... Poisonous milk came true!
Today, scooms fear more than being dominated by mysterious occult powers!More importantly, the morale of Li Kui's team was finally boosted in the last game, and they wanted to regain the confidence to regain the top spot, but in the end they were directly beaten to death!
The breath I held back is gone!
Scoom had no idea how to respond, how to heal the team, including his own mentality.

At the moment, they can only implement conventional tactics according to habit like a marionette.Even if the team in this game gets a perfect first lap shape, it has the first initiative.But the team just yelled a few words as if going through the motions, celebrated for a while, and quickly returned to depression.

"The second safe zone has been cleared. The concentric circles are still a yin and yang circle, and the water area accounts for half of it." Jeemzz said in a flat tone,

"Captain, where are you going?"

"Emm...then go to this high point on the hillside!" Scoom quickly marked it after hearing this, and the long-term daily training allowed him to easily find a position that fits his own tactical style without thinking too much.

"What about these two toilets? Do you want to occupy them?" jeemzz pointed to the computer screen,
"Yes! Two people can be divided, one person occupies one, and the remaining two people guard the high slope point. Play 2, 1, 1 small division tactics."

"Then let's go! I've seen it. This high slope is temporarily deserted. We have to hurry over."

"OK, all right."

After the voice fell, the convoy set off immediately.The four first gathered at the high slope point, planning to check the surrounding information clearly before dividing the troops.

"Wait! There are people in this toilet, I saw a human head just flashed down!"

"There are people in the other toilet too! I saw it too!"

The information that was suddenly collected broke the depressed mood of Li Kui's team.

Sure enough, for a tiger, no matter how depressed it is, blood is always the best stimulus!

Scoom's emotions also became excited,

"Quick, quick, continue to investigate!"

"Is it full formation?"

"How many people are in these two toilets?"

"What is the distribution of personnel?"

As the captain, Scoom is very sensitive to changes in the team's momentum, and is also very good at making corresponding adjustments.

But now, the opportunity to adjust their mentality is in front of them!

One word: kill!

Two words: See blood!

A complete sentence: to be hearty, but also unscathed!
"Okay! I'll change the observation position now!"

"Understood! No problem!"

In the team voice channel, the long-awaited excited voice finally sounded!


"Acting skills! Acting skills!"

"Play it all for me!"

On the other side, Liu Lei yelled in the team voice channel!

Although I and Gucun are now in the state of Voldemort, it is very unlikely that I can completely escape the search of a professional player!
Therefore, whether Gao Dewei and Xingming can attract the enemy's attention to the greatest extent is the best security guarantee for Liu Lei and Gucun!At the same time, the acting skills should not be exaggerated, otherwise the fish will not be hooked!

And Gao Dewei and Eye-catching did not disappoint Liu Lei, they performed well at the old drama level, and their acting skills were simply explosive!
First up is "Panic!":
Panicked to find that a team had shifted, and the angle of view was facing their own direction!So I couldn't help but move a few times to observe a wave of movement.

And then "Calm down!":
Immediately retract your head, and you will no longer show your body even if you are killed!A posture of "you didn't see me", "you can't see me now", "I'm really not panicked at all".

Finally, "uneasy":
After realizing that the enemy locked his eyes here and began to collect information around the viewing angle, he finally "couldn't help it" suddenly got up and raised his gun, and launched an attack through the small window of the toilet!From time to time, he retracted again, switched to another gun and then stood up to attack, as if there were two people in each toilet!

A look of "I'm super fierce!", "I'm full of formation!", "Don't mess with me!", without saying anything, but gave everything he wanted to say to the bottom of the sky!
"There is only one person in the toilet on my side, I confirm!" Jeemzz's excitement was beyond words!
"I also confirm! There is only one person in the other toilet!" The teammate's information was reported immediately!

"Hahaha, these two guys are pretending!"


"Hahaha, these two guys are panicking!"

"The panicked group!"

"Confirm it again!" Scoom suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and always upheld the basic qualities and requirements of being a captain and a conductor.


"Me too!"

"Then... let's kill them!"

Finally, scoom could no longer suppress the bloodthirsty instinct, showing fierce eyes!
He needs blood, and Li Kui's team also needs blood!

Only with more blood can the bloodliness of the team be aroused again, and the aura of being cut by Liu Lei can be brought back to the peak as much as possible!

The bloodiness stimulates the secretion of adrenaline, and the momentum stimulates the activity of the cerebral cortex!The combination of the two can create a great fiery feel and a germination state.

The so-called fiercer and fiercer is exactly the truth!
Speaking of which, the conditioned reflex cultivated by long-term training made Scoom habitually raise the muzzle of the gun before taking action, turn on the magnifying glass, and patrol the surrounding area for a week to see if there are other enemies!Especially if there are any teammates of these two squatting men!

It's just that Gao Dewei and his eye-catching seduction attracted too much attention from Scoom, so that it was dark under the lights, and he didn't care about the toilet at all, and he didn't check the grass where Liu Lei and the lonely "Voldemort" lived.

"Don't look! It's true that no one is there!" jeemzz put away the magnifying glass field of view, laughed and teased Scoom Yiku,
"This is very likely to be a two-person disabled team! Even if it is not, their teammates must not be nearby!"

Two people left?

Jeemzz's words made Scoom frowned, and recalled all the knockdown and kill reminders that floated in the upper right corner of the screen in this game!

Because it was not long after the second safe zone was refreshed, the number of knockdown and kill prompts did not appear many times, so Scoom basically knew it well!

"Could it be...GOL?"

"The GOL team that ranks last in total points and is rated as a travel purchasing team by their own media people, and even they themselves think so?"

Thinking of this, Scoom's eyes lit up!
"That's right, it should be right!"

"So far, there have been four kill prompts in total! Among them, only the GOL team has appeared twice!"

"Hahaha! Nine out of ten are them!" jeemzz laughed loudly,

"Think about it, would a normal team choose these two toilets to be stationed? Then the cliff is disabled, the mentality is frightened, and the team that was driven away and fled here in a hurry will make such a choice!"

The more jeemzz talks, the more reasonable he feels, and the more he talks, the more confident he feels!Sherlock Holmes is alive, and the famous detective Conan is possessed!The invisible brain supplement is the deadliest!
"Captain, what are you waiting for!"

"Duck rush!"

"Come on!!!" Scoom gritted his teeth, and after confirming that it was the rotten fish and rotten shrimp GOL, he didn't bother to make arrangements every step of the way, and just arranged together!
"Divide the troops in twos, and each is in charge of a toilet!"

"Duck rush!!!"

Charge up!

The roar of the vehicle engine roared wildly!

The two teams slammed on the brakes in front of the toilet door, and immediately jumped down with guns!

"Duck rush!!!"

Scoom leads the charge!Just push open the toilet door!


Out of vision!
The top right corner of the computer screen!
"Faze_mxey knocked out GOL_xiaojue with an AKM headshot."

"Faze_Fuzzface kills GOL_tovelo with an M416 headshot."

"Faze_mxey finally killed GOL_xiaojue."

Three consecutive knockdown and kill notifications floated up, and Scoom was taken aback!
etc! GOL's two-person remnant team was killed?eliminated?

Bridge Bean Sacks!I haven't entered the toilet yet!
Fuck!Why did the bastards kill them?


The toilet door suddenly opened automatically!
Scoom's thinking was interrupted in an instant, and the muzzle of a black hole appeared in front of his eyes!

Before he had time to think, the scoom raised his gun like a conditioned reflex and was about to shoot!
"Bang bang bang!"


Fuck!I haven't shot yet!

etc!This is not the sound of an AKM gun in my hand!

Bridge Bean Sacks!Why can't the bullet go out?Why is the blood bar empty?collapsed!In a box!

Turning his head, his teammates' screens were exactly the same!
Scoom is completely dumbfounded!

(End of this chapter)

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