human ice maker

Chapter 377 Fate and Darkness

Chapter 377 Fate and Darkness

War Soul frowned deeply, he didn't expect 11 to be so ruthless, not only ruthless to the enemy, but even more ruthless to himself.Most people will subconsciously cover the pain after being injured and suffering from pain. This is a human instinctive reaction.Trained people can endure more than ordinary people, but people are human after all, as long as they are normal human beings who feel pain, they will have the limit of endurance, even if they are as strong as a war spirit.

Maybe Ba Dao and the others didn't see the strength of his one-finger Zen just now, but he knew that although the one-finger didn't use all his strength just now, it still contained unrivaled strength.Although that finger failed to achieve the desired effect and shattered 11's wrist, at least he firmly believed that 11's right hand was useless.If the battle spirit himself suffered such an injury, not to mention an immediate and effective counterattack, even a slightly larger movement would cause the injury and cause the movement to slow down a lot.But at this moment, 11 not only counterattacked him immediately after being severely injured, but even his face didn't change. The blood hole, the soul of the battle doubted whether he had hurt him just now, or this arm did not belong to this person at all.

How much perseverance and endurance is needed to forcibly endure this heart-piercing pain?
What kind of environment can cultivate such a hard heart?

At this moment, even the battle spirit couldn't help being slightly moved.

But the surprise was the surprise, the fighting spirit's hands and feet were still not slow, and he swung his palm horizontally on 11's left arm holding the dagger. "Snap!" The seemingly careless palm actually contained unparalleled dark power, and Eleven felt his entire arm tremble, and he almost couldn't even hold the dagger.However, with his amazing perseverance, he endured the severe pain from his right wrist and left arm, and still clenched the dagger tightly, preventing it from flying out.Although this palm deflected his attack line to the side space, but 11 feet spun around on the spot, with the help of his own strength and the dark force from the palm of the battle spirit, the dagger turned into a phantom faster He stabbed more fiercely at the neck of the war spirit.

War Soul finally got angry. A junior repeatedly provoked him, which made him furious now. Although he was surprised by 11's astonishing patience and determination, he couldn't care about anything at the moment when his temper came up.If everything can be dealt with calmly, then War Soul will not be the most irritable "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" in Dragon Soul. His consistent creed is: No matter what happens, first beat you and then talk about it.

As a matter of fact, Soul of War has indeed done so.

With a heavy snort, War Soul blocked 11's arm with his left palm first, and at the same time, he quickly stretched out his index finger with his right hand, and poked 11's heart forcefully.

"Pfft!" The finger that contains the strength of a finger pokes into 11's chest almost without hindrance.

"Be merciful!" Ba Dao and another expert rushed over in horror. They were really afraid that this massacre maniac would kill 11 in a flash. It is still very important, and the higher-ups have repeatedly confessed that they must be captured alive.Running to the side, I saw 11 with a cold face, staring at Zhanhun with a pair of eyes without any emotion. Although the eyes are cold and the face is cold, at least there is vitality in the eyes.Only then did the two heave a sigh of relief, knowing that the war spirit had no intention of killing them immediately.

In fact, although the soul of war is angry, there is still a trace of clarity, and he also knows the importance of 11.So that finger didn't hit the heart at all, but brushed against the heart, and the fingertips still in the body can still clearly feel the beating of the heart.

After being stained with the opponent's blood, the battle spirit's anger gradually subsided.At this moment, he was straight-faced, looking at the young man who was only an elbow away from him, looking at those eyes that were as cold as ice for thousands of years, for some reason, Zhan Hun faintly felt a little uneasy.

That face was still childish for his age, and it didn't show the painful expression that a person should have after being seriously injured.And those eyes, the cold pupils have no color at all, the only thing that can be seen is cold, deadly cold.

Yes, dead silence!

War Soul suddenly figured out what it was that made him feel so uneasy.

It was those eyes full of dead silence, damn it, this kid is desperate, he is fighting for his life.

War Soul didn't hesitate much, although he still didn't think why 11 would fight him desperately, but the feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.He almost subconsciously wanted to withdraw the finger that was still deeply inserted into 11's chest, but at this moment, he finally knew.

A strange and cold energy instantly poured into that finger of Zhanhun, and at the same time, Zhanhun's palm that was still close to 11's arm also felt like something was stabbing into his own like an ice knife. in the palm of your hand.

Zhanhun's expression changed instantly. He knew that 11 was a member of the ability group, and that his code name was Bing, and he also knew that the ability he possessed was the ability to control ice just like Bingyan.

This guy didn't hesitate to use his own life to abolish his two hands.

Battle Soul's expression finally changed from surprise to horror. He knew very well what the consequences would be if these two streams of ice energy invaded his body. Although he had profound skills, if he fought on the battlefield with his own hands, it would be tantamount to announcing the consequences. These two hands are going to be useless.He also knew that his skill could disperse these two supernatural abilities before they entered his body, but this finger was still inserted into 11's body, and it was still close to the heart.Once the energy of the ice is dissipated by exercise, it will definitely injure the heart close to the fingers at the same time.Not to mention that 11 is the one appointed by the higher authorities to go back alive, and the soul of war is really unwilling to kill a junior, even though this junior embarrasses him so much.

Is it a protector?Or save 11's life?

Abandoning his hand is tantamount to declaring that he can no longer fight with others in this life, and this life is over.

But life is gone...

This series of thoughts only flashed like lightning in his mind, and there was a hint of apology in Zhanhun's eyes.

He finally decided to keep his hand.

Human beings are always selfish. From the moment they are born, their selfish nature will come into this world together with them.Just like you give a child a toy he likes very much, he will happily accept it immediately.And when you ask him for a toy he likes very much, he may not be willing to give it to you.This is the nature of human selfishness.

Maybe there are people in this world who are like cutting meat and don't feed it to eagles, or stabbing a friend's ribs, but Zhan Hun is not.He has worked hard all his life, and he never wants to be ruined here, and he doesn't have the courage of a strong man to sever his wrist.

So the thought just passed by in a flash, and without a moment's hesitation, the battle soul immediately split the true energy to both sides, and at the same time dispersed the two ice energies that were planning to invade the body.

"Crack!" There was a slight sound as if an air bag exploded in 11's body, and 11 also trembled violently at the same time, and the ice energy originally attacking the battle spirit slowly dissipated.Although 11 was still standing still, the war spirit knew that this young man was dead.

He sighed, and slowly withdrew his fingers from 11's body, a gust of hot blood shot out from the blood hole in his chest, spraying blood all over the body of the fighting spirit.But the soul of war didn't hide, he shook his head and sighed, looking at the bloody index finger pulled out of 11's body with a complicated expression, his face was full of remorse.

If...if he had had the determination and courage to cut off his own finger just now, maybe this young man would not have died.

Ba Dao and the dragon soul master also looked at Zhanhun and the motionless 11 with complex expressions, their eyes gradually losing their luster.With their cultivation base, of course they knew what happened at that moment just now, they didn't blame War Spirit, if they were themselves, they would probably do the same.

It's just... this task...

The wind, blowing gently, brought bursts of bloody smell.

The three dragon soul masters all fell into momentary confusion and thoughts about how to deal with the funeral and explain to their superiors, while the war soul fell into deep annoyance and self-blame.

At this moment, none of the three of them had the extra energy to pay attention to 11, nor did they notice the strangeness flashing across his eyes.Because it is common sense that a small part of the heart is shattered, and it is impossible to live anymore.

And just when the three of them lost their minds together, 11's dagger, which was still held high in midair and hadn't landed, suddenly stabbed fiercely at the neck of the war spirit who was distracted in front of him like lightning.

Although the spirit of war was distracted, but after all, he still had kung fu all over his body, so he raised his arm almost subconsciously to block it.But one did it on purpose, and the other raised his hand based on his body's instinctive reaction in a state of trance.Although that hand blocked 11's sure-kill knife, the sharp blade still grazed War Soul's neck, cutting an artery instantly, and a fountain of blood spurted out from the neck.

"Ah!" The soul of war roared, and slapped 11's chest heavily with his palm, and tightly covered his neck with the other hand, blood gurgling quickly gushed out from between his fingers, dripping down like a bead curtain.

Ba Dao and the master also immediately came to their senses, shouted angrily, and rushed towards 11 who had been hit by War Soul with all his strength and hadn't landed yet.

11 was slapped by the war spirit and flew far away. He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and then saw two masters rushing forward, throwing the dagger in his hand at one of them as hard as he could. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he immediately He ran into the forest without looking back.

The dragon soul master was stopped by the thrown dagger, and fell behind a little.

"Save people! I'm chasing you!" Ba Dao roared, and had already chased 11 into the woods.

The master didn't catch up any more. Seeing the direction where 11 and Ba Dao disappeared one after another, he snorted bitterly and immediately returned to Zhanhun. He tore off his clothes and bandaged his neck urgently. At the same time, he used his watch to call for help. Signal.

While running, Eleven vomited several mouthfuls of blood.Although his body genes are very strange, as long as he doesn't hurt his brain, he can repair himself no matter how badly he is injured.But this time it was the heart that was injured, which is the most important hematopoietic organ in the human body besides the brain.Even if a normal person's heart is damaged by a small hole like a pinhole, he will immediately lose a lot of blood and die, but now 11's heart has been shattered by the power of the war spirit, and the function of the heartbeat is almost stopped.If he rested right away, he could repair it immediately by using the energy in his body to mix with the genes, but now that he was on the run, there was no time for him to rest at all.Although 11 is an "immortal body", it is still not out of the category of a human being. His body will also "die" if his heart is damaged and he loses a lot of blood, but his thoughts will still exist.His body will not "live" again until external energy is injected to help him repair the damaged heart.Otherwise, it is impossible for a "dead person" to transfer the energy in his body to repair his body for himself.

Ba Dao followed closely behind 11, and 11 fled all the way, all the way covered with shocking blood.Ba Dao also gradually changed from the initial anger to horror, he didn't know the peculiarity of 11's body, just like the battle spirit, he thought 11 was doomed.A mortal man has run such a long distance while wearing a seriously injured body. What kind of belief and strength is supporting him?
At this moment, Ba Dao suddenly felt a strong wind rushing towards him from the right side.Without thinking too much, he immediately lowered his head to avoid the strong wind that hit him.

"Pfft!" A small stone scraped Ba Dao's scalp and flew over his head, deeply embedded in a tree trunk.

In the blink of an eye, 11's figure had disappeared into the dense forest, leaving only a shocking line of bloodstains on the mud and dead leaves extending all the way to the depths of the forest.

Ba Dao didn't chase 11 for the time being, he was convinced that 11, who was almost half dead, would not be able to run very far, and the blood on the ground and the smell of blood in the air provided him with clues, so he could chase at any time.

It's just that he cared a lot about this person who secretly attacked him.

As the saying goes, once a connoisseur makes a move, he will know if there is one.

From the angle, speed and strength of the stone thrown just now, Ba Dao knew very well that the person who threw the stone was a master, and his skill was very deep.It's just that he didn't understand what the other party's intention was to stop him.What is his relationship with 11?
"Who!" Ba Dao was deeply on guard, and shouted into the forest.

But after waiting for a while, no one answered, and no one came out.Ba Dao squinted his eyes, scanning back and forth, and at the same time secretly guarded in case someone made a surprise attack.

But strangely, that person seemed to disappear after only throwing a stone.But Ba Dao knew that that person hadn't left yet, as long as he made a slight change, what awaited him would be a long-prepared storm-like attack from the other party.

This is the intuition of a master.

I had an argument with my wife, it was bad, and I slept all day depressed.I woke up, woke up and slept, and I didn't eat anything in between.As a result, my stomach hurt badly late that night, and I went to the hospital to be put on an IV for two days.Until now, my stomach is still very uncomfortable, with a tingling feeling.

I haven't been able to update it for three days in a row. I will update one chapter today. If it is better tomorrow, I will write two or three chapters to make up.

(End of this chapter)

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