Chapter 100

"Boss, here we come!"

The person who came was Mieko. They didn't wait for anyone at the predetermined place, so they came to meet her.Who knows, as soon as they arrived, they were faced with a stalemate scene between the two sides.

Mieko came from behind the leading Japanese man, and when she approached, she realized that the hostage held by the boss was actually a companion.Did something happen that she didn't know about?

Although she had doubts in her heart, Mieko didn't ask.Instead, he observed the surrounding situation vigilantly.

The leading Japanese grabbed the "hostage" and began to back away slowly.At this speed, they can leave Huaxia territory before dawn.This is not acceptable!Zhou Qiang and Ning Yougang glanced at each other, what should we do!
In the space, Yang Xiaoyun was also very anxious.Suddenly, she had an idea and asked the hostage to speak out, wouldn't that solve the problem?As for how to make him speak out, Yang Xiaoyun was not troubled by this.

"Xiao Jiu, where is the tickling fan we got from the previous transaction?"

"Xiao Yun, it's in the cabinet on your right, in the first drawer of the third row. Who are you going to use the tickling powder on?" Xiao Jiu asked suspiciously.

"Hey, you reminded me. Not only the hostages, but also those nasty Japanese, let them taste the itch. But, Xiao Jiu, I can't go out, how do you spread the itch powder?" Yang Xiaoyun found out that things It's not as simple as she imagined.

"This matter is very simple! Look at me!" Xiao Jiu said triumphantly, she was very happy to finally be able to help Xiao Yun.

It turned out that Xiao Jiu's idea was to exchange a bird with another planet.Then, the itch powder was tied to the bird's wings, and the itch powder would fall from the pocket as soon as the bird spread its wings and flew.

Note that this is not a real bird, but a simulated bird that can be remotely controlled.

"Xiao Jiu, you are so smart!" Yang Xiaoyun looked excitedly at the imitation bird in front of him.How it turns out now depends entirely on it.Before putting on the tickling powder, Yang Xiaoyun specially practiced how to control the artificial bird.

Outside the space, Zhou Qiang had quietly told Ning Yougang when there was a stalemate: "This is not acceptable! I will lead a team to outflank them from the other side and go behind them. Let's cook dumplings and eat them!"

Therefore, Ning You repeatedly backed down to the behavior of the Japanese just now and asked them to back down.

"Pu Leng..." The sound startled both parties.

No one thought that suddenly a little bird came out of the woods.It was dark and windy at night, and no one noticed that this was a simulated bird.I didn't notice that there was something on the bird's wings.

Everyone thought that their actions had awakened the birds in the tree.

Half a minute later, the Japanese discovered something was wrong.Especially the Japanese as a "hostage", his whole body was extremely itchy and unbearable.Of course, the same goes for the rest of the Japanese, who couldn't even hold a pistol in their hands.

Ning Yougang on the opposite side naturally discovered the strangeness of the Japanese.Don't doubt how he can see clearly. On the one hand, he is an excellent soldier; on the other hand, the moonlight is still very bright tonight.

He thought it was a new Japanese trick, so he didn't dare to go forward.

Until the hostage couldn't bear it any longer and yelled, "Itchy, itchy! It's tickling me to death!"

It was a man's voice!Ning Yougang was stunned for the first time.The other party used a man as a fake Yang Xiaoyun to threaten them!
At this moment, action is faster than mind.Ning Yougang directed everyone to rush up and quickly ran up to catch the Japanese.

It's not that the Japanese don't want to resist, but that they are so itchy that they can't resist at all.After a while, the remaining seven Japanese were all arrested.

Taking advantage of the chaotic scene, Yang Xiaoyun came out from the space.She ran to a bush and hid in it, and even the imitation bird was taken into the space by her.

As soon as he caught the Japanese, Zhou Qiang rushed over from behind.Because he heard the movement here.

"What's going on?" Zhou Qiang looked at Ning Yougang suspiciously.Why do these Japanese people seem to be possessed by evil spirits, and keep scratching their faces and other parts of their bodies with their hands.

"I don't know either, they suddenly became like this. Tell me, could it be that Yang Xiaoyun drugged them before?" Ning Yougang guessed.This is obviously a manifestation of some kind of medicine, and there is no Yang Xiaoyun in it.where did she go

"Tell me quickly, where is Yang Xiaoyun?" Ning Yougang asked eagerly, he was afraid that there would be a third group of these cunning Japanese, which would be troublesome.

"Brother, I'm here!" Yang Xiaoyun estimated the time and stood up from the dense bushes.

"Ah! Ghost!" The Japanese man who was taken as a hostage couldn't help but yelled out.Before, they obviously searched there carefully, but there was no one there.Now, Yang Xiaoyun actually stood up from there, what the hell!

However, no one paid any attention to his cries.He was directly frightened and fainted, which was a kind of relief. After passing out, he didn't have to suffer from the itching anymore.

When Yang Xiaoyun returned to Ning's house, it was already dawn.No one in the family had a rest, including the two little buns.

"Mom! Mom!" Ahao and Ajie rushed over like two shells.

Dr. Feng and his wife smiled reassuringly, and they will be fine when they come back.

Zhang Shanmei and Li Xin embraced each other happily, and the family finally passed the most difficult time.

Ning Youwei also walked up and embraced his wife and child in his arms.After he fainted, he was sent back to the Ning family.This is also not long after waking up.

Mr. Chang pushed Ning Guangming who was beside him, and asked him to go up and hug his mother, brothers, and father.

Ning Yougang turned around to look at Zhou Qiang beside him, and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you, brother!"

Zhou Qiang really contributed a lot to this matter.

"Brother, I also want to thank you! You have given me such a great service." Indeed, Zhou Qiang has made great contributions this time by capturing seven criminals lurking in China.

Yang Xiaoyun rested for a day, and returned to the research center the next day.There are still many people to thank, and there is still a lot of work to be done, and she can't bear to delay.

It was the same waiting point, but this time, Yang Xiaoyun received completely different treatment.

"Comrade Yang Xiaoyun, it's great to see you again!"

"Comrade Yang Xiaoyun, you're doing great!"

"Comrade Yang Xiaoyun, welcome back!"

She was greeted with compliments, and her colleagues knew about her experience.I admire this young woman very much, she is brave and resourceful, and she is a model.

Qu Wanwan stood in the corner, silent.It is already a rare thing for her to insist on coming to work.After a day of rest at home, she thought a lot.I have to admit, I'm still pretty bad.

She still remembers her father's words, "Everyone makes mistakes and is cowardly. If we realize our mistakes and correct them, we still have a bright future; otherwise, we blame ourselves blindly, Blindly making excuses for ourselves instead of facing it bravely, then we will live in pain for the rest of our lives.”

Yes, she came to work today to face it bravely.She has no face to talk to Yang Xiaoyun, but she will be a better version of herself in the future.Actions are always more important than words.

The jeep drove to the gate of the research center and stopped.After the danger last time, now the co-pilot is equipped with a soldier with a gun, and even the driver is specially arranged by the army.It is to ensure the safety of these researchers.

The first thing today is to hold a safety meeting.The first thing at the meeting was the loss caused by the loss of data on this incident.

Jiang Fuqiang handed over a copy of the data to Yang Xiaoyun and Qu Wanwan respectively, "Yesterday, neither of you came. Here are the materials lost by other researchers, you write down what you lost."

Suddenly, he noticed a very important question, "Xiaoyun, are your latest research results in it?"

According to reliable sources, those Japanese no longer know how to pass on all the data they harvested this time.Therefore, although people have seized it, the loss has already been done.Fortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, the loss is not large.

However, this does not include Yang Xiaoyun's information.Jiang Fuqiang had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Hey, when I got off work the day before yesterday, I conveniently put the data of the special anti-inflammatory drug on my desk into my briefcase. I haven't had time to analyze the results of the experiment. I planned to take it home and do it, but I didn't expect... ..." When Yang Xiaoyun thought of this, he would sing regrets and blame himself.

The faces of the other researchers were very regretful. The information of all of them combined is not as important as this information of Yang Xiaoyun.Knowing this news now is really a blow to morale.

All the people are silent, and they all hate the Japanese for getting something for nothing.There is only one person who is struggling in his heart.

Qu Wanwan didn't lose any information this time, because she basically didn't do work-related things after work.Of course, I didn't bring any materials home.

However, she knew that the document that Yang Xiaoyun mentioned was the one that she had secretly tampered with in order to deal with Yang Xiaoyun.Is she going to speak out?In Qu Wanwan's heart, there were two villains arguing.

One of them said: Wanwan, you must seize such a good opportunity.This is an opportunity for you to turn over a new leaf, and it is also an opportunity for you to be a new person.As long as you say it, everyone will not have to blame themselves, and even thank you for not giving the Japanese a chance.

Another villain jumped out and said: "Wanwan, in this way, everyone will look at you with strange eyes, and think that you are a person with bad conduct, so you will do such a thing."From now on, everyone will like Yang Xiaoyun and hate you, Qu Wanwan.You will be infamous.

Qu Wanwan's head almost exploded.

Suddenly, she stood up.Everyone looked at her, thinking that she was going to do something wrong again.It's no wonder that everyone has such a bad impression of her. It's really her usual words and deeds that make people very unhappy.

"I, I have something to say." Qu Wanwan finally made up her mind.

"Wanwan, we are now discussing business matters. If you have something to say, can you come down and talk?" Although Jiang Fuqiang's tone was very gentle, what he said pierced Qu Wanwan's heart like the tip of a needle.So, she is a vexatious person?

(End of this chapter)

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