different files

Chapter 141 File 7: High-Vicious Crisis

Chapter 141 File VII: High-Vicious Crisis (32)
I dragged Pang Tiansheng back to the shore and hid in the dense grass. To celebrate being temporarily out of danger, I slapped him twice hard.

"Don't hit me!" Pang Tiansheng jumped up covering his face. Of course he is not dead. After so many times of using it, I have been able to control the strength of the death light so that he just enters a state of suspended animation.

"You really escaped!" Pang Tiansheng's eyes sparkled, he didn't know whether it was joy or jealousy.

"You promised to help me save Xue Rou." I reminded him not to forget the promise.

"It's not that easy for you to save her." Panting, Pang Tiansheng said, "She is now in the distorted space created by the prehistoric explosion, and only the Goddess Bo Luohuang can open the gap leading to that space."

"Is that the flying saucer you're talking about?" I've heard Tang Ke say that Jin used flying saucers when he invaded Base 8201.

"Well," Pang Tiansheng nodded and said, "This is forbidden to use Moji technology and Nazi Germany's industrial technology, and only one can be produced with all the efforts of Germany."

"Where is that flying saucer?" I asked. I knew that Jin was behind all major human wars, so it was not surprising to hear that Jin had colluded with the Nazis. All I thought about was how to get it.

"How do I know?" Pang Tiansheng shook his head hastily: "This is a secret that only magicians know. Even the real number of three changes cannot be calculated."

"Is there no other way?" I stared at him coldly.

Pang Tiansheng wanted to dodge under my murderous eyes at first, but he surrendered after two seconds.

"There is no way, but you have to give me a mobile phone first."

"No!" I rebuffed straight away. Pang Tiansheng's ability to control his destiny is basically realized by relying on the computer network. The huge amount of information on the network gave him the calculation parameters to predict the future, and then through the control of the network, he can almost control the future. can not.As long as he comes into contact with the Internet, it's like letting the devil out of the bottle. Will I be able to control him then?I can't take that risk.

"Just tell me what to do!"

"Then prepare a small submarine, a jet fighter, and two 50-megawatt electromagnetic pulse bombing missiles, and paralyze the entire city's network for at least three to ten minutes..."

"Forget it," I interrupted him, "let's talk about cell phones."

"Do you have a cell phone?" Pang Tiansheng asked me.

I was at a loss for words again. When I was running away, I was so anxious that I didn’t even have time to put on a pair of underwear. Where did I get my cell phone?
Pang Tiansheng seemed to know the answer already, and said, "Come with me." He turned around and walked in front.

I asked, "Where are you going?"

"Take the phone." Pang Tiansheng walked forward while looking up at the sky.

I followed him away from the river to a nearby road. Next to a Z-shaped bend, I suddenly saw a motorcycle lying on the road. The rider was lying more than ten meters away from the car, his limbs were twisted, and he was gone. breath.

Pang Tiansheng took out his mobile phone from the driver, pressed it, and the screen lit up, "Fortunately, it's not broken!" He said with a smile.

"How did you know there would be a car accident here?" It's not the first time I've seen his predictive ability, but I still can't help being curious.

"The explosion will produce a large amount of sand and gravel debris, and the wind will blow the sand onto the road. Coupled with the curve and speeding, a car accident is a high probability event, which can only be calculated by being a little higher than the IQ of a pig." Pang Tiansheng mocked me quietly.

Pang Tiansheng entered a number on his mobile phone, and after dialing, he only said a series of numbers: "260569." Then he smashed the mobile phone to pieces.

"What do you mean by this number?" I asked nervously. Experience tells me that nothing done by Pang Tiansheng should be taken lightly.

Pang Tiansheng replied: "It means action plan No. 260569. This plan includes how to escape from the union's raid and then help you rescue Xue Rou. I can't predict your future accurately. I can only speculate on various possibilities in the future." sex, and get ready."

"You made 260569 preparations?" I asked in surprise.

"In fact, I have made a total of 100 million preparations, and it is not difficult. I am only responsible for the calculation, and the specific execution can be left to the computer." Pang Tiansheng said lightly.

Under the leadership of Pang Tiansheng, we walked along the seaside, stopping for a while, and sometimes even walked back for a while.

This is necessary, because every time I stop I can faintly hear the sound of the helicopter in the distance. He is keeping us just outside the search range of the union helicopter.

After walking for more than an hour, there is a long group of reefs protruding into the sea in front, which looks like a small natural pier.

When we walked to the end of the reef group, Pang Tiansheng gasped and said, "We're here, we'll have to wait another 7 minutes." After speaking, he looked at the sky, and I could see that his expression was much more nervous than before.

I also stared at my watch nervously, because we have to stop here and wait now, and there is no way to evade the raids of the union like just now. The short 7 minutes feel like a year.

I counted the time almost second by second, and finally 7 minutes came, but nothing appeared.

"What are we waiting for?" I couldn't help asking Pang Tiansheng.

"A submarine," Pang Tiansheng said, pointing to the sea ahead, "it should appear at this time."

"Then why didn't it show up?"

"How do I know that my calculations require a lot of parameters, and I have been cut off from all information for two whole days!" Pang Tiansheng seemed a little panicked. Parameters and calculations are the two pillars of his confidence. With two things, he turned back to the mentally handicapped boy who could be bullied by anyone.

"The trade union will be here in 3 minutes, we can't wait any longer." Pang Tiansheng couldn't wait to leave.

"Wait a minute," I said, tugging at him. "What happened to the submarine not showing up on time?"

"There are many possibilities. The probability of mechanical failure is 0.82%, the probability of encountering a large fish school and affecting the speed is 13.77%, and the probability of affecting the speed due to sea current disturbance caused by the El Niño phenomenon is 26%..." Pang Tiansheng said in a daze a lot.

"That is to say, the probability that it will appear is 99.18%, but there may be errors in time." I grasped the key point in his words and asked.

"Yes, but I don't know how long it will be late, and there is only 1 minute and 21 seconds left for the union to arrive." Pang Tiansheng's voice was trembling as he spoke, obviously the fear of the union had penetrated into his bone marrow.

"Then let's wait another minute!" I gritted my teeth and said, I must never give up even one in ten thousand chance for Xue Rou.

"You will kill us all." Pang Tiansheng moaned.

I looked at the watch and counted down the seconds again. My fate, which even Pang Tiansheng couldn't predict, pushed me to the end of the cliff again. Can I survive this time?
Time is a devil that opposes people. When I don't want time to pass too fast, it runs so fast that 1 minute is fleeting.

"We must go!" Pang Tiansheng pleaded, tugging on my sleeve.

"It's coming!" I pointed to the surface of the sea in surprise, only to see a black shadow emerging from the water, and at the same time, the sound of a helicopter came faintly from the sky.

As soon as the submarine surfaced, I pulled Pang Tiansheng and jumped down. The hatch opened automatically. After I entered the submarine, I found that there was no one inside. The submarine was driven by a computer.

"Dive to the maximum!" Pang Tiansheng ordered impatiently.

The submarine dived slowly, and after reaching the maximum depth, Pang Tiansheng ordered again: "Full speed ahead!"

I stopped him flatly and said, "Don't go forward! Turn off all power and electronics."

"Do you want us to stay here to die?" Pang Tiansheng said through gritted teeth.

"Don't let fear affect your judgment!" I pulled him to the side of the screen, "You can see clearly that they are approaching, but not approaching in a straight line. The union has not found us yet. If you run away in such a haste, it will only increase the number of people who are attacked by them." chance of discovery."

Pang Tiansheng breathed heavily, but couldn't make a sound. He looked at me pleadingly.

"If you don't want to die, you have to do it!" I said firmly.

"Turn off the engine and unnecessary electronics." He finally made a difficult decision.

The submarine crouched on the seabed like a frightened whale, listening to vague sounds from another world.

The sound of the helicopter kept approaching, as if it was coming over our heads, and then moved away quickly without any stagnation, which showed that they really didn't find us.

Pang Tiansheng was drenched in sweat as if he had just been fished out of the water. "Isn't your brain omnipotent? Why can't you overcome your fear?" I said sarcastically.

Pang Tiansheng said slowly: "I am timid not because of myself. The devil gives us strength, but also leaves us with some shortcomings to control, and it is the same for you. Although your control module has been deleted, but The power of Death's Eye itself will also keep you demonized, no matter what you do for the guild, they will definitely not tolerate you in the world."

I am speechless. If I want to talk about irony, I am the biggest irony. I have made so many contributions to the trade union, but in the end I have become the biggest enemy of the trade union.

Pang Tiansheng said again: "Even if you rescue Xue Rou, what's the use? Can you still be with her?"

My heart ached, he really hit me in the gut, and I couldn't help saying angrily: "You don't have to worry about it, I just want her to be safe and well."

Pang Tiansheng said, "Do you think that if you save her from the air passage, she will be fine?"

I was taken aback and asked, "What do you mean?"

Pang Tiansheng sighed and said, "If Xue Rou returns to the outside world, what will Tang Yuejin do?"

"You mean he will use Xue Rou to blackmail me?" I understood, and with Tang Yuejin's character, he would really do this.

"So you either don't save her, or you have to keep her by your side, otherwise you will kill her." Pang Tiansheng said leisurely.

"No." I shook my head resolutely. Now that I am being hunted down by the trade union, my life can hang by a thread all the time. How can I let Xue Rou bear these risks.

"What if I had a place where you never had to worry about being hunted by the union?"

"Where?" I couldn't help but be moved.

Seeing that I was attracted, Pang Tiansheng had a smug smile on his face. "That place is called the Pole, which is the forbidden headquarters that the union has been looking for for thousands of years but could never find."

"Is there any place in this world where the trade union can't find it?" I shook my head in doubt, "With all the mages dead, there's only an empty city left for the trade union's headquarters, right?"

Pang Tiansheng sneered and said: "Do you think that the kind of magician is the highest leader of the ban?"

"Isn't it?" I asked in astonishment. You must know that our anti-virus was planted by a magician. If he is not the big boss, who is?

Pang Tiansheng shook his head and said, "He is just a servant of the Demon Lord, the real controller of the ban is the Demon Lord!"

"Devil Lord, you mean... the Demon Extremes?" I asked cautiously.

"That's right." Pang Tiansheng nodded clearly.

"Hasn't the gate of Moji not been opened all the time? How can there be Moji people on earth?" I said in a voice.

"You forgot, the gate of the magic pole was opened once." Pang Tiansheng reminded me.

"You mean the time 1 years ago, but didn't all the Moji people be wiped out?" That war led to the destruction of prehistoric civilization, but fortunately, the Moji invaders were also wiped out, otherwise there would be no human beings later history.

"Not all of them," Pang Tiansheng said, shaking his head, "at least one of them survived, and has been alive until now."

I felt a chill in my heart. I thought that once the kind of magician died, I would no longer have to be banned and controlled. I didn't expect that there are still magicians in this world.The pursuit from the trade union alone has forced me to nowhere. If the devil wants to pursue my "betrayal" again, then I might as well commit suicide immediately.

Pang Tiansheng immediately saw through my thoughts and said, "Don't worry, you are the No. [-] demon seed, a human being endowed with the highest power by the demon master. Although the demon master died because of you, after all, you have completed your own mission. As long as you assist me in completing the second task, the devil will definitely not pursue you."

"What is the second task?" I seem to have no other choice now, but even Pang Tiansheng can't complete this task by himself, so the difficulty can be imagined.

"Don't make a decision in a hurry. I'm also trustworthy. Since you saved me, let's wait until you rescue Xue Rou." Pang Tiansheng was not in a hurry to say it.

70 years late trial, wipe out the ghost fleet

The submarine surfaced automatically after sailing for more than an hour. After we got out of the submarine, we found that the sky was already bright, and what appeared before us was a small island full of recreational facilities.

Isn't this a sea paradise?I have seen reports about it in the news, saying that a certain consortium wanted to build an oriental Disneyland on this small island on a whim, but the construction of the park was abandoned halfway because of a breakdown in funds.

Now it seems that the so-called Paradise is just a cover, and the real boss behind the scene is Jin. This is not the headquarters of Jin, right?
I can't help cheering up, in case there is an ambush on the island, I will respond immediately.But after I scanned it with Spirit Vision, I didn't find anyone.

"Welcome to my paradise!" Pang Tiansheng was full of excitement, running and jumping on the playground like a child.

"Would you like to play the Ferris wheel or the trampoline first, but I highly recommend the carousel, which I designed exclusively."

At this moment, I seemed to see the mentally handicapped but carefree Pang Tiansheng back then, but I knew this was not true, and some things changed.

"You know what I want, better not play tricks, or..." I winked at him.

"I see, don't look at me, don't look at me." Pang Tiansheng immediately begged for mercy.

Pang Tiansheng resentfully walked in front of a man-made rockery, and the secret door hidden on the wall opened automatically. Inside was a wide hangar, and in the center of the hangar was parked a fighter like a steel falcon.

As soon as we came in, the computer voice automatically reported: "Children, welcome home, the preparations for the plane's departure have been completed, the current temperature is 25 degrees, the wind speed is level 3, the visibility is high, and it is suitable for flying."

"Isn't this the US military's F-16D two-seater fighter? How did you get it?" As a military fan, I recognized it at a glance. Except for the allies of the United States, other countries buy this advanced fighter for any money. less than.

Pang Tiansheng said lightly: "If we are not afraid of too much impact, we can even get the latest F-35."

"But didn't you say that you need a flying saucer to enter that space?" I asked, but if it's not useful, no matter how powerful a fighter is, it's useless.

"Yes, but it will take a while for the space barrier to be completely healed after being torn apart. Just find the entrance and then cooperate with this thing." Pang Tiansheng pointed to the two electromagnetic missiles mounted under the wing and said: "The entrance can be Open again."

A small computer-controlled car delivered the pilot's full set of equipment. I saw that there was only one set?
Pang Tiansheng immediately explained: "You fly the plane, and I will give you instructions on the radio."

"What did you say?" I immediately became angry, this is a fighter jet, not a motorized toy in the playground, can it be played casually?

"Flying a plane is not as difficult as imagined. I can teach you. I have a complete set of flight manuals in my head." Pang Tiansheng's expression did not seem to be joking at all.

"Why don't you open it yourself?" I asked back.

Pang Tiansheng spread his hands and said, "Because I'm afraid of heights in addition to being afraid of water, so I fainted before I even got to the sky. If you're also afraid, then I can't help it."

I looked at his innocent face and didn't seem to be lying, so I said, "I can drive, but you have to sit in the back and teach me."

"No, please spare me, I'm really going to faint...don't don't don't..." Pang Tiansheng was stuffed into the back seat of the cabin by me amidst a series of wailing sounds.

I put on all the pilot's equipment and sat in the cockpit with arrogance, but when I saw the huge pile of electronic instruments and knob switches in front of me, I didn't know where to put my hands and feet.

"Okay, let's start now." Resignedly, Pang Tiansheng gave instructions over the radio: "Mom, prepare to glide on the track." It turned out that the name of this intelligent computer program was "Mom".

"Understood, prepare to slide the track."

(End of this chapter)

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