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Chapter 131 File 7: High-Vicious Crisis

Chapter 131 File VII: High-Vicious Crisis (22)
But even if I want to save them, I don't know how, because I don't know what danger they are facing?What's more, I have more important things to do, forget it, life and death are fate, I'd better not interfere with the arrangement of fate.

But the more I walked forward, the more surprised I was, because the people in the first few cars were all "dead spirit".I understand, this is a "death train" heading to hell!
What caused everyone on the train to die?Cheating, colliding?No, these serious accidents are almost impossible to happen now because the railway network is getting better and better.The only possibility is the No. 3 monster on the train. Xue Rou has repeatedly emphasized the horror of the No. 3 monster. It would not be surprising if he suddenly awakened and killed the entire train.

Thinking about it this way, I felt that I had to find the No. 3 demon seed a little faster.

But the more I went forward, the more difficult it was, because the more and more intense death energy seriously interfered with my spiritual vision, so I could only rely on nothing to lead the way.Wu's visual method is different from mine. After blocking most of the light, he can leave a small amount of light to enter the eyes to see things.

But this small amount of light is only a little better than my blindness. We must be very careful in crowded cars, otherwise we will accidentally touch people and cause another "spiritual incident".

Seeing that the disaster was imminent, but we were struggling, I remembered the emergency brake switch of the train in desperation.There is only one way to save the whole train, which is to stop the train urgently, and then create chaos to force the passengers to leave the train.

But it's impossible to create such a mess without exposing yourself.And if Zeng Zi's mother and son also leave among the chaotic crowd, it will be even more difficult for us to find them.

Just when I was in a dilemma, I suddenly saw a dozen light spots appearing in the distance, and these light spots quickly came to the top of the train, and at the same time, I heard the roar of the helicopter engine, which was the people from the trade union catching up !

At this moment, a baby's cry suddenly came from the front of the train, and this baby's cry could clearly reach everyone's ears amidst the sound of helicopters, wheels, and human voices.Then I felt like an electric current was passing through my whole body, and my hairs stood on end.

The body of the train vibrated violently, and the wheels and rails rubbed against each other to make a harsh sound.

"Number 3 has awakened!" Wu said in horror in my ear.

I don't need him to tell me that the energy pulse just now is already at the level of a tactical electronic bomb. Who else can send it out except for the No. 3 monster?

In my mind, I seem to see such a picture. The battle between the No. 3 demon species and the trade union caused the entire train to derail and overturn. Dozens of carriages rolled and collided at high speed. More than 1000 passengers on the train Tossed and crushed in this giant meat grinder...

At this moment, I no longer hesitated, and jumped out of the shielding range of nothing. With normal vision, I immediately found the emergency brake switch of the train.Then he rushed over amidst surprised eyes, smashed the glass with his fist, and pulled the switch, and the train immediately stopped with a "creaking" screech of brakes.

Due to the emergency braking of the train, the helicopter above flew forward under the action of inertia, and suddenly opened the distance between it and the train.

I took the opportunity to rush forward, hoping to find Zeng Zi's mother and son before the helicopter returned. At the same time, I shouted at the stunned passengers: "The train is about to explode! Run for your life!"

Due to the tragedy of the bus fire just happened not long ago, every person in the car has a tight string in his heart. Hearing my yell, everyone immediately jumped up, smashing the window and escaping. Going out, the speed of the movement is even beyond the reach of Liu Xiang who started running on the track.

The commotion in this carriage was like a fuse, spreading to the entire train in an instant, and the people behind couldn't figure out what was going on, anyway, he ran faster when he saw others running.

Once the train was empty, it was much easier for me to move, but the union helicopter quickly turned back, hovered over the train, and a dozen union members jumped out of the helicopter.

This lineup is even more "prosperous" than when they caught me just now. I must have been discovered by them. Fortunately, Wu caught up at this time and blocked me again in time.

Since there was no interference from the thick dead air, my spiritual vision also returned to normal.I saw that the energy light of one of the workers was extraordinarily bright like the stars and the moon, and its energy characteristics were very familiar.At such a close distance, I could see the full curves of her body.

I remembered, it was Diana!She once fought side by side with me in Siberia, and she is a master of the Imperial Object Department. I still remember the scene where she manipulated the Nanoriss and easily twisted a helicopter into two pieces.

At that time, she was enough to make me fear three points, and now she seems to have made considerable progress, which makes me both happy and sad. The happy thing is her progress, and the sad thing is that she is no longer strong. My ally, not my enemy.

The Power of the No. 3 Demon Seed
There is a spherical dark area in the carriage below her, which should be the special energy form of the No. 3 demon species. As soon as the scanning wave of spiritual power emitted by the union members touches that place, it will be destroyed immediately like light encountering a black hole. absorb it.

"He will absorb the energy of others." Diana also discovered this, and she ordered other members: "Don't approach him easily, let me seal him with the Beixuan Mirror first."

She bent down and pressed her hands on the top of the train, the light on her body like a transparent hard shell was immediately transferred to the carriage, like a net, surrounding the dark sphere.

The child in the black ball immediately sensed her movement, and the crying became louder: "Mom, mom, the baby is scared!"

The child's miserable cries were unbearable. Although I knew he was a demon, I still had the urge to rush over to save him.

Wu But grabbed me and whispered in my ear: "Be careful, her Beixuan Zhenjing seems to be very powerful."

I can also see that the black ball that can absorb all kinds of energy has no effect on the Beixuan Zhenjing. It can be seen that it is unusual. If I rushed in rashly, I would probably be caught in a trap.

Diana said: "Take it!" The black ball wrapped in the optical net was attracted by the space.

Unexpectedly, the black ball was less than a foot off the ground, and then suddenly fell heavily. There was a loud "bang", and the whole train car was sunken from the middle like a soda can that had been stepped on, with both ends tilted up.

"Mom, mom, don't sleep, the baby is afraid!" The child's crying became harsher. How could Zeng Zi fall asleep at this critical moment? It is very likely that she was injured and fainted in the heavy impact just now.

As his cries intensified, the volume of the black ball also expanded rapidly, and it seemed that it was about to break through the encirclement of the light ball.

"Let's go!" Seeing this, other union members put their strength on Beixuan Zhenjing.

Although the strength of more than ten people was united, it still could not stop the momentum of the black ball from continuing to sink. The train carriage made a sharp "creaking" sound under this strong pressure, and the axles broke off one after another because they could not bear the heavy pressure. The heavy forged wheels were thrown off one by one, and the bottom of the carriage was directly pressed onto the rails.

The rails are easily bent like noodles, the cement sleepers are broken like biscuits, and the crushed stones under the roadbed are pushed away like sand, and those that cannot be moved are directly crushed into powder .

"He's powerful! We can't stand it!" exclaimed a trade unionist.

"Don't be afraid!" Diana gritted her teeth and said, "Below is the bridge deck, he won't be able to collapse the bridge!"

"Ah!" All the members of the trade union shouted together, the light on their bodies gradually increased, and it was obvious that they were all going all out for the last fight.

"This is an opportunity!" Wu whispered in my ear.

My heart skipped a beat, the snipe and the clam fought, and the fisherman reaped the benefits. Now they are fighting against the No. 3 demon species with all their strength. If I make a surprise attack with the eye of death, it is very likely that they will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Let's do it!kill them all!A voice said to me in my heart, if you kill them, you don't have to be afraid of being hunted down by them anymore, just think about how exhilarating it feels to kill someone!

no!I forcibly cut off that voice, no matter how good the opportunity is, no matter how tempting the desire to kill is, I can't take that step, I can't become the kind of person I hate.

At this time, the black ball has reached the bridge deck. Can this dry bridge, which is poured with high-standard cement and steel bars and can withstand decades of rolling by trains and a magnitude [-] earthquake, support it?
"Hold on!" A union member said pleasantly, and the black ball really stopped sinking.But he was too happy too early, because there were many small cracks on the bridge deck of the railway bridge, and the cracks were expanding rapidly, and many debris were peeling off from the side of the bridge.

"The bridge is going to break!" Someone said hoarsely.

Diana sighed and said: "I say stop, everyone stop together!" It seems that she has also reached the point where the lamp is exhausted, and she really can't hold on anymore.


Everyone withdrew their strength together, and the ball of light quickly shrouded Diana's body, but the light was much dimmer.

As soon as I saw the opportunity, I rushed over desperately and jumped into the black ball.Because I have already seen that the rampage of the No. 3 monster is directly related to his frightened speed. If the bridge breaks, Zeng Zi who is trapped in the black ball will definitely fall to his death. At that time, the stimulated No. 3 will It's unimaginable how powerful it is.

This black ball can repel the power of the union, but it has the same source as the power of my death eye, so I got in without any trouble.As soon as they entered, they saw Zeng Zi lying on the ground, and a child was crying on top of her.

Before I could stand still, I felt that my feet were empty, and I fell down involuntarily.I knew that the bridge deck must have collapsed, and in a hurry, I hugged the child hanging in the air with one arm, and grabbed Zeng Zi with the other, and at the same time injected the energy of the heavenly book into her body at the maximum speed.

Because Xiaobao and I have supernatural protections, we should be able to withstand the impact of falling from the bridge to the ground, but Zeng Zi is just an ordinary person. I hope the energy from the heavenly book I input can help her escape.

In my spiritual vision, I watched the broken car lead us to jump from a height of more than ten meters to the ground, but unexpectedly, there was no strong impact as I imagined, and the ground automatically sank under the action of a magical force. It was like a cushion to catch the falling car.

The carriage fell into a depth of seven or eight meters before stopping. At this time, the momentum of the fall had been completely dissipated, and we were safe and sound.

"Baby, where are you?" Zeng Zi was awakened by the energy I input, and stretched out her hand to grope in the surrounding darkness.

"The child is fine!" I quickly stuffed Xiaobao into her arms.

"Mommy!" It could be seen that Xiaobao was exhausted, as soon as he returned to his mother's arms, he immediately fell into a coma, and the terrifying black ball disappeared.

With a sharp "squeak", the roof of the carriage above our heads was cut by a sharp object, and then the whole thing lifted off.Only then did I see clearly that I was in a big pit, and Diana was standing on the edge of the big pit looking at me.

"Jane Zhen!" Her eyes were full of surprise and disappointment. She pressed her hand to the edge of the pit almost as soon as she saw me, and the optical net immediately sealed the pit.

I know there is really no way out this time, is it really just a matter of fighting to the death?
At this moment, my eyes went dark. It turned out that when I rushed into the black ball, Wu Ye followed in. Now I am invisible again.

"Why is it gone!" The trade unionists gathered around one after another.

"It's impossible!" Diana said in disbelief, "He is clearly under the control of Beixuan Zhenjing, how can he still be able to jump through space?"

"You shouldn't have blocked it just now, but should have attacked directly!" A member said angrily.

Another member said: "Maybe we should be thankful that he escaped instead of fighting us. We all underestimated the strength of the monster. It only took one second for Jane to defeat the white tiger. How powerful is the number 3 monster?" We've all seen it, what would happen if they teamed up?"

Everyone was silent, and Diana sighed and said: "Our operation failed, report to the headquarters and wait for processing." After speaking, she took back the optical network and led the team to leave in a hurry.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief when I saw their celestial energy go away quickly, Wu let go of the hand that had been tightly covering Zeng Zi's mouth, and at the same time lifted the invisibility.

"Who are you?" Zeng Zi asked in fear. Although the bottom of the pit was dark, it was almost dawn at this time, and we could be vaguely seen with the faint skylight.

"I'm Jane Zhen. Do you still remember that we once attended the party at Fulu Villa?" I replied.

"Jian Zhen, are you really Jian Zhen?" Zeng Zi said in surprise: "I mentioned you when I was hypnotized. You are the enemy of that shadow. Are you here to save us?"

"We are here to save you." I could only answer her last question vaguely. Can I tell her that I am actually "with" Sombra now?
"Why did those people arrest us?" Zeng Zi said angrily.

"Your child has a certain power that can be used to destroy the world. Some people want him, and some people want to kill him." I tried to explain in words she could understand.

"Then what should we do?" Zeng Zi asked blankly.

"Let's find a place to hide first." In fact, I was as at a loss as she was. Under the double attack of trade unions and bans, although the world is big, can there be a place for us to hide?
"But we can't leave now even if we want to." Wuwang said troubledly, looking at the edge of the high pit.

"Why did you rush in too?" I asked Wu: What you did just now is almost like throwing yourself into a trap.

"My task is to protect you. I will naturally follow you wherever you go." He said helplessly.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you, old Wu." I patted Wu on the shoulder and said, the bans I met before were all cruel and inhuman demons, but I can feel that Wu still retains a human side, That's why I respectfully call him "Old Wu".

"I'll find a way to climb out." I tried to dig holes in the pit wall and climb up, but the pit wall was full of loose sandy soil, and the whole piece would peel off as soon as I dug, and there was no way to bear the force.

If we continue to stay here, this big pit is in danger of a second collapse at any time, and the longer we stay, the more likely we will be discovered.When she was in a hurry, Xue Rou's face appeared beside the pit.

"Are you there?" She whispered to the bottom of the pit, because it was too dark for her to see us.

"Yes!" No answer hastily.

Xue Rou breathed a sigh of relief, and threw a rope from above, "Tie it to the child, and I will lift him up first."

"No!" I refused straight away, "He must stay by my side." I came to save him because I wanted to keep him in my hands and prevent the ban from using him to do evil.

"If you keep him, he will die." Xue Rou said solemnly: "He was forced to wake up before he was fully developed. The conflict just now has exhausted all his energy. Only a kind of magician can save him now." he."

"No, please don't give Xiaobao to her." Zeng Zi hugged Xiaobao tightly, fearing that others would take him away.

I know what Xue Rou said is true, Xiaobao needs to replenish a lot of energy now, but if I hand him over to the magician, all my efforts will be in vain.

At this time, there was a faint siren sound in the distance. Someone must have called the police, and the police rushed over.

"No, take the child here." Xue Rou ordered.

"Old Wu, don't do that." As soon as I said Wu, I didn't dare to move, because he had seen my death eye before.

"You're crazy!" Xue Rou said angrily, "Do you know the consequences of fighting against a magician? Not only will you kill yourself, but you will also kill them!"

"I'm sorry!" I looked at Wu and Zeng Zi and said, "I may hurt you by doing this, but if I hand over the child, it will hurt the whole world!"

Wu trembled for a moment, and said with a bitter face: "If you want to do this, I can't stop you, but she is right, you can't fight a kind of magician."

(End of this chapter)

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