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Chapter 128 File 7: High-Vicious Crisis

Chapter 128 File VII: High-Vicious Crisis (19)
The voice was very erratic, it seemed to be on the left when the last word was said, but it was already on the right when the next word was said, making it impossible to judge where it came from.

"Be careful! The magician..." Before Tang Ke finished speaking, he disappeared from them with a "swish".

Chu Jiayin looked around in astonishment, but she didn't see the kind of magician, but found that her father and Xiaobao had also disappeared.

At this moment, a gust of wind rushed in from the hole, and Jane Zhen's figure flashed again in the wind.

"You've got No. 3, let Xue Rou and Tang Ke go!" At this moment, Jian Zhen was covered in blood, with a fierce look in her eyes, as if she was a demon escaped from hell, which made people shudder.

The kind of magician smiled and said, "The person is already in my hands, do you still have the qualification to negotiate terms with me?"

"What exactly do you want?" Jane said through gritted teeth.

"I want you to become your own person. You have used the Eye of Death so many times. It should be more and more difficult to resist the control of darkness. Let me help you complete the final transformation!"

Tang Ke's body was suddenly thrown out of the darkness and landed in front of Jian Zhen.

"Use your death eyes to kill him! If you want Xue Rou to live, you have to trade his life for it."

Jian Zhen reached out and grabbed Tang Ke's shoulder, his eyes were flickering, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart?
Tang Ke looked at him and said calmly, "Let's do it, we must rescue Xue Rou."

Jane Zhen grinned, "Okay!" Then Tang Ke collapsed haggardly.

There was a "boom" in Chu Jiayin's mind, as if the whole world had collapsed, Jian Zhen actually killed Tang Ke!Tang Ke insisted on trusting him no matter what the situation was, but when he killed Tang Ke, he was so unhesitating that she had no time to prepare mentally.

However, Tang Ke was really dead, passing away in front of her eyes like this. The great grief made her wake up from the numbness, and she couldn't let Tang Ke sacrifice in vain like this!

"Go to hell!" She raised her gun and shot an angry shot at Jian Zhen.

Jian Zhen looked at her with a sarcastic smile on her face, as if she was saying, I am the god of death, and the mastery of death is in my hands.

The bullet rushed out of the gun barrel at an initial velocity of 480 meters per second, and was immediately locked by Jian Zhen's eyes. The material constituting the bullet decayed rapidly in less than one thousandth of a second. In the next 0.005 seconds, the bullet It continued to fly forward for 2.4 meters, but its extremely loose structure due to decay was no longer strong enough to withstand the strong resistance of the air. The bullet was split into two pieces, and then split into four pieces, 16 yuan, 250 six pieces...

What Chu Jiayin saw in her eyes was that the bullet she fired suddenly turned into a cloud of dust when she was more than one meter away from Jian Zhen.

Behind the dust is Jian Zhen's eyes, which are darker than the night. When Chu Jiayin saw this eye, it was as if she had fallen into an endless deep pool, and she didn't know anything at once.

In the haze, Chu Jiayin felt as if she was in a sticky quagmire, she could neither struggle nor breathe.When she was about to suffocate, someone suddenly lifted her out of the quagmire.She took a closer look and found that the man was Dad. She said happily, "Dad, so you are here. Let's go home quickly."

But Dad shook his head and said with concern, "Jiajia, I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Chu Jiayin felt faintly uneasy.

Dad's mouth was opened and closed, but Chu Jiayin couldn't hear anything.

"Father, what are you going to tell me?" Chu Jiayin asked anxiously.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared under Dad's feet and sucked him in. The vortex became bigger and bigger, like a huge black eye.

Chu Jiayin screamed "Ah" and woke up suddenly, only to find that her body was really sliding down slowly.

At first she thought it was an illusion caused by the memory in the dream, but then she realized that it was not an illusion, but that the entire ground was tilting.The tables and chairs in the hall were creaking and sliding, and a person on the ground was slowly sliding towards the door—it was Tang Ke!

Chu Jiayin immediately recalled the scene when Tang Ke was killed by Jian Zhen. She couldn't save him, so how could she watch his body disappear before her eyes?

Since the inclination of the floor could no longer allow people to keep walking upright, she simply jumped out and slid along the floor, catching Tang Ke just before he was about to slide out the door.

Chu Jiayin clung to the door frame with one hand, and pulled Tang Ke with the other, barely stopping the slide, but it was as if he was hanging on a steep slope, and there was no way to lift him back.

It was only at this time that Chu Jiayin realized that the outside had become very bright at some point. Strips of light rose from the edge of the prison like fireworks, interweaving over the prison to form a dome of light composed of strange patterns and characters.

Corresponding to the hemispherical dome, the ground of the entire prison also collapsed downward into a funnel shape. It is not correct to say that it collapsed, because the collapse would inevitably cause the ground to fall apart and collapse, but the entire ground including the buildings above remained intact. Continuously intact, it's just twisted in an uncanny way.

A giant hand thicker than a towering tree suddenly stretched out from the center of the funnel, punching through the sky of light!
fall into hell
Hamlet said: To be or not to be, that is the question?But it's never been a problem for me. If you've ever been put in a coffin and pushed into an incinerator, and fought your way through a city full of zombies, you must feel like me that being alive is more important than anything else.

It wasn't until I saw Pang Tiansheng's head cut into pieces like a watermelon with my own eyes that I didn't know that sometimes it might be better to be alive than to be dead.

I personally captured Pang Tiansheng because he was banned and I was a member of the trade union.

The guild is the successor of prehistoric civilization and possesses many supernatural abilities from the "Shenji", while Jin is the god of death who was ordered by the "magic pole" to destroy the guild.

For thousands of years, the ban has exterminated the trade union members several times, but no one knows where the ban is, how many people there are, and what abilities they have. They only know that they are poisonous snakes lurking in the dark forever, and they will deliver a fatal blow at any time.

And Pang Tiansheng is definitely the scariest one in the forbidden area I have ever come into contact with, because he has a "levelless magic brain" comparable to a supercomputer, and with the "Three Easy Real Numbers" stolen from the union, he can not only predict the future , and even control the fate of others.

How to deal with a person who can predict the future?The answer is actually me, I have "Second Fate", the only person Pang Tiansheng can't predict.

But Pang Tiansheng is also very clear that my biggest weakness is Xue Rou. In order to prevent Pang Tiansheng from killing Xue Rou, I was forced to tell a lie that I will never love Xue Rou again.

This is a real race of fate, I must make my actions faster than Pang Tiansheng predicted, even if it is only a second faster.In the end, they successfully forced Pang Tiansheng to show up and captured him alive.

This is the first time in the history of the trade union that ban has been captured alive, and the core secrets about ban should be obtained from him, thereby reversing the disadvantage that the trade union has been passively beaten for thousands of years.

But what I didn't expect was that the first thing Pang Tiansheng told me was that there was a big secret hidden in me that could kill me.

Before he could speak clearly, he was taken away by other union members. It didn't matter if he said it or not, I wouldn't believe it anyway.

For me, the most urgent thing to do is to explain to Xue Rou, even though we have just agreed to break up.But when I saw her cry because I didn't love her anymore, I realized that protecting the person I love the most is more important than anything else.

After dressing up the wounds caused by the battle in the hospital, I was going to find Xue Rou immediately, but Wu's appearance completely changed everything.

He told me he was banned and I was banned too.

My first reaction was to refuse to believe it, because you can't just say I'm forbidden, and I'll believe it right away.At least I have to prove that all the bans I know have evil abilities, for example, if you say "you're a dick", it will explode duang and so on.If I don't have such special skills, then readers will definitely scold me when they come out, which proves that you are a fake.

What's even more ridiculous is that he actually said he came to save me.Little did he know that his prematurely aging bald head, thin body, and melancholy eyes all deeply betrayed his true identity as a mental patient.

I really want to greet him sincerely: the city mental hospital is a good hospital, why give up treatment?
All he said was, "Look."

Then I saw a group of ordinary-looking people coming from below, but I had a special feeling in my heart, which was the resonance between heaven and earth.

Tianshu is a brain intelligence program taught by Shenji to human beings. Like a computer program, it can be "downloaded" into the human brain, and then run automatically to absorb the energy of nature and develop the superpowers of the human body.

Just like a computer program has requirements on hardware, the heavenly book also has extremely high requirements on the human brain. If the brain's capacity is insufficient and forced to enter the heavenly book, the brain will be overloaded, and the consciousness will collapse and become an idiot.

Therefore, every union member will undergo a rigorous test before joining to test his brain's ability to withstand. In an unannounced test two years ago, I successfully passed the test, while Tang Ke and Xue Rou were eliminated.

Even if I joined the trade union, only star-level members are eligible to receive the heavenly book. I have been a low-level loose star from the beginning until now. The survivors have the ability to fight against the ban. Suzaku and Zhen Su respectively passed their two heavenly books "Zi Du Yan Guang" and "Chaos Eastern Mongolia" into my mind.

Although I have two bibles by myself, this is definitely not a good thing, because just like a computer cannot run two operating systems at the same time, I cannot use two bibles at the same time. collapse".

These people who came here all had heavenly records, so they must be workers above the Xingxiu level. In Zhang Mazi's words, "everyone has unique skills."

They must have appeared here to deal with the ban, so it is undeniable that the man in gray is a ban. The problem is, Nima knows that I am risking my life to have a friendly conversation with a ban, why has no one notified me?
Unless what the man in gray said is true!

At that moment, I thought a lot. Even if I was implanted with the forbidden virus unknowingly, the virus must not have broken out, otherwise I would not fight Pang Tiansheng to the death.But I can take the opportunity to break into the inside of the ban, find out their details, and wipe them all out, so that the deadly threat of the ban can be completely lifted.

"Follow me." The man in gray led me into the stairwell, pointed to the bottom of the stairs and said, "Hurry up to the basement."

Is there a secret passage in the basement?I rushed down without saying a word. In order to speed up, I didn't even run, but jumped directly over the railing.People will display greater potential than usual at a critical moment. It took me less than ten seconds to jump from the fifth floor to the first floor, which was so fast that I was shocked.

I was worried that the man in gray would not be able to keep up. I looked back and saw that there was no one behind. Where did this guy go?At this time, I felt that those workers were very close to me, and they also locked me with their spiritual vision.It is impossible for me to stop and wait, so I can only continue to rush down.

As soon as I rushed to the basement, I found that it was actually a mortuary. Isn’t this exactly what the saying goes: If there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, but if you don’t go to hell, don’t you cast yourself?
But now I have no choice, so I can only bite the bullet and rush in. I went in and took a look. Except for a few "good friends" lying on the table, there was no one else at all, and there was no legendary secret passage.

At this time someone said to me: "Control these corpses and rush out!"

In an instant, all my pores stood up, it was the voice of the man in gray, but there was clearly no one around me, could this guy be a ghost?
I have the unique ability of "Purple Flame Light" on me to control corpses, but I haven't used it for a long time, because this is a very rubbish skill, who has nothing to do with controlling corpses?Moreover, my level of spiritual power can't control a corpse for more than ten seconds at most. It's a bit too condescending for him to let me control "these corpses".

But the moment the Tianshu energy system was activated, I felt like a bomb exploded in my body, and the energy intensity was at least an order of magnitude stronger than before. Those stiff corpses in the morgue immediately seemed to fall on iron plates. Crackling and jumping up like a fresh shrimp on fire.

I remembered that when I was dueling with Pang Tiansheng just now, I was struck by the lightning manipulated by him. After the split, everything was bright in my eyes. "Okay, if I knew it would be like this, I should give Ya a few more chops, and I have to pay the electricity bill anyway.

"Let's go!" I drove the corpse out, I didn't intend to be an enemy of the trade union members outside, but suddenly realized that I had such a strong energy and didn't show off, it would be too wasteful.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the first corpse jumped out, it immediately flew backwards at three times the speed and hit the wall fiercely. There was a crisp sound of "ba", and all kinds of nutrients were rich, tender and juicy. a wall...

Then a sturdy figure broke into the door, his whole body shone with white light, like a blazing fire in the night, those corpses immediately disappeared like moths as soon as they touched him.

In just two seconds, my poor dream of counterattack was sadly shattered, and I couldn't express the regret in my heart, I really wouldn't die if I didn't do it!
With that person's attack speed, it's too late for me to say "don't hit me, my own people" now, and I can only wait helplessly for him to punch me to pieces.

Unexpectedly, the man stopped after cleaning up the living corpses, looking around, followed by seven people rushing in. As soon as they came in, they asked, "Bai Hu, where is Jane Zhen?"

From what they said, I knew it was the Western White Tiger Galaxy, and they really came to catch me.

The organizational levels of the union are divided by referring to the ancient astrology. The upper level is Ziwei, Taiwei, and Tianshi Sanyuan, and the lower level is the four galaxies of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. "One fire" is undoubtedly the main Baihu, and the other seven people are Qisu of the Baihu family: Kui, Lou, Wei, Ang, Bi, Xi, and Shen.

Every time I fought to the death with Jin, these masters didn't know where to hide. Now that I heard that I was banned, eight of them came at once. I immediately felt that the world was full of strong malice.

"I don't know, his signal disappeared as soon as I came in." Baihu said suspiciously.

"Is there a secret passage here?"

Wisps of light like tentacles of jellyfish emanated from these people, extending to every corner of the room, and the light of the white tiger even penetrated the walls and floors to explore the depths.I know they are searching for me with Nian Libo, but I am standing in front of them, why are they blind?

Someone next to me touched me lightly, "It's me." He telepathically said to me, "Don't make a sound."

It turned out to be a man in gray, he was right next to me, and I couldn't see anything.Could this be his dark ability?I have seen another Jin have a similar ability before, he can block people in a room from being discovered by outsiders.

And I also found that now only black and white are left to see things. This is my innate ability. I can see the breath when death comes, and I can also see energy in a completely dark environment. of light.

This shows that all visible light is blocked by the men in gray. In the eyes of the white tigers, we are just air.

"There is no secret way, where did this guy go?" Bai Hu turned around and rushed out again.

(End of this chapter)

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