different files

Chapter 107 File 6: Fate

Chapter 107 File Six: Fate (15)
I breathed a sigh of relief, it sounded fine.Now is the era of computerization, and being able to control the Internet is equivalent to almost controlling the whole world.With such a super program, he will have more confidence in competing with Pang Tiansheng, who has the ability to control fate.

"Can you help me get out of here?" I made the first request, and I don't know how to deal with the Providence Master, but there is definitely no way to stay here.


The electronic door opened without a sound, and a piercing fire alarm sounded outside the door, and I rushed out at the speed of a [-]-meter race.But as soon as I went out, I found that it was pitch black outside, and my ears were full of noisy human voices, but I couldn't see anything.

"Follow the direction of the red dot."

I saw a red light spot not much bigger than a bean in the darkness, knowing that this was a guiding signal from the lurkers, so I gritted my teeth and rushed forward regardless of what was ahead.

"What happened and why didn't the backup power work?"

"Contact the electromechanical team to overhaul the equipment immediately. There is a flashlight in the emergency box in the corner. Go get it quickly. The second team will go to the interrogation room to have a look. There can't be any problems there."

Someone was making arrangements in the dark in an orderly manner, but taking advantage of the ten-second gap, I had already walked in front of the red dot, which turned out to be a door.

With a light pull, it opened in response, but at the same time, a flashlight lighted up behind him, and someone shouted: "Who is leaving?"

I didn't dare to answer, I jumped out in a flash, the electronic door closed automatically, and there was a faint knocking sound from inside the door.Judging from the good sound insulation of the electronic door, it may not be easy to knock it open.

The electronic doors in front of me opened one after another, and the road to freedom seemed to be unimpeded.I was about to run wildly, but the lurker said: "Don't go, open the first door on the left and go in!"

I knew that the more unreasonable the arrangement, the more reasonable it would be, so I opened the door and walked into the room without thinking.As soon as I closed the door, the sound of many people breaking through the door sounded outside.

"Quickly block all exits, and he must not be allowed to escape. Security Section, where did the suspect go?" Someone issued an order, and I leaned against the door and my heart was beating wildly. There must be surveillance cameras everywhere here. Can you hide here without being discovered?

"I fled to area C, I got it, hurry up and chase after it!" A large number of footsteps are quickly moving away.

I know that the lurker must have forged my image in area C, and this trick is really clever.

Hearing the calm outside, I immediately asked the lurker: "Can I go?"

There was no answer, just a weird noise in my ears.I even asked several times, is there no radio signal in this room?I couldn't help becoming anxious, after all, this is not a place to stay for a long time, so I had to venture out to have a look.

The door opened a crack, and I and the people outside were startled immediately—a policewoman dressed in civilian clothes stood outside.

Before she could call out, I quickly covered her mouth with my hand through the crack of the door, and at the same time whispered: "Don't scream, or shoot!"

My other hand was hidden behind the door, so she never knew I didn't have a gun.The policewoman was startled at first, but quickly regained her composure and nodded to me.

I half-opened the door and ordered her to come in.The female policeman walked in slowly, and when she was very close to my body, she suddenly turned around and put her back into my arms, and at the same time bumped her elbows hard.I didn't expect her to be so skillful, and she immediately took a few steps back after being hit by two elbows.By the time I realized it, the policewoman had already pointed her gun at me.

It's over!I thought angrily, I was caught again before I ran out of the gate.Unexpectedly, the fire extinguishing nozzle on the ceiling suddenly spewed out a few puffs of white smoke, blocking the policewoman's sight.

How could such an opportunity be missed? With one kick flying, the pistol left the policewoman's hand and fell into my hand.

"Don't move! You really have a gun this time!"

The policewoman's face finally turned pale, and her towering chest heaved due to her rapid panting.

"What do you want?" she said, glaring at me.

"Kill her!" The lurker's voice finally appeared.

"What?" I almost thought I heard it wrong. Although computers have no emotions, ordinary programmers consciously follow the principle of not harming human beings. How can it make me kill people?

"If you don't kill her, you will be exposed." The lurker said without any room for negotiation.

"Is there no second way?" With a wave of my hand, I hit the policewoman hard on the side of the neck, and she fell limply immediately.

"She has a car key on her, take it."

I searched the policewoman's body, and sure enough, I found a bunch of keys.

"From now on, you must obey my arrangements every step of the way, otherwise I will not be able to guarantee your safety." The lurker solemnly warned.

"Yeah!" I reluctantly agreed, hoping that he wouldn't let me kill anyone again.

After leaving the room, I moved forward under the guidance of the lurker, sometimes sprinting, sometimes stopping, each time avoiding the pace of the pursuer just right.When I walked out of the last door, there was an underground parking lot in front of me.

It is easy to find the policewoman's car through the remote control car key. It seems that her background is not ordinary, otherwise she would not own a fashionable sports car at a young age.

After rushing out of the underground parking lot, I thought I could take a deep breath and enjoy the blue sky and white clouds.Unexpectedly, the first thing I saw was half of the dark sky.The dark clouds had already reached the central axis of the sky, covering half of the city in heavy black shadows, while the sky over the other half of the city was clear and clear.

The boundary line between cloudy and sunny is as straight as a knife, which is simply a spectacle.

Since more people stopped on the road to "watch the sky", the traffic was even more congested than when I came.Fortunately, there was an "omniscient and omnipotent" lurker to guide me, so I avoided the most crowded road.And because I was driving a police car, when I ran into a red light, I pulled the siren to get in, and it was like entering a no-man's land.

"Why don't you drive to a secluded place?" It didn't take long for me to discover the problem. It stands to reason that I should flee to a place where fewer people know about it, the better, but the lurkers all guided me to drive in the direction of the city center.Even though this police car is driving a show, it is also a very conspicuous target. If this continues, the police will find me in a short time.

"After careful calculation, this is the best escape route." The lurker ignored my worries at all.

But what I was most worried about happened. Soon after, a series of sirens sounded, and a large number of police cars followed.What's more terrible is that there is no way ahead, and a large number of vehicles waiting at the red light have blocked the road.

I was secretly anxious, didn't the lurker have carefully calculated, why did he bring me to this dead end?Seeing the police car behind him getting closer and closer, there was nothing he could do.

They were forced to stop when they were dozens of meters away from me because they were blocked by the car in front.The policemen got out of the car one after another, bowed their backs, and rushed towards me under the cover of traffic.

"What should I do?" I asked loudly, but there was no answer. At this critical moment, the lurker lost his voice again.

I looked back anxiously, but a tall yellow tank truck blocked most of the police.I was shocked, and quickly turned around to look forward. Not far ahead, there was also an oil tank truck.

In an instant, I seemed to understand something, stepped on the gas pedal suddenly, left the road, knocked over the fence on the side of the road with a "bang", and rushed to the sidewalk.

"You went the wrong way!" The lurker unexpectedly appeared again.

"That's right!" I gritted my teeth and turned the steering wheel, rushing into a large shopping mall.The people in the shopping mall screamed and scrambled to dodge. The neatly arranged goods were suddenly destroyed by my rampage, and they were in a mess. After I "ravaged" in front of me, I made a gesture of contempt for the CCTV camera, Walk away from another exit.

The police cars behind responded immediately, some followed me closely, and the rest divided into several roads to outflank me from different directions.

"The plan has changed, and the route has been reset." The lurker quickly changed the guiding route according to the latest situation.

I followed its instructions, but the road in front of me was blocked by a railing, and there was a sign "Temporarily closed during construction" on the railing. It turned out that a skyscraper next to this road was under construction and was temporarily closed. up.

"It's time to update your guide program." I said angrily.

"Rush over." The lurker still maintained the original guidance.

The "squeak" sound of the wheels turning sharply came from behind, and the pursuers had already arrived.I gritted my teeth and smashed through the railing and rushed in. The road inside was muddy. I followed the lurker's instructions and turned left and right, but what finally appeared in front of me was a wall.

As soon as I stepped on the brakes, the car barely came to a stop before it came into close contact with the wall, but at the same time there was a sound of brakes behind me, and a police car completely blocked my only escape route.

At the same time, a faint shadow approached the car silently like a ghost.I looked up and saw a huge crane slowly approaching with a bundle of steel hanging from it.

With a chill in my heart, I hurriedly stepped on the accelerator, and the car slammed into a gap in the front wall and rushed out.Fortunately, the walls of these construction sites are only used for temporary separation and are not too strong, otherwise the car should be reimbursed if the wall collapses.

The police car behind also stepped on the accelerator to keep up. It had just left its original place when the cable of the boom above it suddenly snapped, and several tons of steel fell down like rolling stones, shaking the entire ground shook.

A steel beam hit the rear of the police car, and half of the poor police car "disappeared" immediately. The two policemen who survived the disaster hurried out of the car, and couldn't care less about my escape.

"You should have taken care of them." The lurker seemed to have read my intentions.

"I said, I have my way, and I will never allow you to hurt innocent people!"

"Doing so will only put you in ever-increasingly dangerous situations," the Lurker reminded me relentlessly.

"I never regret what I have decided. Tell me what to do next!" A fork in the road appeared in front of my eyes. They are all "dead ends" that cannot be turned back once they leave.

"On Bridge."

I turned the steering wheel and drove the police car onto the viaduct. As the height increased, the entire city was displayed in front of my eyes.It was noon at this time, but the city shrouded in dark clouds was like night.In the darkness, there were police lights flashing in all directions, moving towards me.

It seems that the police have laid a net for me. I can't imagine how I can escape under the circumstances.

"See that long truck up ahead?"

"I see!" Not far in front of me, there was an extended truck driving rapidly. The cabin was covered with canvas, and it was unclear what was being loaded, but the tires made a "crack" sound on the road, which was obviously very heavy.

"Catch up and stop it!"

"Stop!" I sounded the siren and ordered him to stop through the horn. The driver hesitated at first, but when he saw me pointing a pistol at him, he immediately stopped obediently.

"Get in the car and drive away." The lurker continued to tell me.

"Comrade policeman, I have a legal transportation certificate." The driver saw me tearing him off the car, and immediately took out the transportation certificate.

I took his certificate and looked at it, and it was impressively written "Permit for Road Transport of Highly Toxic Chemicals". "What's on the car?" I asked in surprise.

"25 tons of cyanide XXX." This is a chemical term that I don't understand. When I lifted the corner of the canvas on the car, I saw that there were sealed blue plastic barrels on the car, and the signs on the barrels represented extreme danger. skull mark.

"Why should I drive this car away?" I began to be a little confused.

"It's your security," the Lurker explained. "With it, no policeman would dare to shoot."

"What if they shoot?" I asked anxiously.

"Unless they are willing to pay tens of thousands of human lives." The lurker's answer made me shiver involuntarily.In front of the viaduct is the most densely populated and commercially prosperous southern district. If the poisonous substances on the car were poured out... I can't even imagine it.

"Let's go, they're chasing us." The sharp sirens behind him were deafening, and a series of flashing police lights pierced my eyes.

In this situation, it is impossible not to leave. I pushed away the driver who was anxiously blocking me, and jumped into the truck.The police cars behind quickly caught up, but they just kept a distance of tens of meters and followed behind, not daring to approach too closely.

The truck quickly passed the middle line of the bridge, which happened to be the dividing line between the north and south areas of the city, and further south it would enter the area shrouded in dark clouds.Looking up from the sunroof of the car, I can see that the dark clouds, which look calm on the outside, are violently surging inside, and there are faint thunder sounds from time to time, as if there are many huge monsters churning and roaring hidden in the clouds and mist.

When I was approaching the exit at the southern end of the bridge, I slammed on the brakes, because the front was already blocked by heavy police cars and roadblocks—there was no way to go, and there were chasing soldiers behind me, and I was surrounded!

There were no other cars on the bridge, and the police cars in front and behind stopped their sirens. The sudden silence made people almost breathless.

"Listen, people in the car!" The police on the opposite side yelled through the horn, "You are already surrounded, and surrender is your only way out!"

"Rush over." The lurker seemed to turn a blind eye to the blockade ahead.

This time I didn't listen to him, "You are not a lurker." No matter how stupid I am, I should wake up at this time. There are actually more safe ways for me to escape safely. Way?I know that Yu Yeyu sometimes disregards the interests of others in order to achieve his goals, but he will never write such a program that treats life as nothing.

The lurker was silent for a long time, and when he spoke again, it was no longer the original "electronic voice" that had no emotion, but changed into a slightly colored voice: "You finally found out!"

"You are Pang Tiansheng!" Besides Pang Tiansheng, who else can do this kind of thing, "You don't want to save me, but you want to use me to create a bigger disaster!"

"Maybe!" Pang Tiansheng said in a strange way, "If you want to survive, you can only listen to me!"

"Do you think I will listen to you?" I said with a sneer, "Every fool knows that rushing like this is a dead end."

"Do you think I won't be able to let the poison in the car leak if I stay here?" Just as Pang Tiansheng finished speaking, I heard faint thunder coming from my ears.

Seeing the dark clouds above my head rapidly accumulating, I couldn't help but think of the incident that I was almost struck by lightning that night. Could it be that Pang Tiansheng could even control the lightning of nature?
"I won't let you succeed!" After I finished speaking, I slammed on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel to the right limit at the same time. The truck smashed through the railing on the bridge and plunged into the turbulent river below.


There was a sensation in the whole city that day, because a whole carload of highly poisonous substances fell into the river.The city's tap water supply was cut off urgently, the river was blocked across the board, and firefighting and environmental protection departments were fully deployed to deal with this "possible" serious pollution incident.

While they were busy, no one noticed that I quietly climbed ashore a few kilometers downstream from the bridge and got into a huge sewage ditch by the river.

There are two sets of unknown underground networks in this city. One is a civil air defense project that stretches for more than ten kilometers and can accommodate tens of thousands of people. The other is this set of sewage pipes that are denser than spider webs. Networks are interlinked in some places.

I entered the civil air defense project through the sewage drain, and came to the place where I met Tang Ke last time. He was already waiting for me there—the action I made in front of the surveillance camera in the mall was actually a secret signal that I had agreed with him in advance. When he saw the code, he knew he was coming here for a meeting.

"Did you already know that the lurker is a fake?" Tang Ke asked after listening to my narration.

"Yes," I nodded heavily, "I've had suspicions since the first time he asked me to kill someone."

(End of this chapter)

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