different files

Chapter 104 File 6: Fate

Chapter 104 File Six: Fate (12)
"Later, I finally figured it out!" The fortune teller's eyes lit up suddenly, "Your fate hides a variable that the predecessors once suspected existed but never confirmed. They call it the 'second fate'!"

"I'm sure that even God's Will Master has not mastered your second destiny. He let you live until now to study you. Once he masters the second destiny..." The tone of the fortune teller is like As heavy as lead, "This world has lost even the last ray of hope!"

"Then how can we stop his research?" I asked anxiously.

"I don't know." The astrologer's words almost made me fall on my back. Fortunately, he continued, "I can't help you, but I can introduce you to my teacher. Maybe he is the only one in the world who can help you." your turn."

"Who is he?" I asked hopefully, the rank of a fortune teller is already so high, his teacher must be an extraordinary expert.

"Since you graduated from S University, you should have heard the name Yu Yeyu before, right?"

[-]. Looking for a savior

"Crazy Yu?" I blurted out that there are two well-known "entertainment stars" in S University, one is the idiot Pang Tiansheng, and the other is Yu Yeyu, the former dean of the School of Mathematics.

The reason why he is called "Crazy Yu" is because once he gets caught up in thinking, he will forget everything else, and do such ironic things as walking around the university campus in a nightgown, squatting in the toilet for two days and two nights, and forgetting to come out. things come.But his most famous "crazy behavior" is not these, but he gave up the international mathematics award to his students.

The School of Mathematics chaired by Yu has been focusing on NS equations, a world-class mathematical problem, in recent years. However, when he was close to the breakthrough stage, he suddenly announced that he would abandon the research on NS equations and turn to another research that is "one hundred times more important" than it.

The NS equation is like the brightest jewel in the crown of mathematics. Is there any research project that is a hundred times more important than it in the world?No one would believe it, and neither would the school leaders.Under the strong opposition from the school, Yu Yeyu actually chose to resign and leave the school, and then handed over all the research results of the NS equation to his student Feng Zhengyang.

Half a year later, Feng Zhengyang won the International Mathematics Award with the research results of the NS equation, and became famous, but Yu Yeyu, who was his mentor, disappeared and no one cared about him.

"He gave up the NS equation, is it just to study fortune-telling?"

"Don't you think the mystery of fate is indeed a hundred times more important than a mathematical problem?" the fortune teller asked me back.

I nodded, human beings always hope to explore more mysteries of the universe, but the results of those discoveries often bring unexpected disasters, like the nuclear crisis and the greenhouse effect.I can't imagine what the world will be like once all the secrets of fate are in the hands of human beings.

"You go to the city library, find a night shift guard named Wen Bo, tell him that the ban has appeared, and he will take you to see the person you want to see."

"You know forbidden?" I cried out, "Could it be that you are..."

"Could it be that you too..." the fortune teller also exclaimed in surprise, knowing that the only ones who knew the existence of the ban could only be members of the trade union.

"I'm Jian Zhen from Suzaku!" I extended my hand to formally introduce myself.

"It turns out that you are the last heir of the Suzaku family. The fact that you killed the two bans has spread throughout the White Tiger family. We all regard you as an idol!" The fortune teller also happily held my hand, "I am the White Tiger family." Shu Yingda, nice to meet you."

When I held his hand, I felt that his hand was cold and empty, and I felt like I couldn't grasp it.

"You feel it too!" The fortune teller smiled wryly and let go of his hand, "He's already eyeing me, so go away!"

"Then what do you do?" I asked worriedly.

"He won't kill you yet, so it's safe for you to go out, I can only stay here." Shu Yingda smiled and said with a feigned ease, "This is the place that best matches my fate, so last year I just stayed here." I chose to avoid robbery here for three months. As long as I stay here, he should not be able to do anything to me..."

When he said the back, his voice was a little "sinking", and I couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.Shu Yingda took out the cigarette and the lighter, but it didn't light at all with a "click", and it still didn't light with another "click".

I don't know why I became extremely nervous, and Shu Yingda's face became very ugly.At this moment, a blazing electric light flashed a smile, and in the flash, we saw a piece of yellow paper flying in like a bat from the entrance of the passage.

"Fuck!" Shu Yingda spat out the cigarette in his mouth and cursed. Just as he finished speaking, a thick water pipe on the wall of the passage suddenly broke, and a powerful stream of water hit his thin body like a cannonball.

He was immediately knocked flying five or six meters horizontally, and "falled" hard on the opposite wall. When he fell again, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were all covered in blood.

"Student Shu!" I rushed over to hug him, his eyes were wide open, but he couldn't make any response.

"Bastard!" I picked up the book of providence, only to see it read: Death to those who reveal the secrets of heaven!

I tore the will book into pieces two or three times, turned around and rushed out of the underground passage, and said loudly into the darkness: "You hide-and-seek turtle bastard, kill me if you have the guts, what kind of a hero is you who hurt innocent people! "

No one responded to me at all. Those passing cars quickly detoured when they saw me, probably thinking I was crazy.

"Stop!" I stood in the middle of the road and stopped a taxi. Anyway, I couldn't escape his control, and there was no need to hide my whereabouts, so I just took a taxi "fairly" to the library.

But the taxi turned off after only two steps, no matter how the driver tried to turn on the ignition, it would not turn on. "Sorry, this broken car is broken again!" The driver said to me apologetically.

"It's not your fault!" I got out of the car calmly, I knew it wasn't accidental, since the Providence Master wanted to prevent me from going to the library, I had to get there no matter what.

I walked forward in the heavy rain, and the sound of thunder exploded around me like a warning.At that moment, I was really scared, who can still face the power of nature without changing his face?That feeling is like putting my heart on an anvil and beating it repeatedly. I feel like I can't support it anytime soon.

Suddenly, a blazing white light lit up in front of my eyes, because it was too bright, so I couldn't see anything, and then there was a loud "pop", as if the whole world was shattered.

For the next few seconds, I couldn't see or hear anything, it was like sinking to the bottom of the ocean.It wasn't until my consciousness slowly recovered that I saw a power pole that was broken by lightning lying on the ground less than five meters in front of me.

Less than five meters, can Tianyi master even manipulate thunder and lightning?I gasped, if this lightning struck me, I'm afraid it would have been wiped out by now.

The pole was a clear warning sign telling me not to try to go any further.

give up?My answer is "no"!I took two run-up steps, jumped over the pole, and then ran wildly.He definitely hasn't penetrated the second fate, so he dare not kill me, but it doesn't mean that he will never penetrate.I don't want to die, so I have to "race" with him!
I walked through one street after another. The surrounding buildings seemed to be completely submerged in the night, and the whole world turned into a dark cave. blocked!

Many people are shirtless and tattooed, holding water pipes, iron locks, and watermelon knives. Although they are divided into two groups and stand on one side, they are constantly approaching, like two high-voltage lines colliding with sparks at any time.

The leader of one side waved his cigarette butt between his fingers, as impassioned as an orator, while the leader of the other side played with the jackknife in his hand without saying a word.But when I ran over, both of them looked at me at the same time. In an instant, the direction of dozens of people and dozens of knives also changed.

"Where is this kid from?"

"Are you looking for death?"

Some people were already making noise, and more people looked at me in surprise.When encountering underworld "talking about numbers", most people know that "avoiding it is good luck", but there are still people who automatically come to your door?
But as I ran closer and closer, this surprise turned into anger. Doesn't being afraid of them mean that they are not scary?For a self-respecting triad person, this is a great shame.

"Do it!" The leader of one side threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and the leader of the other side also clenched the jackknife in his hand.The two groups suddenly merged into a torrent, rushing towards me.

"Get out of the way!" I yelled hoarsely, and everyone thought I was crazy.I took out a pistol from my arms (don’t be surprised, I took it when I went back to the doomsday studio for the second time. Now that I have a clear enemy, I should have prepared differently), “Boom, boom, boom”, Xiang Tianlian Fire three shots.

The moment everyone was stunned, I rushed through the middle of them.

After I ran more than ten meters, they woke up like a dream, "Catch him!", "Don't let this kid run away!" In an instant, the crowd became passionate, and the two factions that were originally tit for tat suddenly had a common enemy.

A hundred or so people chased me from a secluded corner all the way to the bustling street. The scene was really spectacular. I guess the director who made "Young and Dangerous" would feel ashamed after seeing it.The shops along the way can be described as discolored and frightened.


A few police cars passed along the road, and the gangsters dispersed immediately. Before I could take a breath, a police car was already following me, and after the loudspeaker issued two beeps, a majestic voice came out: "The suspect in front, I order you to put down your weapon and surrender immediately, or you will be killed!"

I was dizzy right now, and I forgot to put the gun back after I took it out just now, so I ran for nine streets with the gun like this, and if the police caught me, I would have to add another felony.But the library is right in front of you, I still care so much about you, just run in and talk about it.

By this time the library was well past closing time and most of the lights were off, luckily the doors were still unlocked.As soon as I rushed in, I saw an old man dozing off on the counter.

I ran up to him and said out of breath, "Forbidden... appeared...appeared."

The old man didn't respond at all, he seemed to be asleep, I couldn't help but push him, but he fell to the ground as soon as his body softened.I was so shocked that he died!
The police car outside screeched to a screeching halt in front of the library, followed by the second and third cars. It was over, and the scene in the hospital was repeated.Tang Ke saved me last time, but this time he declared in advance that he would not care about me.

The way of retreat has been cut off, and the connector is dead again, what should I do?
That being the case, I have no choice but to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor!I ran to the fire alarm bell in the library and shattered the glass with the handle of my gun. "Bell..." The fire alarm rang intensely and piercingly, and soon several sleepy-eyed people ran out from different places.

They were stunned when they saw me with a gun and the police outside who were emergency arming.

"Forbidden!" I yelled at them with all my might.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering if they understood.

"Forbidden!" I yelled again.

They finally reacted, and one of them stepped forward and said, "Come with me!"

I quickly ran up to the second floor with him, and got between rows of tall bookshelves in the library.These bookshelves are more than enough for children to play hide-and-seek, but trying to hide me from the police is just a fantasy.

Running to the last row of bookshelves against the wall, the man took out a ring from his pocket, and shook it on the "Kangxi Dictionary" on the far side. Sliding open to the sides reveals a secret door.

"Go in!" he said to me.

I had no other choice, so I ran in without thinking.The bookshelf closed again, locking me inside.

"Please put down the pistol and follow the direction of the light." A voice came from the darkness.I put the pistol down, and immediately there was a row of lights in front of me, which turned out to be a white passage.

Walking to the end of the passage, a stainless steel door opened automatically, and inside was a circular space similar to an elevator hall.

"Please go in." The voice sounded again.

I stepped into the elevator, the steel door closed, and the outside sound was completely inaudible.The elevator stopped after descending vertically for more than ten seconds. I thought I had arrived, but I didn't expect the elevator room to turn [-] degrees to the left and then suddenly move horizontally again.After moving for more than ten seconds, it stopped, rotated ninety degrees again, and moved laterally again.

After going around a few times like this, I had no idea where I was being transferred, and the steel door finally opened.As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I felt like I was back in ancient times through time and space.What unfolded before my eyes was a space about the size of a gymnasium, filled with precision instruments like armillary spheres or ancient clocks.

In front of a huge spherical instrument in the center stood an old man whose skin looked like withered vines and whose hair was like messy grass. I recognized him at a glance as Yu Yeyu I was looking for.

"Dean Yu!" As soon as I saw him, I couldn't wait to confide in him.

"You don't need to say it!" Yu Yeyu said frowningly, "I already know!"

"You know everything?" Although I was a little discouraged, I was not surprised. Since he is Shu Yingda's master, the ability to predict is naturally stronger than him.

"It's really a pity that so many people have been sacrificed." Yu Yeyu's expression seemed very guilty, "but I can tell you a piece of good news, that Tianyi master is not forbidden."

"Do you know who he is?" Judging from Yu Yeyu's words, he seemed to have known the mysterious Providence Master for a long time.

"He's not a ban, is he a member of the trade union?" Tang Ke once speculated that the Tian Yi teacher was either a ban or a trade union, so he was unfortunately right?

"You can put it this way." Yu Yeyu said with a slightly blushing face.

"Then why didn't you stop him?" I turned from stunned to angry, and after a long time, the person who drove me to heartbreak and cornered turned out to be "one of my own" inside the trade union!
"I admit that I am responsible, but from another perspective, these sacrifices are very valuable." Yu Yeyu explained plausibly.

"I can't imagine how positive it could be to kill so many innocent people."

"You should know that our trade union has been banned three times, right?" Yu Yeyu asked.

I nodded and said, "Of course I know, I also know that the ban will kill us for the fourth time, but what does it have to do with this matter?"

"Of course it has something to do with it!" Yu Yeyu said loudly, "We have been obliterated many times because the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark. We will never know who the ban is, and when they will attack us. If we can predict everything, What will happen?"

My heart is pounding, if we can predict the actions of the ban, the passive situation can be completely reversed, we don't have to sit and wait for death, and we can even take the initiative to attack.

"In order to realize this ideal, the three generations of trade unions gathered eight top masters of numerology at that time to combine all kinds of strange fortune-telling techniques and calculate an ultimate numerology technique-the true number of three changes."

"Since the three generations of trade unions invented the three-yielding real number, why was it banned and obliterated in the end?" I asked puzzled.

"Because although they created this ultimate numerology, they lack people who can use it."

With a thought in my mind, I remembered what Shu Yingda said, and immediately understood: "Because the real number of Sanyi requires a person with strong mental arithmetic ability to calculate it?"

"No one can calculate it," Yu Yeyu said with a wry smile, shaking his head, "After experimenting, they discovered that the huge number system of the Sanyi True Numbers cannot be calculated by humans.

(End of this chapter)

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