Gong Fei Ji

Chapter 392

Chapter 392

Dong Xianniang smiled, and said: "The servant girl naturally believes in the empress."

From how she treats the chord, you can tell that this master is a kind person, and he won't take down anyone.Serving such a master is much simpler than serving a master who doesn't show affection.The main thing is to be loyal to her, and she will vote for Li Baotao to protect you.

The two were talking, when there was a sudden noise outside, Dong Xianniang listened quietly, and then said to Nan Yu: "Your Majesty, servant girl, let's go out and have a look." Then she bent her knees and went out.

After waiting for a short time, she came in again with a set of clothes in her hand.She smiled and said, "It's the dress for the day after the bureau sent the book."

She put down the dress, and said to Nan Yu: "Your Majesty, try on the dress to see if it fits, if it doesn't fit, send it back to the Fashion Bureau to change it."

Dong Xianniang helped Nanyu change into a dress, which fit just right.While tidying her clothes, Dong Xianniang said to Nan Yu with a smile, "Your Majesty looks like a mother when she puts on the kimono. I am afraid that only the Empress can wear the kimono with such a demeanor."

Although Nanyu knew that what she said was flattering, she was still very happy.

The post-registration process is very complicated and cumbersome.

Before Nanyu canonized, she had already moved into the Lizheng Hall where the empress lived.On the day of canonization, envoys composed of Taiwei, Zong Zhengqing, etc. will enter the Lizheng Hall with the book of conferment in their hands, and the maids of the palace will serve her and put on the highest dress of the empress—a robe.

There are twelve tree hairpins for the gown and jewelry, the number of small flowers is as large as that of big flowers, and two temples; the gown is woven from deep blue, the writing is in the shape of a di bird, the quality is five colors, twelve, etc.; the plain yarn is single, Collars and collars are all made of vermilion; knees are covered with the color of the clothes, with the collars as the skirts and Zhai as the badges, the third class; the big belts are in accordance with the color of the clothes, with the vermilion lining and the outside, with red brocade on the top and brocade on the bottom. Green brocade, green group used in New York; green leather belt, white jade double pendant Xuan group and double ribbon, the size of the chapter is the same as that of Chengyu...

(End of this chapter)

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