Gong Fei Ji

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Before he could react, several soldiers around him wailed and fell down.Then, there were more and more swishing sounds, and arrow feathers flew from everywhere like rain.

He hurriedly waved his sword to resist, and shouted sharply: "If there is a surprise attack by the enemy, take out the sword for this king!"

There was the swishing sound of arrow rain everywhere, and the clanging sound of swords and arrows colliding.Accompanied by the gradually dimming sky, the court generals in uniform and armor finally gradually revealed from the direction where the rain of arrows was fired.

The king of Shu quickly judged that the imperial army might have been waiting here to ambush, and what Qi Rong gave him was probably false news.The King of Shu immediately had an idea, could it be that Qi Rong pretended to take refuge in him and provided him with false news?This time he was really careless.

He didn't have time to think about it, and immediately issued an order: "Retreat north immediately."

The army guarded King Shu, King Jin and others and quickly retreated northward. King Wu waved his long sword to block the arrow feathers shot in his direction, and an arrow feather shot straight at his face when he was not aware of it. , Seeing that it was about to hit his eyes, a long sword picked it away, and then he saw Qi Bian who swung his sword to block the arrow for him.

Qi Bian blocked the sword for him and asked, "Are you all right, Your Highness?"

King Wu looked back at King Shu and King Jin who were being protected and had gone away. Even King Zhong, who was already lame, had someone behind his back to block the arrows for him, but he was thrown down.

Qi Bian grabbed his arm and said, "Your Highness, let's go!"

King Wu hated for a moment, and turned his head vigorously. The corpse next to the country followed Qi Bian and fled northward with the large army.

Probably because the arrow feathers were almost used up, and the number of arrow feathers flying over gradually decreased.

The army of the Three Kings rushed northward for a while, and not long after, a soldier in the vanguard suddenly shouted, "It's not good, there are also court soldiers blocking the front."

The king of Shu wanted to retreat, but found that there were also imperial troops behind him.Then he suddenly heard the sound of a large army charging and shouting on the left, while the road on the right was blocked.

Ambushing on all sides, with no way to retreat, they seemed to be caught in a urn.

King Jin looked at the situation around him, his eyes became more and more gloomy, then he threw the sword in his hand on the ground, and cursed: "Fucking mother, the imperial court has 20 soldiers and horses, and we also have 20 soldiers and horses. They have worked hard, and maybe they can give it a go.”

At this time, a general suddenly said: "My lord, the imperial court's army seems to be more than 20, and it seems to be as large as 40."

The king of Shu heard his heart sinking, and none of the news they got was right.He then thought again, no, the imperial court has a lot of soldiers and horses. Apart from guarding the border and suppressing the support of vassal princes from all over the country, there is no way to spare too many soldiers and horses to deal with them. Foreign aggression, these years have been spent on securing the throne, and there is no extra energy to expand the army, and his spies in the palace have found that the emperor has not made any major moves in the army over the years, otherwise, he He didn't dare to join forces with King Jin to send troops.Unless, the emperor has even concealed it from his spies, all the news that has been passed to him these years are all false...

Thinking of this, King Shu's heart sank even more.

He underestimated the emperor. At that time, he only thought that he was a fatuous and incompetent boy. Later, he performed a series of actions after he ascended the throne. He knew that he had been hiding his clumsiness before, but he also felt that he was just that capable.But he never expected that he would be defeated by this kid today after his brilliant life.

(End of this chapter)

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