Gong Fei Ji

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

Nan Yu thought, how could those people be stupid, they are smart.And good people and bad people are not the standard for them to act.

However, the so-called failure will bring prosperity, when the luck is back to a certain point, it is the time for good luck to come.

Just one day, the family of the scumbags who were under guard were panicked after they were almost poisoned to death. Then the next day, they told the Dali Temple and the officials that it was false that he sued Concubine Shu for sending someone to kill him. Yes, it was the people from the Qi family who found them and gave them a large sum of money to let them say this, but now the Qi family is going to kill people to silence them, please beg the Lord and adults to protect him, he still has seniors and juniors. Take care, don't want to die.

When the Qi family heard this, they immediately came out and said that it was a bunch of nonsense, what the family said was all lies.

The emperor said, yes, this family is full of nonsense. One moment they say that Concubine Shu is going to kill him, and the other moment they say that Uncle, you want to kill him. What he said is not credible at all, so of course he said that Concubine Shu is going to kill him. It is also false, and he said that he is Concubine Shu's biological father, of course it is not credible.Such a simple lie that can be exposed at the first glance, how could you, who are full of knowledge and knowledge, believe it back then!You are so confused when you hear that wind is rain, it really makes me very suspicious of your political ability!

At the beginning, Concubine Shu and Mrs. Li, I saw blood dripping to recognize their relatives, and I also saw her and Concubine Shu's blood melt together. If Concubine Shu is not the daughter of the Li family, then you are saying that Mrs. Li is in Steal someone outside?Also, if anyone says that he is Concubine Shu's father without any proof, you just believe it. Is it just a cat or a dog outside who came to say that I am his own son? You should also doubt me. He is no longer the son of the first emperor.Those of you who can't afford waves without wind and waves simply don't know what to say!
Then a minister pointed out that although you can't believe everything that so-and-so said, some of it is still believable. Look, Concubine Shu looks so much like sleeping with that-so!
Then the scumbag father also said that he is really Concubine Shu's biological father, otherwise he could recognize his relatives with blood.

But Li Bi also said that he is also willing to admit his relatives again, to prove that Concubine Shu is really his daughter.

Then our Concubine Shu also said that in order to prove her innocence, she is also willing to admit blood.

Since everyone agrees to accept the confession of blood, let's confess by blood, in front of all the officials, confess by blood.The emperor said that it was not enough to be in front of all the officials, and there were also false rumors about Concubine Shu among the common people outside, which had a great impact on Concubine Shu's reputation and caused great damage to Concubine Shu's body and mind.In order to restore Concubine Shu's reputation, dozens of highly respected people from among the common people will be invited to watch the blood test.

When everything was ready, Nan Yu was supported and appeared in the court hall. In front of all the officials and dozens of common people, each dripped a drop of blood into the blood containing Li Bi and the scumbag father. As a result, her The blood fused with Li Bi's blood, but not with the scumbag's.

In fact, the reason why the scumbag father firmly believed that Nanyu was his sold daughter was mainly because the Qi family told him, but now that this situation happened, he was a little bit at a loss, so he immediately knelt down and kowtowed and begged for mercy: "He really He didn't deliberately deceive the emperor, it was the people from the Qi family who told him that he was Concubine Shu's biological father, so he also thought that he was, and he was also deceived."

As long as the scumbag is proven to be a liar in one matter, then the authenticity of all the things he said later will be doubted.If Nanyu is really the daughter of the Li family, then she and the Li family will not be charged with deceiving the emperor and colluding with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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