Gong Fei Ji

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Responding to Wang Zhaorong's insinuations, Nan Yu disclosed the information that should be disclosed, and prevaricated the information that should not be disclosed.For Nan Yu's perfunctory, Wang Zhaorong was not in a hurry, and still talked to Nan Yu with a friendly smile.

After Wang Zhaorong left, Nan Yu turned her head and said to He Xian: "I haven't seen you in half a year, but Wang Zhaorong's words and deeds are much more transparent. It seems that she has had a good life in the past six months." Only those who have a good life will change Be confident and calm, the present Wang Zhaorong is not as cautious as before, but now he can finally see the demeanor of one of the nine concubines.

But He Xian whispered to Nan Yu: "I think it's better for you to have less contact with Wang Zhaorong in the future."

Nan Yu was about to say "I don't have much contact with her", but Hexian continued: "Even the eldest prince, I think it's better to be less close. The eldest prince is a good one, but there is no guarantee that Wang Zhaorong has no other You don’t know if you’re not in the palace, but I heard that Wang Zhaorong has gotten a little closer to Concubine Qi recently, and Concubine Qi is not embarrassing to target her anymore, and she even looks pleasant to the eldest prince, which always makes people feel weird. "

When she said this, she changed her tone and said: "Of course, I can't be sure about this news. After all, after you left the palace, the entire people in the Yaoguang Palace were imprisoned in the Yaoguang Palace, and the news is not so well-informed. In fact Not long after you left the palace, Concubine Qi seemed to have discovered her conscience, she suddenly changed her temper, she stopped being arrogant and domineering, and she didn't deliberately deduct the duties of other concubines. The rewards and punishments are clear, and she treats the palace people much more leniently You can see that Concubine Qi suddenly becomes friendly to Wang Zhaorong and the eldest prince, and Concubine Qi found out with her conscience, but there is always nothing wrong with being careful."

Nanyu didn't speak any more, just resting her head on her hands and meditating.

After a while, Bichi also came.

Concubine Xue Xian was pregnant, and she didn't go out much when she was raising her baby in Ganquan Palace, and Bichi, as the big maid by her side, rarely went out.But after Nanyu's life experience spread in the harem, it was not surprising that Bichi would come to Nanyu.

Nanyu and Bichi are from the same township, they were sold together when they were five years old, and they worked together as maids in the governor's mansion. After the governor's house was ransacked, she and she were confiscated into the palace together, saying that Nanyu was Li Bi's daughter, You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from Bichi.

Nan Yu thought that Bichi would ask her what was going on, or get some news for Concubine Xue Xian.But when she looked at Nanyu, she just sighed, took her hand and said, "Just come back." Then she didn't ask any more questions.

She talked to Nan Yu for a while, and then she was ready to go back.Before leaving, she suddenly reminded her hesitantly, "Because you are injured, you should go out less in the name of recuperating recently, and don't get too close to other concubines, so as not to get fishy on your body." gone.

Nan Yu was sensitive in her heart, she only felt that there was something in her words, so she turned her head and said to He Xian: "Is there any major event going to happen in the harem recently?"

He Xian spread his hands and said to her: "My eyes are smeared now, who knows." Then he said: "Let's ask someone slowly."

As soon as she finished speaking, someone from the Empress Dowager Qi sent a message that she would summon Nan Yu.

Nanyu knew that she was going to go through this experience. If the harem knew that Nanyu was the lost daughter of the Li family, it was unreasonable for the queen mother not to know.If you know about the urine nature of the Empress Dowager, it is impossible to pretend not to know, or not to ask.

Nan Yu was not afraid, and asked He Xian to put on clothes for her, and then followed the Queen Mother's people to Ningshou Palace.

However, what surprised Nan Yu was the change in Empress Dowager Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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