Gong Fei Ji

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

The emperor stood up, looked out of the window with his hands behind his back, and said: "Your sister has been gone for three years. It's been too long, and my memory has gradually become blurred. I only remember that I have a very gentle temper, love piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and like me in the study. When she was working, she would play chess or paint by the side, and she could stay for a whole day without getting bored. She is obviously a concubine, and the Qi family often disrespects her, so she doesn't like to care about it."

Concubine Xue Xian smiled, and said: "Sister is indeed a very good woman, beautiful and chaste, gentle and generous, just like my concubine's mother. Your Majesty knows, my sister's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting were learned from my concubine's mother, and my concubine's Mother is a very talented woman. She is a concubine, not as good as mother and sister." She said as if recalling, and said: "When I was in Zhuangzi, life was poor, but because of mother and sister , In fact, life is very happy. Like my mother, my sister is as versatile as my mother, and as stupid as she is, she will do everything for the one she loves."

Concubine Xue Xian sat behind the emperor, she didn't see the emperor with his back turned to her, she turned her mouth indifferently, she didn't know if it was towards her, or the beautiful and chaste mother and sister in her mouth.

Concubine Xue Xian sighed, and continued: "I don't know if my mother and sister will meet in the underground, the underground is cold, if two people meet, they will not feel cold even if they cuddle up to each other."

The emperor didn't speak, just stared out of the window in a daze.

The moonlight outside the window is cool, and occasionally the rustling of leaves can be heard, and the moonlight shines in through the window screen and spreads on the wide bed.

Concubine Xue Xian turned around and looked at the sleeping emperor beside her with a gentle expression.

His breathing was shallow, probably because Li Mei was angry, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and even in his sleep there was a look of anger on his face.The frivolous phoenix eyes are so beautiful even when they are closed.The eyebrows are thick and full of heroism.The thick earlobes are like round jade.The lips are very thin and slightly upturned. It is often said that men with thin lips are usually fickle... But you have to admit that this is a very handsome man, handsome and mature, who accidentally attracts women into him.

She thought of her sister, was she once fascinated by him a little bit, and finally got stuck in it and couldn't extricate herself?Every night I shared the bed with him, looked at him, then loved him more and more, and finally desperate for him, like moths to a flame.

She stretched out her hand, traced his eyebrows, mouth and nose bit by bit, and finally returned to his brow, and smoothed his slightly wrinkled brow bit by bit.

But after a while, her hand froze on his brow again, then she clenched her fist and drew it back, her face also became cold.

She felt guilty and even humiliated, this was her enemy, for the sake of his throne, he connived at Qi Rong to kill her sister, who loved him deeply.Qi Rong is the murderer, and he is the accomplice.He is even more hateful than Qi Rong, he took advantage of his sister's love for him and made her die for him willingly.

She thought of what her sister said before she died, she didn't regret dying for him.But what did this man do, he was enjoying the power brought by the throne, enjoying the women in his harem, he forgot about his sister, he even fell in love with another woman.

A man with thin lips has a low heart and no luck. How could she be tempted by such a man.She shouldn't be like this, she's sorry for her sister.Her only purpose in entering the palace was to avenge her sister, not to indulge herself in falling in love with this man who betrayed her sister.

She turned around, turned her back to the emperor not to look at him, and then embraced herself completely, as if in this way, she could stop herself from falling in love with this man.

(End of this chapter)

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