Gong Fei Ji

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

His Majesty was born with a disability. This is a scandal in the royal family. People will think it is a punishment from the heavens caused by the prince's failure of morality. The Holy Majesty was deeply affected by this, and was reprimanded by the late emperor. Since then, the empress has fallen out of favor Yes, even His Highness was disliked by the Holy Majesty.Later, His Majesty's nanny died suddenly.The empress asked people to investigate the nanny, but it was found that she was involved with a nanny in the queen mother's palace at that time.Just after checking here, the Empress Dowager suddenly hinted to the harem that she wanted to bring His Highness to her side to raise her. The empress was so frightened that she didn't dare to investigate further, and she didn't dare to tell the Holy Majesty that His Highness was murdered.What's right and wrong in it doesn't need to be said by the servant girl, the beauty can figure it out by herself. "

But Nanyu really doesn't know it. Wang Zhaorong said that His Royal Highness could hear when he was born, but Nanyu knows common sense after living in modern times. Newborn children have no hearing, and it will take a while to hear Things, laughing is also unconscious laughing.Wang Zhaorong said that when she spoke, His Royal Highness would respond with a smile, who knows if it was her illusion of being a mother.

However, combined with the following events, the possibility of His Highness's disability being acquired is indeed relatively high.

Nanyu looked at the eldest prince who was still smiling at her, reached out and touched his head, and sighed pitifully: "What a poor child."

So, it is right that she does not want to have children now.Who knew that even if she was born, she would look like the eldest prince.

The moment Nanyu felt pity for the eldest prince in her heart, and her mother's love burst forth for a while, she was extraordinarily kind to the eldest prince.She felt that it would be intolerable for such a child with a rough life experience not to treat him better.

The eldest prince likes to be obedient, and obediently also likes this little glutinous rice dumpling.Nanyu asked people to move away the high tables, tables, vases, etc. in the room, and then sat cross-legged on the couch, watching the two of them playing with a hydrangea in the room.

Xiao Tuanzi threw the hydrangea out, then obediently ran over to pick it up, then rolled the hydrangea back to the eldest prince.Throw the little dumpling again, and pick it up again obediently... This game is repeated countless times, and one person and one animal never get tired of it.And Nanyu was on the couch, as long as she saw obediently picking up the ball, she would applaud and applaud to express her encouragement.

Then, the emperor came.Seeing the eldest prince in the room, he frowned, and said in displeasure, "Why is he here with you again?"

Naturally, he was referring to the eldest prince. All along, the emperor didn't like the elder prince coming to Nanyu, and he didn't like him very much.Nan Yu thought, fortunately the eldest prince couldn't hear him, otherwise, he would be so sad to hear his words.

Hearing the emperor's voice obediently, she dropped the hydrangea ball she was holding under her body, and suddenly clucked onto the emperor's body.

The emperor looked at Kuaiguai, but his eyes softened, and he said with a smile: "Did my Xiaoguai miss me, you are getting heavy again."

Obediently rubbed against him to please him.

The eldest prince turned his head and stared blankly at the emperor and Guaiguai, envious of Guaiguai being able to hold the emperor in his arms, but also wishing that Guaiguai could be closer to him than the emperor.

Nanyu can't stand it anymore, your son is here, can you stop favoring each other so much.

She stretched out her hand to pick up the chicken leg that was placed on a plate on the table, took a bite herself, then waved to Kuai, and said, "Come on, come to mother."

(End of this chapter)

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