Chapter 321
On the cold winter street, Shuiyan hid in the buildings on both sides of the street, in a prostrate posture, her eyes were fixed on the direction of the sacrificial procession.

"Yan Qing, listen, it's the sound of funeral music."

Yingge was beside her, reminding her softly.

Shui Yanqing carefully identified it, and it was indeed the sound of mourning music, and there were faint sounds of horseshoes and footsteps, coming from far and near.

She whispered: "Send the order, the whole army is on alert, listen to my order."


Shui Yan leaned out half of her body, and sure enough, at the corner of the street, there appeared the figure of a sacrificial procession dressed in sackcloth and filial piety.

All of a sudden, white paper flowers were flying all over the sky, low-pitched cries were faintly heard, and everyone looked sad.

Duanmu Wuze sat on the horse, his eyes were full of pain, white paper flowers fell in front of his eyes, he seemed to be indulging in grief and couldn't slow down, but he didn't notice it at all.

What a well-done show.

Shui Yanqing couldn't help cursing in her heart.

Behind Duanmu Wuze, eight people were carrying the coffin of the King of Yue, walking with difficulty all the way, and behind them were five hundred elite soldiers brought by Duanmu Wuze.

With two hundred against five hundred, although it is a surprise attack, the strength is still very different.

At the critical moment, we can only gamble whether she can catch Duanmu Wuze.

Capture the thief first and capture the king. If you capture him, you are half sure of winning.

"Qihu, I will capture Duanmu Wuze later, you lead my brothers to surround me from the front and back, and make sure to intercept and kill Duanmu Wuze. Do you understand?"

Shui Yanqing gave an order with a grim expression.

"Don't worry, Marshal, even if my seven tigers are the last ones, they will definitely complete the order."

Qihu thumped his chest, and said solemnly.

"Okay! Go back and celebrate and drink!"

Shui Yanqing smiled sweetly, and lightly landed a palm on Qihu's shoulder.

Seven Tigers grinned.

The funeral procession came from far and near, and gradually reached the street. Those kneeling by the street were actually Shui Yanqing's subordinates, not ordinary people.

After Duanmu Wuze's men and horses approached, they heard Shui Yanqing's low voice: "Go!"

Then I saw Shui Yanqing flying out of the building, the sword in his hand pointed at Duanmu Wuze and went away!

When Duanmu Wuze first met, Shui Yanqing appeared, and ecstasy flashed across his eyes, but when he found out that Shui Yanqing's target was him, his eyes turned cold.

Yan Qing, you came all the way to assassinate me, probably just for Duanmu Yuhan?

He pulled out the saber that he carried with him with a swipe, and blocked it in front of him, just in time to block Shui Yanqing's attack!

At this moment, Shui Yanqing's [-] elite soldiers were fighting with Duanmu Wuze's troops, but Shui Yanqing suddenly felt his wrist heat up, and his sword was blown away by Duanmu Wuze's palm!
Just when Shuiyan knew something was wrong and wanted to escape quickly, she saw a white fairy-like figure appearing behind Duanmu Wuze, who dropped a sword from the sky and placed it on Duanmu Wuze's neck.

Shuiyan shouted happily: "Yuhan!"

"Yan Qing!"

There was also joy in Duanmu Yuhan's eyes, but he resisted the urge to rush over to the enemy.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Huang, he is actually waiting for me in this imperial city."

Duanmu Wuze glanced at the sword on Duanmu Yuhan's neck, and said helplessly.

He knew that Duanmu Yuhan must have arrived in the imperial city, but he found nothing.

He also knew that Duanmu Yuhan would definitely come to intercept and kill him at this time, but he didn't expect that Shui Yanqing would come along with him.

"Put down your weapons, otherwise, I will kill Duanmu Wuze!"

Duanmu Yuhan swung the sword horizontally until Duanmu Wuze felt a little pain, then Duanmu Wuze reluctantly said: "Everyone put down your weapons."

Hearing Duanmu Wuze's order, the surrounding soldiers put down their weapons one after another, and Shui Yanqing also put down their weapons under her gaze.

"Duanmu Wuze, you poisoned your father to death with your own hands. Your crime is unforgivable. Can you be convicted?"

Duanmu Yuhan's loud shout fell on Duanmu Wuze's heart, and a faint pain flashed between his brows.

But he said slowly: "Duanmu Yuhan, don't talk nonsense in the end if there is no evidence."

"Of course I have evidence to accuse you like this! Green Jaw is my subordinate. Although she witnessed the whole process, she will definitely be accused of slandering you. Then I will let another person come to see you and let you die today Be convinced!"

Duanmu Yuhan's eyebrows were sharp, and he made a light gesture with his jade finger, and slowly walked out from the corner of the street, a woman covered with a light veil.

She was wearing a white gauze dress, and she was estimated to be middle-aged. Although there were wrinkles between her eyebrows and eyes, they still couldn't hide her youthful magnificence.

With a light veil covering her face, she walked slowly, very calm and calm.

When Shui Yanqing secretly marveled that there is such a woman who is like a lotus in the world, when she turned her head, she saw that Duanmu Wuze's face had changed.

He knew this woman, and was afraid of her appearance.

"I am the master of the Five Poisons Sect. Prince Duanmu Yuhan came here today to prove one thing."

As soon as the door master's words fell to the ground, there was a commotion among the crowd!
Shui Yan tilted the sword in her hand, and tightened it unconsciously!

Isn't the Five Poisons Sect always a dull person?

"You don't need to be nervous. Although I am the head of the sect, I don't advocate the actions of the Holy Master. Now, the Holy Master has been controlled by Prince Duanmu Yuhan. I want to save his life, so I stand up because of the kindness of the past. Tell the truth."

Shui Yanqing was silent, she finally knew what Duanmu Yuhan was hiding from her.

——Probably, he went to break through the Five Poison Gates alone.

Shui Yanqing carefully looked at Duanmu Yuhan up and down, and there seemed to be no signs of injury, so her hanging heart fell slightly.

"Duanmu Wuze, that is, the second prince, once asked me that the sage of the Five Poisons sect master used a poison called Hundred Days Death, and put it in the old Yue King's soup, which caused the death of the old Yue King. In fact, Lao Yue King didn't die because of depression, but because of Duanmu Wuze's subordinates!"

The head of the sect pointed sharply at Duanmu Wuze, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Do you think, as a woman, if you are talking nonsense here, will anyone believe it?"

Duanmu Wuze felt a little guilty, but still refused to admit it.

"The bottom of the bowl containing the soup and medicine from that day, there is still poison residue, which is right and which is wrong, you will know once you test it. Duanmu Wuze, don't you think so?"

The head of the sect is from the Five Poisons Sect, so drug testing, as long as she is willing, is naturally a no-brainer.

But when Duanmu Yuhan suddenly groaned, he fell backwards!

(End of this chapter)

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