all over the world

Chapter 293 The Courage

Chapter 293 The Courage

On the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month in the Gengyin year, heavy snow flew, the imperial city was initially established, and the world was temporarily peaceful.

The whole world celebrates, and the whole country amnesties the world.

According to the order of the Empress Dowager, all those who commit minor crimes will be released with a commutation of sentence, and those who commit serious crimes will be suspended for five years.

The great Qi was famous in all the vassal states, and there was an endless stream of pilgrims. Among them, the most mentioned one was Shui Yanqing, the coach who defeated the King of Yue in the Battle of Chang'an.

In the market, there are many rumors about this woman.

It is said that it is a goddess living in the world, so powerful that she can lift a cow with a single hand.

——When Shuiyan heard this, tea sprayed Ling Shiyi's face.

Some people say that he defeated thousands of poisonous snakes in the battle of Yunling, but he is the indestructible body of King Kong.

—— Shui Yanqing carefully counted the number of snakes and thought about it carefully. The rumors in the market are wrong, and there are definitely no thousands of snakes.

What's more, this woman has an undisclosed relationship with the prince who looks like a fairy in the Yue Kingdom, and with the most powerful and coquettish Ning Guogong in Daqi.

——Lan Yi nodded vigorously cautiously, and was hit by the scroll picked up by Shui Yanqing with a "snap" sound.

"Yan Qing, are you really going to see Duanmu Yuhan off today? Why do I think the prince will murder him halfway?"

Lan Yi resentfully held the book in his arms, turned his face to Shui Yanqing's side, and asked maliciously.

"By the way, Lanyi, I seem to remember that Ling Shiyi came to me a while ago to mention the dowry, and I just wanted to discuss it with you..."

Shui Yan leaned her foot on the stool, glanced at Ling Shiyi who was smiling shyly at the side, picked up a melon seed indifferently, and knocked it casually.

"Yan Qing, I just remembered that I still have something to do!"

Before Shui Yanqing could finish speaking, Lan Yi picked up her skirt, turned around and walked away, leaving Ling Shiyi in the room looking at her leaving figure with great regret.

"Eleventh, it seems that you have to add more about cooking raw rice as soon as possible."

Shuiyan gave a vengeful smile, got up and patted Ling Shiyi on the shoulder, and walked out the door with her hands behind her back with a "sorrowful" face.

"My lord... they... bullied me..."

Ling Xi wailed all the way, so life was not miserable.

On the outskirts of ten miles, the road is paved with white snow, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. Occasionally, a few brown birds fly across the gray sky, leaving a clear and empty cry.

The ink-colored mountain peaks in the distance are like a landscape painting splashed with ink, faintly appearing at one end of the edge of the sky, with a blurred blue color.

Under the blue and green color, a slender and dusty figure was wearing a light white cloak, standing far away, beside a white horse, standing like a jade sculpture.

His white hair band fluttered with the wind, intertwined with the black hair, and danced backwards. The veil on his face also fluttered with the wind, and his eyes were full of nostalgia and nostalgia. So gentle.

He knew that in a short time, she would come here to see him off.

He specially chose the location in the sparsely populated wilderness, firstly, to avoid unnecessary troubles, secondly, he felt that this place was very empty and empty, suitable for remembering her forever, without any impurities.

Just rightly, the heavens snowed him, covering up everything that had been removed from the mundane dust, and the only thing left was her figure riding a horse in the snow-paved road.

He looks out.

Looking back.

Deep in the city gate, a red figure appeared, galloping on top of a black steed!

The flying snow splashed more than three feet high behind the horse's hooves, and her red cloak swung unrestrainedly towards the gray sky. Birds flutter out!

Behind her, there was a warbler in emerald green uniform, and a brown horse galloped behind her.

As expected, she was still worried about him and took Yingge with her.

On Duanmu Yuhan's lips, there was a faint smile of relief.

This is enough, she is always worried about his safety, afraid that he will encounter accidents, for him, this life is enough.

Even though, what she loves is not him.

Just as Duanmu Yuhan was staring at her, he discovered something strange about the city gate!

At the half-covered city gate, there appeared the figures of officers and soldiers lined up neatly, everyone holding sharp knives and walking quickly tens of meters behind Shuiyan's leaning!

It even alarmed the officers and soldiers!
Obviously this was done on purpose!

Someone wants to use his identity to suppress Yan Qing's military achievements!

Duanmu Yuhan focused his eyes and frowned, looked at Shui Yanqing's approaching figure, hesitated for a moment, then immediately got on his horse, waved fiercely, bit his lip, and left in the dust!

Yan Qing, don't follow me.Please do not.

Shui Yanqing saw Duanmu Yuhan getting on his horse and running fast for some reason, as if he wanted to escape as fast as possible, she couldn't help feeling suspicious in her heart, just when she was about to look back, she heard Yingge gasping for breath. He shouted: "Yan Qing, stop quickly. There are officers and soldiers behind!"

Shui Yanqing was startled, when she left the city gate, she double-checked the surrounding environment, how could the officers and soldiers of Daqi suddenly appear at this moment?

"Come forward! Catch them!"

One of the leading officers and soldiers shouted loudly, and the rest of the officers and soldiers were ordered to immediately surround Shui Yanqing. "Night Killer" raised its front hooves and let out an unwilling roar!
"What are you doing?"

Shui Yanqing no longer looked in Duanmu Yuhan's direction, but lowered her face, deterring these officers and soldiers with a majestic expression.

Most of these officers and soldiers knew the famous Shui Yanqing. After being yelled at by her like this, they lost their minds and lowered their heads obediently.

Finally, one of the leading officers and soldiers bit the bullet and said: "According to the order from above, at this time today, someone will meet the prince who slipped through the trap of the Yue Kingdom here, so he ordered me to wait here to lie in wait. When the commander passes by here, this..."

Shuiyan listened and immediately understood.

——Someone revealed her whereabouts.

She remained calm, knowing that as long as Duanmu Yuhan was not caught on the spot, everything would be fine and nothing would be established.

Shuiyan tilted her head, lowered her eyes, and suddenly shouted coldly and loudly: "What about the prince of Yue?! Did you see it?! The order from above? Whose order was it?! Who gave you such an order? How dare you!?"

Shuiyan sat on the horseback, all the swords, guns and shields surrounded her. After being shouted at by her, she retreated a lot, and then gave way to a path, slowly walking from the middle of the path , came with a gorgeous and noble luan sedan chair.

"It was me who gave them such courage."

The Luan bridge fell slowly, and the curtain embroidered with the pattern of phoenix flying and dragon rising was gently opened by slender hands.

(End of this chapter)

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