The Strongest Iron Triangle of Tomb Raiders

Chapter 343 The Enemy Meets Extraordinarily Envy

Chapter 343 The Enemy Meets Extraordinarily Envy
On a mountain outside the water cave tomb.

A group of people stood on the top of the mountain, staring at the deep water hole diagonally below.

There are about 20 people in this group.

The leader is a very beautiful and glamorous woman.

The current head of the Wang family, Liang Jingjing.

"Come out, come out, Patriarch, people have come out."

"Go, let's go down."

Liang Jingjing led her men up and down the mountain to the river.

A small boat was rowed out of the water hole, and the three people on board were experts in the Wang family.


"how is the situation?"

"A total of seven people, all in the water cave, Ah Feng is watching."

"Haven't been found?"

"Don't worry, Patriarch, we are all very careful, and it is absolutely impossible to be discovered."

"Good job." Liang Jingjing nodded in satisfaction.

That's right.

She was indeed the one who released the copy of the Silk Book of the Warring States Period, and she was the one behind it.

Lu Palace is not simple, she brought out the Warring States Silk Book from the Blood Corpse Tomb, and originally planned to invite Ming Li to Lu Palace, but she was rejected.

A group of Wang family elites died in the black sandstorm in the Taklamakan Desert before, and another group died in the blood corpse tomb.

Although there are many people in their Wang family, there are not many people left who can be used.

In the tomb sect, there are many masters.

In order to ensure a smooth trip to the Lu Palace, she found someone to get a copy of the Warring States Silk Book and set up a trap.

Unexpectedly, someone actually entered the game, Li Laosan, Chen Pi, Wu Laowu, and black-backed Lao Liu, the admirals of the Nine Gates of Tanzhou, entered the game.

What she didn't expect was that this event actually alarmed the three masters of the tomb sect, Ming Li, Chen Yulou, and Partridge Whistle.

After the reaping profit plan was launched, Liang Jingjing asked people to follow her from afar.

There are Ming Li and others clearing the way ahead to clear the obstacles. In this case, their trip to Lu Palace will be much easier this time.

In total, Ming Li saved her twice.

There was a black sandstorm in the Taklamakan Desert. A few days ago, she was detoxified from the blood corpse, and she was her lifesaver.

It is indeed too shameless to calculate the savior like this.

But in order to find out the secret about longevity left by her ancestor Wang Zanghai, she couldn't care less.

This is her mission as a member of the Wang family, and she must figure out the secret behind it no matter what.

Life-saving grace, if you have a chance in the future, please repay it.

"Master, shall we go in now?"


"Everyone aboard."

Liang Jingjing jumped onto the boat with her men, and several small boats sailed into the secluded water cave one after another.

After entering the water hole, put a large corpse weeter with a hexagonal bell hanging from the tail on the bow.

This big corpse has a strong corpse aura, and placing it on the bow can cover up the aura of a stranger, so as not to provoke the dirty things in the water hole.

This method is learned from the old boatman who has been running the ferry on this river all the year round.

That's right, the old boatman Du Mingli and the others belonged to them, and they bought them with money in advance.

It's just that this old boatman can't change his eating shit, and he can never change his trick of calculating others in the water hole, and he ended up dead in the end.

Speaking of which, this old boatman's ability is really extraordinary.

Growing up eating dead human flesh, his body is full of corpse aura, like a walking dead, able to come and go freely in ancient tombs.

Originally, Liang Jingjing wanted to take this old boatman into their Wang family after she finished her work.

Unexpectedly, this old boatman actually let Ming Li, Chen Yulou, and Partridge Whistle get killed, which is really a pity.

Their Wang family needs such high-end talents with real skills.

"Patriarch, there is a corpse cave ahead, please prepare yourself mentally."


"Oh my god, why are there so many rotting corpses in this place?"

"This place is too evil."

Several small boats sailed into the wide corpse cave one after another, and everyone in the Wang family was frightened by the densely packed carrion corpses stranded on both sides of the river.

There are too many, and all the rotting corpses are everywhere, which is too frightening.

"Isn't it just a bunch of rotting corpses, look at the useless things that scare you."

Liang Jingjing pushed away those who stood in front of her, and jumped from the boat onto the river bank.

Coincidentally, the head of a carrion corpse was killed, and the heel of the shoe went directly into the mouth of the carrion corpse.

After the mouth was stepped on, the pressure in the swollen belly of the rotting corpse was released, and the internal organs that had already rotted into pulp burst out, nourishing Liang Jingjing.

"Ah..., vomit..." Liang Jingjing turned pale, and kicked the carrion's head away, lying on the ground and vomited wildly.

After vomiting out all the bitter water, I couldn't vomit anymore, and then I jumped into the river to wash it off.

"Patriarch, this place is too weird."

"Look at your prospects."

Liang Jingjing was very dissatisfied with the group of people under her command.

If it weren't for the fact that the elites of the Wang family were almost dead, she wouldn't have brought this group of people here.

These people were terrific outside, and when they actually went down to the tomb and saw the corpse, they were more cowardly than anyone else.

Isn't it just a rotten corpse in a place, and it's not a zongzi that can kill people, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

A group of big men, the size of a grain of rice after going down the tomb, not as good as a girl like her.

With these people, when will we be able to unravel the secrets left by our ancestors and revive the Wang family.

"Daniu, where's Ah Feng?"

"No, why is Ah Feng missing?"

"Ah Feng..."

"Patriarch, Ah Feng is gone."

"Disappeared?" Liang Jingjing frowned, how could she disappear.

People searched in the tomb passages around the corpse cave, but found no marks left.

Could it be that there is really something dirty in this place, and the subordinates were killed?
"Patriarch..." At this moment, Liang Jingjing heard Ah Feng who had disappeared calling her.

Looking for the reputation, I found a secluded cave on the cliff six or seven meters high from the river.

At this time, a group of people were watching them condescendingly.

Her subordinate, Ah Feng, is in the hands of this group of people at this moment.

It was Ming Li and the others who caught Ah Feng.

Liang Jingjing was astonished, Ah Feng was the best at making light work among the Wang family, and the one who was the best at hiding and tracking, otherwise she wouldn't have let Ah Feng come to keep an eye on Ming Li and the others.

Unexpectedly, Ah Feng fell into the hands of Ming Li and the others.

It seems that her little trick has been seen through.

"Isn't this Master Ming, Mr. Chen leading the way, the leader of the partridge whistle, the third master, the fourth master, the fifth master, and the sixth master? What a coincidence?"

Liang Jingjing's eyeballs were spinning wildly, and her mind was thinking of a remedy.

The relationship between her and Ming Li should be pretty good.

After all, Ming Li saved her twice and even gave her a talisman.

Come to think of it, she wouldn't have the same knowledge as a little girl like her.

"Pretend, keep pretending, don't think that pretending to be stupid is just trying to fool this matter, Liang Jingjing, it's so calculating."

"Steal the tomb of blood corpses, and then set us up and use us as cannon fodder, you Wang family, you are so brave."

Ming Li, Chen Yulou, and Partridge Whistle hadn't spoken yet, but Li Laosan, Chen Pi, Wu Laowu, and Heibei Lao Liu couldn't help it.

Being played like a dog, no matter who it is on, it will explode with anger.

The Wang family, the descendants of Wang Zanghai, are doing well.

If they don't give them a satisfactory explanation today, they don't mind, let the Wang family disappear from now on.

(End of this chapter)

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