The Strongest Iron Triangle of Tomb Raiders

Chapter 169 The Famous Character February Hong, A Girl Who Is Deadly Ill

Chapter 169 The Famous Character, Er Yue Hong, a Girl Who Is Dying to End

"Zhang Qishan, the commander of the Xiangbei Division, has met the commander."

"Buddha is polite."

"The leader, the leader, Master Ming, Brother Hua Maguai, Brother Kunlun, please take care of me in the future."

"Master Zhang, we will be brothers from now on, so don't be so polite."

Chen Yulou smiled and patted Zhang Qishan on the shoulder.

When I came to Tanzhou this time, I originally planned to meet the admiral of the Nine Schools who had recently gained fame in Tanzhou.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Zhang Qishan, the head of the nine admirals, would quit his job and join the army, becoming the commander of the Xiangbei Division of the New Hunan Army.

Zhang Qishan did not expect that things would go so smoothly, Chen Yulou gave him the position of commander of Xiangbei Division so easily.

"Buddha, the restaurant is ready."

"Leader, leader, Master Ming, Brother Hua Maguai, Brother Kunlun, please."

"God please."

A group of people came to the restaurant, and after lunch, Hua Maguai and Kun Lun left first.

Under the leadership of Zhang Qishan, Ming Li, Chen Yulou, and Partridge Whistle came to the opera garden of Er Yuehong, the second master of Jiumen.

This afternoon, Er Ye’s special show, the top performer of Tanzhou Flower Drum Opera, Er Yue Hong Hui, came on stage and sang in person.

"Lord Buddha, you are here."

"What about the second master?"

"Second Master is backstage preparing for the stage, please go upstairs."

"Go ahead, I'll go up by myself."


Ming Li, Chen Yulou, and Partridge Whistle followed Zhang Qishan to the box on the second floor.

This box is the best location in the entire theater, with the widest view.

From this place, you can directly see the movements and demeanor of the performers on the stage.

"The leader, the leader, Master Ming, please sit down."

"Try the tea from Second Master."

After being seated, Zhang Qishan poured tea for Ming Li, Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle.

After a while, Er Yuehong came on stage and began to babble and sing.

Looking at Chen Yulou and Zhang Qishan who were shaking their heads, Ming Li and Partridge Whistle helplessly shrugged their shoulders.

This thing is too elegant, the two of them don't have such high artistic attainments as Chen Yulou and Zhang Qishan, it's really not their taste.

However, there were quite a lot of people who came to see Er Yuehong's opera, and the whole theater was full to the brim.

Among the crowd, Ming Li also found several foreigners.

After singing a section, Er Yuehong went to the backstage to change her clothes and then went on stage to sing. She sang on stage for more than two hours.

Chen Yulou and Zhang Qishan listened with gusto. Ming Li and Partridge Whistle had asked the waiter to refill several pots of tea, and they even went to the toilet twice.

"Third brother, fourth brother, wake up."

"It's over?"

Ming Li and Partridge Whistle woke up in a daze, and found that the hall below was empty.

The babbling was like a lullaby, and I fell asleep without knowing when.

"Haha..., if Second Master knows that his play caused the ringleader and Ming Master to fall asleep, I will definitely feel very sorry."

Looking at the confused Ming carp and partridge whistle, Zhang Qishan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

As the top performer of Tanzhou Flower Drum Opera, as long as Er Yuehong is on stage to sing, which time is the theater not full?
If fans in Tanzhou knew that someone was sleeping in Er Yuehong's special session, they would have to spray him to death with saliva.

"Our two brothers are not accomplished enough, and we really don't understand such elegant things as operas. Let the Buddha see a joke."

"It's not a joke, it's too serious..."

"Hey, what happened?"

Before Zhang Qishan finished speaking, he saw Chen Pi rushing in from the outside with an anxious expression on his face.

"Master, it's not good, master, my wife has fainted."

"What did you say, the girl fainted?" Er Yuehong didn't even take off the certificate, she ran out from the backstage and ran back to the house as fast as she could.

"It's a girl who has an accident, boss, leader, Master Ming, I'll have someone send you back first, and I'll go to the second master's residence to have a look."

Ming Li said, "Lord Buddha, let's go with you."

Zhang Qishan nodded, "OK."

A group of four went downstairs to Er Yuehong's mansion.

It's just next to the opera garden, and it's only 2 minutes away.

"Second master, Si."

"Buddha, boss, leader, Master Ming, you are here."

"how is the situation?"

"The girl's condition is getting worse and worse." Er Yuehong shook her head and sighed.

Both Chinese and foreign doctors saw her, and the girl's condition not only didn't improve, but got worse day by day.

All this is retribution.

When he was young, he led the opera troupe all over the world, singing during the day and fighting at night.

Excavating graves and stealing graves is detrimental to Yin, and now all the retribution is on the girl.

Now he has washed his hands in the golden basin, eats vegetarian food, recites Buddha and sings operas, and no longer does those things that harm the morality, just hope that the girl can get better soon.

If the girl really went, what would happen to him and the three children.

Zhang Qishan patted Er Yuehong on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, it will be fine."

"Buddha, second master, fourth master." Not long after, a doctor with a goatee came out of the room.

Er Yuehong said, "How is it?"

The goatee doctor shook his head, "Madam has woken up, but Madam's body has basically reached the point of exhaustion, and I'm afraid time is running out."

"You quack doctor!" Chen Pi got angry when he heard it, and went up to grab the goatee doctor's collar and prepared to do it.

Chen Pi couldn't accept it when he heard that his wife's time was short.

"Get lost!" Er Yuehong kicked Chen Pi flying away.

"Master, I..."

"Shut up, you have already been expelled from my school. I, Er Yuehong, do not have an apprentice like you. If you come to my house in the future, I will kill you."

For Chen Pi, Er Yuehong was very disappointed.

This scoundrel actually likes his wife.

It was precisely because she noticed Chen Pi's unusual affection for the girl, and because this guy was too cruel, Er Yuehong expelled this villain from the school.

In addition, there is another very important reason.

At the beginning, Chen Pi bought a very beautiful hairpin from the black market and gave it to the girl as a gift. The girl got this strange disease because the hairpin cut her finger accidentally.

Although it was an unintentional act, Er Yuehong would never forgive Chen Pi in her life.

If it wasn't for the girl's pleading, it would not have been as simple as expelling Chen Pi from the school back then, and he wished he could smash his body into thousands of pieces and sink it into the river to feed the fish.

It's just that he didn't expect that this scoundrel was so capable. After he was expelled from the teacher's school, he recruited a group of good hands with his ruthlessness, and became powerful. After the establishment of the Nine Gates Association, he took the fourth position in the association.

"Whether you recognize me as an apprentice or not, you will always be my master of Chen Pi."

"Evil, get out!"

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to heal Master's wife."


"Master, Master Buddha, chief executive, leader, Master Ming, I will take my leave first."

Chen Pi turned his head and left from Er Yuehong's mansion.

The teacher's wife's time is running out, and there is not much time left for him.

He will definitely find a way to save his wife, for sure!
"Crafter!" Er Yuehong was anxious, grabbed the crab brought by Chen Pi on the table and threw it out.

Zhang Qishan said, "Second Lord, calm down, let's go see the girl first."

As for the conflict between Er Yuehong and Chen Pi, the rest of the Nine Gates really didn't know much about it.

Everyone was surprised when Er Yuehong suddenly expelled Chen Pi from the school.

Originally a good pair of mentors and apprentices, Chen Pi took Er Yuehong and Ya Tou as if they were their biological parents, but they didn't expect to turn their faces suddenly.

What happened in it, Zhang Qishan didn't know, nor was he interested in knowing.

It's a pity for the girl, she was seriously ill at such a young age, after seeing all kinds of doctors, she couldn't even find the cause of the disease, it's pitiful.

"Come here, take Mr. Wang back."

"Buddha, Second Master, I'll take my leave first. If you need anything, ask someone to find me in the store."

After the goatee doctor left, Er Yuehong hurriedly went to the house to see the girl.

Ming Li, Chen Yulou, and Partridge Whistle followed Zhang Qishan and walked into the back room.

"Second Master."


Er Yuehong ran over and hugged the weak and pale girl in her arms.

Which one of them is not hard-hearted?
And the girl is his only weakness in this world.

In order to treat the girl's illness, he washed his hands and spent all his wealth, and only hoped that the girl would recover as soon as possible.

"Second Master, don't cry." The girl smiled, ready to reach out to wipe away the tears on Er Yuehong's face, but being bedridden for a long time made her weak, and she couldn't even do such a small thing.

"Don't cry, don't cry, the second master doesn't cry."

"Second Master, am I going to die?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The Second Lord won't let you die, and Lord Yan won't dare to take you away."

"Second Lord, I can feel that my time is running out. The girl is really very happy to be able to follow Second Master in this life."

The girl leaned against Er Yuehong's arms, with a happy and sweet smile on her face.

She has been dependent on her father since she was a child, and she barely makes ends meet by guarding the noodle stall opposite the theater.

At that time, the second master was already a famous actor in Tanzhou Flower Drum Opera, and often visited her family's noodle stall after the performance.

After her father died, the traffickers wanted to sell her into a brothel, but the second master spent three golden hairpins to exchange her from the traffickers.

These ten years were the happiest time in her life.

She knew that she didn't have much time, and what she was most worried about was the second master and the three children.

How much I want to go on with the second master, but God doesn't give her this chance.

"This is, poisoned?" Ming Li looked at the girl, in this state, it seemed that she had been poisoned by some strange poison.

"No accident, it should be poisoned." Partridge Whistle nodded, agreeing with Ming Li's judgment.

He also knows a little bit about medical skills, although it is not as high as his junior sister Hua Ling's attainments in medicine.

Judging from Mrs. Er Yuehong's state, she should have been poisoned by some kind of strange poison.

This kind of poison should come from the tomb. It may be some kind of strange mixed poison in ancient times. Although it will not kill you on the spot, it will slowly torture you to death, and there is basically no cure.

Chen Yulou said in a low voice, "Third brother, fourth brother, I'm busy, can we help?"

Since it's poisoning, it's easy to handle.

They have the thousand-year-old tortoise shell that can cure all poisons in the world obtained under the Longding Glacier in Kunlun Mountains, and the universal detoxification pill of Ming carp.

No matter what kind of strange poison is caught, it can be cured by medicine.

Even if the poison enters the internal organs and the six internal organs die soon, he can still snatch his life back from the hands of Lord Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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