The Strongest Iron Triangle of Tomb Raiders

Chapter 132 The place where the Dragon Peak is located

Chapter 132 The place where the Dragon Peak is located


"Master Chicken, be quiet."

Seeing that Nuqing was about to flap his wings to take off again, Ming Li quickly grabbed him.

Although the place they are in is not an avalanche dangerous area, it is better to be careful.

What if Nuqing flies into the sky, and the airflow instigated by the wings causes an avalanche.

In the deep valley of Shenluogou, they didn't even have a place to run.

"Everyone, be careful and pay attention to your feet."

After descending below the big ice ridge, Ming Li and his party walked along the glacier into the forest.

The old lama of the monastery told them a lot about the Demon Kingdom, about the Reincarnation Sect, and about the Jingjue Kingdom.

According to the old lama, until hundreds of years ago, the Reincarnation Sect sent people into Kunlun Mountain to perform sacrificial activities.

According to the secret biography of reincarnation that the old lama showed them, the so-called Phoenix Palace in Tantric Feng Shui should be in a glacier surrounded by four snow-capped mountains.

As long as you find the place surrounded by four snow-capped mountains, you should be able to find the specific location of the demon tower and Eluohai City.

"This Hailuogou Glacier really looks like a big conch."

"Didn't the herb pickers say that in ancient times, this place was an inland ocean, and a big snail lived on the bottom of the sea.

Later, this big conch turned into a monster with all-powerful mana, and the Buddha couldn't bear to see the life in danger, so he used his supernatural power to lift the ocean into land, and subdued the conch monster.

The conch demon converted to Buddhism and became the guardian deity of Buddhism.

After becoming a Buddha, the conch demon left its conch shell, forming the Hailuogou Glacier we saw. "


Many Tibetan legends contain mysterious religious overtones, and they like to associate everything with the Buddha and the gods.

The conch demon did evil, the Buddha raised the ocean and subdued the conch demon.

The conch shell left by the big snail turned into the ancient Hailuogou Glacier.

Simply bullshit.

I really think Master Ming has never learned geography.

The reason why this place changed from an ocean to a mountain was because of the extrusion of the tectonic plates.

After all, he was also a representative of the geography class in junior high school, and he still understands this geography knowledge.

As for the legend of the Hailuogou Glacier, it is probably only fabricated by the local religion.

After all, this is also in line with the characteristics of Buddhism.

No matter what kind of monsters and ghosts, as long as you put down the butcher knife, you can become a Buddha and a ancestor.

Don't you see how many demons and ghosts have been absorbed by Buddhism as Dharma protectors in Buddhist scriptures and legends.

While speaking, a group of people came to a large ice waterfall.

According to the herb pickers, after seeing this big ice waterfall, it is not far from the land surrounded by four snow-capped mountains.

And the map drawn by the herb pickers ended here.

It is known as the center of the sea of ​​disasters, and the herb collectors have never entered it.

Next, without map assistance, everything can only depend on themselves.

"Let's go, let's move on." Ming Li said, "We have now entered the hinterland of the glacier, and above our heads is a snow mountain with tens of millions of tons of snow.

So, next, everyone must cheer up, keep everyone silent, and watch gestures and actions. "

This place is extraordinary, with a big snow mountain with tens of millions of tons of snow on top of it.

As long as the movement is a little bigger, it may trigger an avalanche.

Tens of millions of tons of snow poured down from the top of the mountain in an instant. Just thinking about the scene makes people shudder.

Once an avalanche occurs at this time, they really can only wait to die.

Perhaps tens of thousands of years later, the glaciers completely melted, and their well-preserved corpses could still contribute to future human research on ancient humans.

Everyone was silent, and even the footsteps were much quieter than before, for fear that the noise would cause an avalanche and be buried alive.

After carefully bypassing the ice waterfall, a glacier with ups and downs appeared in front of everyone.

Here, the altitude rises abruptly.

After crossing this glacier, a huge frozen basin appeared in front of everyone.

Surrounding the basin, there are indeed four snow-capped mountains with similar heights.

Everyone looked at each other, no surprises, this should be where the Dragon Peak on the Spine of Heaven and Earth is located, and the demon tower dedicated to the evil god is probably buried in this glacier.

"Nanai's, it's not easy, it's finally here."

"It's not easy."

Calculating the time, they set off from Xiangxi in mid-February, and it is now mid-April.

It took a month to rush from Xiangxi to Uzang, and it took another month to find here.

After two full months of trekking, I finally came to the place where the dragon top of Kunlun Mountain, the ridge of heaven and earth, is located.

"Fourth brother, what should we do next?" Everyone looked at Ming Li.

Everyone was very excited to successfully come to the Kunlun Dragon Summit.

There is still some time before dark, and they all want to find the nine-story demon building dedicated to the evil god before dark.

Ming Li looked around Longding, using geomancy, astrology, and Qimen Dunjia to survey the place.

The feng shui of the tombs of the Guidong tribe has its own school, which is different from that in the Central Plains.

But everything remains the same.

It is not a problem for Ming Li who has mastered the top ten secret arts of Xia Kingdom in ancient times, such as geomancy, astrology, and Qimen Dunjia.

"Hey...!" Ming Li raised the Ming Hong knife and plunged into the ice under his feet.

"Back off!"

"I go!"

Everyone took a few steps back, and suddenly the ice layer slowly cracked and fell.

A crack in the ice was exposed.

Standing on the ice layer and looking down, the space below is quite spacious.

"There are a lot of corpses inside." The space below the crack was pitch black.

But Chen Yulou was not affected. Through the cracks in the ice, he saw a large number of frozen corpses in the space below.

"No accident, this should be a tomb." Ming Li tied the rope around himself, planning to go down to have a look.

Not surprisingly, there should be a tomb below here, maybe we can find clues about the nine-story demon building from it.

"You don't have to go down, wait for me up there."

This ice hole is very evil, and it is definitely not a kind person.

Others were not allowed to go down to Mingli because they were afraid that something unexpected would happen. Everyone was crowded in the small space below, which was prone to accidents.

If he goes down alone, even if something unexpected happens, with his strength, he can handle it.

The ice cave is surrounded by frozen ancient corpses, one layer after another, standing full of them.

The corpse was lifelike, as if it had been frozen inside when it was alive, and there were countless bright carps, as far as the eye could see, they were all there.

Judging from the costumes of these corpses, these should not be from the Devil Kingdom.

A corpse curled up into a ball and was frozen in the ice layer under Ming carp's feet.

This curled up corpse is different from other corpses. The curled up posture is very weird. The eyes of the frozen corpses around seem to be all focused on this corpse.

"Fourth brother, what's the matter?"

"Have you found anything?"

"I found a very interesting corpse, and I plan to dig him out to have a look."

Ming Li planned to dig out the corpse to have a look, maybe something could be found on this corpse.

 Thank you for the 1000 starting point coin reward for "The Butterfly on the Other Side" again, and thank you for the 100 starting point coin reward for "The Night City Is Cool", thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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