Dragon Elephant Valkyrie

Chapter 297 The Promise Sword Code

Chapter 297 The Promise Sword Code
Qin Yu learned a lot after reading the collection of books in Langya Pavilion for two days, especially on the inscriptions of some strong men, you can often see the martial arts insights left by them, every word is very precious.

During the period, I encountered a few compartments with forbidden doors, but the forbidden force is not strong, and you can pass through with a little resistance.

After two days passed, it was the last day to view the collection.

Although I didn't find the sword control technique from the ancient times, I have benefited a lot in the past two days, and I won't feel lost even if I really don't find it.

On the morning of the third day, after reading an ancient inscription called "Youshan Stone Carvings".

Qin Yu walked out of the compartment again and walked towards the next compartment for collecting books.

The word "Wuji Sword Code" is written on the wooden sign outside the door of this compartment, and the specific description is only a few words.

Just looking at the name, it looks like a secret book of swordsmanship, but the names of many books I have read before are like secrets of swordsmanship, but in the end they are not, or they are ordinary swordsmanship secrets, which have nothing to do with Yujian.

Qin Yu silently read the four words of "The Promise Sword Code" before stepping in.

Just as he lifted his leg, the hand that swung forward touched an invisible barrier.

It seems that there is an invisible wall on the compartment door, as long as you walk up, you will hit it.

Qin Yu frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to press the invisible wall, and clearly felt a force blocking the entrance of the compartment.

Push forward a little harder, and you can push a little, but at the same time, you will receive an extremely powerful counter-thrust.

Qin Yu exerted all his strength and pushed the invisible wall forward, half an inch, and then was bounced back by a very powerful force.

Obviously, there is a prohibition on this compartment.

If there are restrictions and obstacles, it means that the collection of books is special. Most of the secret books of the exercises have extremely high requirements for the practitioners. If you can't pass the restrictions on the door, you can't learn the secret books of the exercises.

In other words, this "Wuji Sword Code" is mostly a secret book of swordsmanship, and it is very likely to be the method of controlling the sword.

Qin Yu immediately cheered up and began to try to pass this layer of restriction.

After trying a few times, Qin Yu gradually realized that this layer of restraint is like an air wall. When it is strong, it becomes strong;

Qin Yu exerted the maximum strength of his physical body and squeezed half a foot in, but was soon pushed out by the same powerful force.

Time is precious. After being pushed out by the counter-shock force, Qin Yu immediately exploded with supernatural power and punched into the invisible air wall, relying on brute force to force his way through.

Under the terrifying force of the overlord's divine power, Qin Yu finally took half a step into the compartment, and when he was about to step the other leg into the door, the rebound force of the invisible air wall became stronger and stronger, and finally reached the level of the overlord's divine power. At the same level of terror, a "bang" sound shook Qin Yu out.

Qin Yu raised his brows, but instead of being overjoyed in his heart, the stronger the restriction, the stronger the collection of books inside.

It is very likely that this "Wuji Sword Code" is a kind of sword control technique from ancient times.

It's just that you can't even break through with the explosive supernatural power, how to break the restriction on this door.

Qin Yu stood in front of the door and began to think.

Yujian needs a strong spiritual support. If the collection of books in this compartment is a skill of Yujian, then it should be tested.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu immediately raised his right hand, slowly released his divine sense, and then pressed his hand against the invisible wall of energy.

Just when Qin Yu was trying to force his way into the "Wuji Sword Manual" book collection compartment, someone in another room of Langya Pavilion was watching every move here.

Since just now, the Yanlong Dragon Soul in Lihuo Fentian Sword has not spoken.

Qin Yu could probably guess that someone was paying attention to him with divine thoughts, so he didn't communicate with Jiyuan Yanlong, but concentrated on trying to pass the restriction on the door.

When the divine thoughts collided with the invisible air wall, there was a strong reaction immediately. Unlike the physical body, the contact between the spiritual thoughts and the invisible air wall was like boiling water, and there was a violent collision between them , as if a copper hammer was coming from banging.

Qin Yu immediately felt the powerful force transmitted from the invisible air wall, and quickly stabilized his divine sense.

It's just that after stabilizing the divine sense, he still couldn't pass the restriction.

Squeeze forward forcibly, and the reverse thrust becomes more and more intense.

Qin Yu gritted his teeth against the powerful counter-shock force sent back from the invisible air wall, frowned, thought for a while, and immediately used the state of swordsmanship he had comprehended to transform the sharpness of the divine mind into swords that pierced into the restriction .

The sword intent transformed by divine thoughts pierced into the invisible air wall like a sharp sword, and the invisible air wall immediately erupted with an incomparably violent counterattack.

Qin Yu pointed his right hand together to form a sword, clenched his teeth to resist the forbidden counterattack, and forcefully attacked the sword intent.

However, things didn't go well.

The restriction on the compartment door is much more terrifying than the pressure on the thousand steps, and the counterattack force is extremely fierce.

Qin Yu's divine sense has been cultivated to the point where he can pass a thousand steps without pressure, but in the face of this restriction, it is still extremely difficult to exert all his strength.

In Langya Pavilion, there are several divine senses watching Qin Yu.

It seemed that he wanted to see if Qin Yu could break through this restriction. Among them, Elder Wan Teng, who presided over the Kyushu Martial Arts Association, was the most attentive, and kept observing with his spiritual thoughts.

But Langya Pavilion is not an ordinary sect, and firmly believes that the strong are not taught, but rely on their own comprehension.

Therefore, in Langya Pavilion, even if it is a warrior who worships in Langya Pavilion, no one will teach him how to break the restrictions on these doors.

The secret books of the exercises are right there, learn it if you have the ability, and learn it if you don’t.

This is the purpose of Langya Pavilion. Those with extraordinary talents can learn the most powerful secrets of exercises in the world here, while those with insufficient talents can only stand outside the door and sigh.

"Ah!" Qin Yu gritted his teeth and let out a low growl. His divine sense surged again, and the sharp edge was revealed, as if he could hear the sound of the sword.

The divine sense turned into a fierce sword intent, completely opened the front, and pierced into the restriction.

The moment the invisible air wall was pierced by the sword intent, the entire restriction disappeared instantly.

Qin Yu staggered and rushed into the cubicle, almost hitting the stone platform where the books were placed.

After breaking through the restriction, Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, and then his heart burst into ecstasy. He hurriedly walked to the stone platform, and reached out to open the "Wuji Sword Code" that had been re-bound with precious materials.

On the title page of the sword manual, there are four big characters "Wuji Kendo", and the opening chapter expounds the mystery of controlling the sword with divine sense.

Just after reading the beginning, Qin Yu laughed excitedly. After searching for two days, he finally found the Yujian Kungfu that he wanted the most.

(End of this chapter)

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