The special forces king of the stunning royal sister

Chapter 398 Arrived in North Philippines!

Chapter 398 Arrived in North Philippines!

However, despite Shen Siya's dissuasion, Liu Mang remained unmoved, standing on the railing with his legs apart, his eyes revealing a contemptuous aura.

The breeze gently blew Liu Mang's clothes. Liu Mang looked down at the black shadow in the water like a king looking down on his courtiers!

Everyone looked at Liu Mang in astonishment——what on earth is Liu Mang going to do! ?

Liu Mang stood on the railing. Although the boat was bumping, Liu Mang remained motionless!
What kind of medicine is sold in Liu Mang's gourd! ?
Just when everyone was surprised, Liu Mang slowly raised his right hand suddenly, pointed his index finger to the sky, then slowly turned his arm, and slowly pointed his fingertips at the giant sea monster in the water!
"Liu Mang, what are you doing!?" Shen Siya asked.

This Liu Mang, does he want to use his aura to suppress this monster?But this monster is not human, so how could it be afraid! ?
Before Liu Mang could speak, the black shadow suddenly began to churn, and a huge wave suddenly rose on the entire sea surface. The overwhelming scene scared everyone on the boat!

"You, you must have angered this monster!?" A crew member stammered, his body was ready to escape at any time.If the things in the water were angry, my weight of one hundred catties probably wouldn't be enough for this monster to stick between its teeth!

"It's fine if it's scared, you're scared!" Liu Mang turned his head slightly, and said coldly to the crew.

"It? Who!?" The crew was taken aback.

Although the captain couldn't believe it, the situation was already in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help but not believe it—that is, the things in the water were really afraid of Liu Mang!Because that thing is starting to swim towards the water, trying to stay away from the passenger ship!But because this body is too big, it set off such a big wave!
"Everyone be quiet, don't be afraid, we will be out of danger soon!" The captain comforted the emotions of his crew.

The waves on the sea surface gradually stopped, and finally the sea surface returned to calm, as if nothing had ever happened!
Several crew members rushed forward immediately, put their hands on the railing, looked at the sea surface, their faces were full of surprise——Let’s go! ?That sea monster was actually scared away by Liu Mang! ?

Obediently!Who the hell is this Liu Mang!A Chinese special soldier can scare the pirates away. It doesn't cost a single bullet, and the soldiers don't use blood. Just relying on their own aura, they scare off the sea monsters in the Sobatu sea area! ?

It's not simple, it really is not simple!

Liu Mang turned around and jumped off the railing, "Captain, the crisis is over, let's continue sailing!"

The captain gave Liu Mang a thumbs up, "Liu Mang, you are amazing!"

"It's just a trivial matter. It's really embarrassing to show off in front of this person. I laughed, I laughed!" Liu Mang said with a smile.

It is said that this invisible pretense is fatal, and this alone scares away the monsters, but they even say it is a trivial matter!Liu Mang pretended to be so realistic all by himself!

"You are really our patron saint. With you on this journey, there will be no accidents!" The captain waved his hand into the air, "Brothers, speed up the boat and reach Beifei as soon as possible!"

With the escort of such a powerful Liu Mang, a group of crew members immediately became motivated, and each returned to their own positions, and the ship began to speed up and head towards Beifei.

Liu Mang went back to his room and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already the next morning, and the sky was just getting bright. Due to the long-term battle, the group had just arrived at the pier and asked about the air. Medium-heavy smell of gunfire, and the smell of blood.

Liu Mang frowned suddenly, he has been here before!But that was five years ago!Five years ago, this place was not like this!Although it was the same poverty five years ago, everyone still has a longing for the future!But now, every piece of land here seems to have been soaked in blood!

There are only boats out of the pier, but few boats in!All countries are basically busy evacuating their personnel in the Philippines. Only Huaxia, out of humanitarianism, sent a rescue medical team to the North Philippines!

And the medical team led by Professor Chen and Liu Mang became the only retrograde team!
Under Liu Reck's arrangement, Shen Siya temporarily followed Shen Feihu back to Huaxia. Liu Reck promised Shen Siya that as soon as he returned to Huaxia, he would look for her immediately, and he would never let Shen Siya down!

Liu Mang is the hero in Shen Siya's heart, and Shen Siya naturally believed Liu Mang's words completely, so after telling Liu Mang to pay attention to safety, she and Shen Feihu boarded the ship back to Huaxia.

Sending Shen Siya to the ship, Liu Mang turned his head and said to the members of the surprise team behind him.

"Which one of you is an only child and has no siblings!?" Liu Mang asked.

"No!" Everyone said in unison.

"No?" Liu Wei wandered two steps in front of the team, "I tell you, if you want to quit now, there is still time, get on this boat, and you can go back immediately!"

"No return!"

However, at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly came from within the team.

"Don't, don't!" Zhang Dong walked out of the team, "Boss, I am the only seedling in the family. To be honest, I am the only seedling in the family. When I came here, it was just a whim. !"

"Zhang Dong, you!" Professor Chen stopped speaking halfway, pushed his glasses, and sighed, "That's all, everyone has their own ambitions, I'm sorry for your parents by bringing you out! If you want to go back, go back quickly!"

"Zhang Dong, are you still a man!" Wang Yi stood up and reprimanded, "We women are not planning to leave, you are planning to leave!"

"Wang Yi, stop talking, if he wants to leave, just leave!" Professor Chen waved his hand and said.

"You say who is not a man!" Zhang Dong puffed up his chest, stared at Wang Yi and said, the woman he was chasing said that she was not a man, and that man would not be able to accept it.

"It's a man, don't run away!" Wang Yi stared at Zhang Dong and said, thinking that only Zhang Dong has the guts to chase after him?Even if I have been single all my life, I will never find such a cowardly man!

"If you don't run, then don't run!" Zhang Dong suddenly became more serious, puffed up his chest, gritted his teeth and patted his chest and said, "I will stay here! I won't go away!"

(End of this chapter)

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