The special forces king of the stunning royal sister

Chapter 386 Repelling the Pirate Ship!

Chapter 386 Repelling the Pirate Ship!
"What sound?!" Dong Fei asked in surprise.

gunfire!And right on board!

Before Liu Mang could react, another gunshot came from outside.

Liu Mang stood up straight, and shouted to the panicked crowd in the restaurant, "Everyone, calm down, with me here, I will definitely protect you well!"

The noisy crowd suddenly quieted down, and they all looked at Liu Mang.

"Shen Feihu, Zhang Dong, you two, take a good look here, I'll go out and have a look!" As he spoke, Liu Mang picked up the clothes draped over the back of the chair, draped them over his shoulders, and walked out of the room.

On the deck, Liu Mang finally found the source of the gunshots. He saw the bow of the ship. The captain and three or four crew members were standing there, guns in hand, firing warning shots towards the sky.

Liu Mang quickly ran behind them and asked the captain.

"Captain, what happened?" Liu Mang frowned and asked.

"Comrade Liu Mang, you came just in time!" The captain handed the binoculars to Liu Mang, pointed to the distance and said, "Liu Mang, look there, we seem to have met pirates!"

"Didn't we reach the Sobatu sea area yet?" Liu Mang frowned, and took the telescope over with one hand.

I just asked the captain just now that at the current speed of the ship, it will take early tomorrow morning to reach the Sobatu waters, but what is the situation of this sudden pirate! ?

At the same time, a crew member rushed out from the cockpit, "Captain! This seems to be a lifeboat! But behind, there is a mysterious ship!"

"Mysterious ship!?" Liu Mang frowned, picked up the binoculars, and looked over the lifeboat!

I saw two people on the lifeboat, a man and a woman, waving their arms desperately, trying to attract Liu Mang's attention.

Immediately afterwards, a man and a woman on the lifeboat suddenly pulled out a Chinese national flag from the side, and held it high above their heads. The national flag was swaying in the wind, and the brightly colored national flag was extraordinarily dazzling on the blue sea!
"It should be a ship from Huaxia! We encountered pirates in the waters off Sobatu, and two people escaped in a lifeboat. Hurry up, let the ropes down, and let them come up!" Liu Mang ordered.

When Liu Mang spoke, he seemed to be a general, and people had to obey the general's order. The crew member shouted "Yes!" and rushed into the cabin, intending to carry out Liu Mang's order!
"Wait a minute!" The captain grabbed the reckless crew member abruptly, and turned to Liu Mang, "Comrade Liu Mang, we have guns in our hands. If we fire a warning shot, these pirates dare not fight hard." Fight, but if we save the two of them and anger those pirates, they will definitely attack us!"

The captain is right to think so. Although these pirates are heinous and desperadoes, they also know what kind of ships should be robbed and what kind of ships should not be robbed!Therefore, when escorting, fire a warning shot first to deter the opponent. If the opponent retreats, then they can cross this sea area without bloodshed.

But if the two people were rescued, the situation would be different. No matter how much I fired warning shots, the group of pirates would attack the ship with all their might!This is their rule.

"What do you mean? Let them be caught by the pirates behind!?" Liu Mang frowned and said.

Although the captain said that he really meant this, he still had a good face and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, "Let's put it this way, don't you soldiers also know that sometimes you have to throw your pawns to save the car? There are only two of them, and we have one People of the boat! It’s better not to offend the pirates behind them!”

"Yes, but they are my compatriots in China. As a Chinese soldier, I eat and drink from the country. When necessary, I should stand up and protect every compatriot in China! Because our bodies Among them, the blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang is flowing!" Liu Mang said indignantly.

The captain was overwhelmed by Liu Mang's passionate aura, thinking that this is indeed a soldier who has served in the army, and he is indeed full of positive energy!
"Captain, let me ask, if you are on the lifeboat below, do you want me to save you, or do you want me to abandon you and run away?" Liu Mang said, Liu Mang didn't blame the captain, Because Liu Mang knew that this was not because the captain was afraid of death and cold-blooded, but because he had to consider the safety of the entire crew.

"Captain, save them! Liu Mang is right!" The crew also began to persuade the captain.

The captain thought about it carefully for a while, then took off the hat on his head and held it tightly in his hands, "Damn it, it's over, this group of bastards want to touch my fellow Chinese! Speed ​​up and let go Rope, pull them up!"

"Okay!" The crew shouted loudly, rushed into the cabin, began to control the ship, and drove towards the lifeboat.

The two boats missed each other, and the rope was let down from the boat.

A man and a woman narrowly escaped death, and they began to rejoice in their hearts. They folded the life-saving Chinese national flag and put it in their pockets, and began to climb up the rope. Pull above the deck.

At this moment, the pirate ship suddenly appeared a few hundred meters away from the ship and shot at the captain and his party.

There was only a rapid gunshot, and the captain and his party hurriedly dodged. Fortunately, the shooting on the opposite side was inaccurate, and the bullets either missed or hit the railing.

"Go ahead, I'll suppress them!" Liu Mang yelled, touched two guns, put them on the railing, and started to fire at the pirate ship opposite!

The firing speed of the seven or eight guns on the opposite island boat could not keep up with the speed of Liu Mang's two guns alone. Liu Mang reloaded, loaded, and fired in one go. He really deserves to be a generation of soldiers. , It has reached the point of perfection!
After some fierce shooting, the gunfire gradually stopped. Someone on the pirate ship should have already paid the lottery, and the pirate ship began to turn its bow and sail towards the distance.

These two guns have been around for some years, so don't mention the sights, it's already a good thing if they don't blow up the barrel after all the troubles just now!And this Liu Mang was able to repel a pirate ship with two guns that couldn't kill a bird!The captain began to admire Liu Mang from the bottom of his heart!This Liu Mang really wasn't bragging, it was indeed a lot safer to have him escorting him along the way!

(End of this chapter)

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