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Chapter 281 Jiang Xi Likes Strawberries? ?

Chapter 281 Jiang Xi Likes Strawberries? ?
The atmosphere in the house was quiet and eerie.

The two just stared at each other.

At this time, Jiang Xi had just taken a shower, and she was wearing a set of cute strawberry cartoon pajamas.

Plain makeup without makeup is something most people can't see.

There is not much difference between Jiang Xi's plain makeup and light makeup.


There is a difference.

Her skin without makeup looked like an egg with its shell off, so white, tender and smooth.

Are all girls' skins this good?

(When filming before, Ji Rong never observed the skin of other female artists so closely)
Resist the urge to squeeze your hands.

Ji Rong felt that once he really got started, Jiang Xi might find a knife to cut himself.

It is not impossible to look at the attitude of the person in front of you.

Although she has the grace to save her life.

Look at the powder on Jiang Xi's body.

It reminded Ji Rong that when the two of them recorded the eighth episode of their partnership, the earrings she was wearing seemed to be from the strawberry picture.

Does she like strawberries? ?

Thinking of this, his eyes flickered slightly.

Seeing Ji Rong's sudden scrutiny, Jiang Xi immediately became wary.

Who knows why this man suddenly convulsed and did something, it's not impossible.

Who made me look so good.

Ji Rong didn't pay much attention to the wariness of the people in front of him.

It is also a good thing to be vigilant, at least it will not let those cats and dogs take advantage.

"Don't play?"

The deep voice seemed to be asking casually.

But the line of sight will always inadvertently sweep to Jiang Xi's earlobe.

The earrings have already been taken off, and the earrings that were recently photographed are also specific, so Jiang Xi doesn't usually wear earrings.

His hands tightened slightly.

Never get started.

Unless he wants to lie directly in the hospital.

? ? ? ? ?

He looked at Ji Rong with a veiled face.

Seeing Jiang Xi's cute face covered in circles, Ji Rong couldn't help laughing.

This time, it was no longer a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, but a genuine laugh.

Another advantage of living close is that you can discover a different side of each other from time to time.

Ji Rong suddenly laughed out loud, making Jiang Xi look at him with a crazy and idiotic face.

"cell phone"

Kindly remind me again.

She seems to like playing games.

What can be played is not the popular games such as Chicken Eater and Glory of Kings.

It used to be Happy Fighting Landlords.

Now it's time to destroy the stars.

Her hobbies are really fascinating.

Besides these games, doesn't she like to play childish games like Match [-]?
Ji Rong's words also reminded Jiang Xi of the game she was playing just now.

But at this time, she was indifferent to Zong.

It has nothing to do with him whether he plays games or not.

"Go back to your room quickly."

Being alone with the person in front of him for a second longer, Jiang Xi felt uncomfortable all over.

If I hadn't intervened to clean up for him in advance, now he should be in a state of resignation.

There are not so many troubles now.

The more I think about it, the more I regret it.

And the lonely men and widows live in the same room.

She didn't want the two of them to be in the headlines again tomorrow.

She doesn't like Gu Ziyi, and likewise, she doesn't want to be in the headlines with Ji Rong.

Once the two hit the headlines together, the fans on both sides don't know what to do next.

The conversation between the two ended in such an embarrassing way again.

The screen is in a weird state again.

But luckily.

The staff downstairs have already come up.

Seeing that the annoying man Ji Rong had finally left, Jiang Xi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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