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Chapter 1100 Some things cannot be let down just because you are young

Chapter 1100 Some things cannot be let down just because you are young

beep --

The voice from outside also made Ji Rong, who was originally upstairs, come down.

The originally dark room began to brighten as he went downstairs.

"still awake!"

When he opened the door, he saw Ji Rong in pajamas.

Due to the traffic jam, it was more than an hour later than expected. Knowing that he would not come back so soon, he naturally called Ji Rong in advance and asked him to coax Xiao Baozi to sleep first, so that he didn't have to wait for the door for himself.

Thinking about the presence of the little bun, Ji Rong naturally fell asleep too.

"You haven't come back yet, how can I sleep."

One stepped forward and hugged Jiang Xi in his arms.

"what happened?"

Due to the tacit understanding, Ji Rong's tone of voice was naturally heard.

"Did the little box provoke you?"

Jiang Xi knew that the father and son were not right, but in the end, it was always the little bun who was eaten to death by Ji Rong. When will the little bun be able to eat Ji Rong to death.

This is really a big surprise.

"That bastard, when have you seen him feel relieved?"

Just for the matter of going to bed tonight, a battle of wits and courage began to appear in order for him to go to bed obediently.

"You, don't be so naive, the small box is still small, and you don't know how to make room."

Ji Rong's childish level is almost three years old.

"Some things cannot be let go just because you are young."

With a firm face, Jiang Xi's request was rejected.

"Like you."

Even if it is his own son, he can only stand aside in front of his wife.

But most of the wars between their father and son were because of Jiang Xi.

Facing Ji Rong's determined expression last time, Jiang Xi sighed helplessly.

She knew that no matter how much she tried to persuade her, it was useless.

"My wife is so beautiful."

After letting go of Jiang Xi, he could see clearly the dress on her body.

"But you are so beautiful, I'm not the first one to see you."

There was obviously a bit of jealousy in his tone.

"Okay, don't be silly, I'm going to do business."

In fact, if she could, she wouldn't want to go either.

But fortunately, I went to have an unexpected receipt.

Thinking of Mr. Tang's words in the study, Jiang Xi's face became a little gloomy.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Rong naturally saw Jiang Xi's subtle look.

Could it be that something difficult happened while going to the banquet.

The face that looked at Jiang Xi was also stained with worry.


She didn't want to worry Ji Rong, so she chose to hide it.

Maybe things are not what you think.

In my previous life, until my death, I never had any intersection with Mr. Tang, but in this life, this unexpected intersection happened, not only Mr. Tang, but also Mrs. Tang, these two people who should not have their own lives intersected. All appeared together.

This appearance, Jiang Xi didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Only one step at a time.

"Are you hungry? I have prepared a midnight snack for you."

Jiang Xi hid it well, but Ji Rong didn't see anything.


She didn't eat anything at the banquet tonight, and she was in a hurry to come back, so she didn't eat anything along the way.The stomach has already protested.

But because I was thinking about things in the car just now, I was ignored. Now, because things have to be put aside for the time being, the protest of my stomach is naturally discovered.

Stepped into the restaurant, and started walking for the midnight snack.

(End of this chapter)

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