My wife is a little bit squeamish

Chapter 411 [Yin Siyi Rage 9]

Chapter 411 [Yin Siyi Rage 9]

At this time, Ji Chenxia felt a little sympathetic to Mu Baoliang who was lying on the hospital bed at this time. In the hearts of these three little women, his glorious and great image was gone, and he was simply the representative of a scumbag.There was an evil smile on the corner of Ji Chenxia's mouth.

If these three women know that the place they are going to now is the place where the scumbag they call is, I don't know what their expressions will be.It was a hidden thing that Mu Baoliang came to the fence, even the three women who went to pick up the plane didn't know about it.

Leilei and Qiuqiu are right next to An Xuanhao and Jin Boyan, neither of these two women know about it, let alone Yin Siyi, if Yin Siyi knows, at this time he is sending a sheep to the tiger's mouth, I don't know Yin Siyi Will you jump off the car, and you will not follow.

If Yin Siyi was alone, maybe Ji Chenxia would still consider whether to play tricks, but at the moment, he is completely ungrateful and has no such guts. Yin Siyi is pregnant with a child, and if there is any mistake, Mu Baoliang will never If he let him go, he would feel even more sorry.

Take the boy from An Xuanhao's family as an example, they are all pampered in the palm of their hands, and they buy whatever they want. At this time, if there is one more kid, whoever is unhappy will treat it as their own.

Lei Lei scolded Mu Baoliang, Yin Siyi sat there without saying a word, she didn't tell Lei Lei that she was actually going to divorce herself, Mu Baoliang always refused to agree to the divorce, she was the one who threatened with children.

She and Mu Baoliang went around in such a big circle, but still couldn't get together, it was because there was no destiny between them.

These days, those words that Mu Boliang said that day are always appearing in her mind, promise her forever, if Mu Boliang loves her as he said, will she return to Mu Boliang's side?Maybe she won't have an answer for a while, but when she calms down and thinks slowly, she knows she doesn't want to.

It's not that she doesn't love Mu Boliang anymore, she admits that she still loves Mu Boliang despicably, but she doesn't want to go back to Mu Boliang's side. It is enough for a young man to love Mu Boliang, she can no longer turn back, so she will not return to Mu Boliang's side.

She didn't want to let herself live in such fear for the rest of her life. After divorcing Mu Boliang, although she would miss it and her heart still hurts, those days were much more at ease than before, and now that she had a child, she You must let your life settle down, so that you can be worthy of your children and give your children a stable future.

She can no longer be selfish and let her children follow her to live a life of wandering.

Just when Yin Siyi listened to Leilei's abuse and wanted to do her own thing, their car had already quietly arrived in Ji Chenxia's sphere of influence.When Yin Siyi saw the uncoordinated building in front of him, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Such a building is so out of place in such a sky full of yellow sand, but seeing such a house, Yin Siyi feels at ease. This has finally arrived at Mu Baoliang's territory, so in the days to come, she will have a detailed understanding of the present situation. What kind of situation is it that she can quickly start from the source and hug Mu Baoliang's forces.

Along the way, although Yin Siyi only saw one car, she keenly felt that they were protected in the middle, and Ji Chenxia's people were everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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