My wife is a little bit squeamish

Chapter 333 [I just want to divorce 19]

Chapter 333 [I just want to divorce 19]

At this time, it is close to the end of autumn, and the morning and evening are particularly cold.Mu Boliang was standing in the wind wearing a thin shirt.

The whole person looked so unreal, he was standing just in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Mu Baoliang was smoking a cigarette, his back was handsome and lonely.Yin Siyi looked at Xiao Nai on TV, and at Mu Baoliang's back, unable to move his eyes away.

Sadness spread all over her body.That is the person she loves deeply.She didn't want to leave, just like the song said.

Occasionally I doubt how to continue, I can't hold back my tears no matter how much I take a deep breath, no matter how much I can hold myself up, sometimes I don't know where else to go

Try to walk, it's far enough, it's late enough, but when I wake up, I'm still in the same place.

Don't be afraid to hold me tight, the vast sea of ​​people we hold each other's hands and live for today
Loved bravely, missed bravely, fell bravely, stood up again
How many meteors have seen falling, how many rainbows have sunk without shrinking

I will not leave, I will always be here, waiting with you day by day, and come back again and again with you.even to the cliff
I'm not leaving I'm here for you.I will never leave and I will always be here.

I want to be there forever, and then when you are sad, I don’t say anything, just stay with you, just like this song, but now she finds how ridiculous her idea is, he There is already someone who wants to spend the rest of his life with, but it just so happens that this person is not her.But someone else.

I don't leave, but you can go far.

Mu Baoliang felt a bunch of eyes on him, and a smile that was uglier than crying appeared on the corner of his mouth. When signing a contract of hundreds of millions, he can give up as soon as he says he wants to, or he can work tirelessly to win a project. Fight hard, no matter how much you pay, the result is according to his ideas, strategizing.

He has always thought that love is actually the same as business, as long as there is a strategy and painstaking efforts, there will always be gains, but he has forgotten that the human heart is the most difficult thing to control. If Yin Siyi wants to leave, he can't change the ending at all.

In fact, he can, he can imprison her by his side and possess her domineeringly, but he can't bear the slightest grievance or sadness from her.

What she wants is probably the feelings without any deceit, so let's go instead of indiscriminate.

Otherwise, she, who loved him so much back then, would not have filed for divorce on the first day of marriage, with her personality.

The consequences of Mu Boliang's coercion would be one dead body and two lives. He was reluctant to do this, and he didn't dare to do it, but when he thought that he would let go of her hand, he felt sad.

That kind of sadness, that kind of heartache really made Mu Baoliang very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.Yin Siyi is the only one who can make Mu Baoliang feel this feeling, but she doesn't know that she has already surpassed everyone's status in Mu Baoliang's heart, even Xiaoxiao before.

And Mu Boliang always thought that Yin Siyi's divorce was only because he secretly changed the contraceptive pill to make her pregnant. I can't bear to bear a child for him.

It wasn't that he didn't love him enough, but that he didn't trust him enough. Mu Baoliang finally paid a painful price for what he did to Yin Siyi before.

After smoking a few cigarettes, Mu Baoliang knew that Yin Siyi was looking at him, but she didn't turn her head. When she kept her eyes on him now, even a single look was an extravagant wish. Mu Baoliang was a little greedy for Yin Siyi to look at him look.

(End of this chapter)

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