My wife is a little bit squeamish

Chapter 301 [Sealing Mountains for Forestry 3]

Chapter 301 [Sealing Mountains for Forestry 3]

"Master Jelton is so smart, he must know that even if we don't let us go that day, we can still come back safe and sound, so I don't owe the young master anything."

"Miss Morgan, women are too serious and really not cute. I can't find a reason to ask for a meal."

Yin Siyi gave Gerton a cold look, and then left straight away.In the car, Gerton looked at Yin Siyi's leaving back, with a cold smile rippling from the corner of his mouth.

"Young master, do you want to chase?"

"No, let's go to the Hilton Hotel"

Then Gerton left. He waited in the Junbo Group all afternoon, knowing that Yin Siyi's character would never have dinner with him, so he could wait all afternoon just to say a few words.

He is the kind of person who will not give up until he reaches his goal, and will not hesitate to do anything until he reaches his goal.He is the hunter, and now her prey is Yin Siyi.Sure enough, Yin Siyi will never be allowed to escape.

Yin Siyi is not particularly beautiful, there are many more beautiful women than her, and she is not particularly outstanding. In fact, Gerton has no feelings for Yin Siyi at all.

But she is Mu Baoliang's wife and the princess of the Morgan family. Marrying her is definitely beneficial, much more beneficial than marrying a woman he likes.Besides, he doesn't have a woman he likes, and there won't be any women he likes.Then it's better to marry Yin Siyi and everyone will be happy.

Yin Siyi directly ignored the meeting with Gerton, if Ying was a kind of cruel, unscrupulous person to Gerton, who was not good for him and lazy to socialize, she would definitely arouse violence.

The few words Jelton said to her were enough to make Yin Siyi vigilant, but unfortunately not.

However, after Yin Siyi met Gerton, she lost all mood for shopping, so she didn't call Yueqiuqiu and Leilei, but walked alone on the street.

When Mu Boliang called Yin Siyi, Yin Siyi was still on the street, wandering alone, turned into a two-person stroll, tired of walking, Yin Siyi and Mu Boliang went home.

The weather in autumn is high and crisp, which makes people very comfortable. Without the heat, the whole person becomes more relaxed. Yin Siyi is also particularly prone to autumn sleepiness. Anyway, when autumn comes, Yin Siyi is particularly prone to lethargy.I can't even cheer up when I'm working.

Sleeping in the office every day, now that Yin Siyi is the queen of Junbo Group, who dares to say more.

When it was time for lunch, Yin Siyi didn't seem to have had enough sleep. When Mu Baoliang came to Yin Siyi's office, he looked at Yin Siyi's closed door, shook his head, turned and left.

I don’t know how many times Mu Boliang ran errands to buy lunch for Yin Siyi at noon. The food in the cafeteria is good, but Yin Siyi doesn’t like it now, so he just said it was bad. The chefs who fired the cafeteria can't do it.

Later, he gradually understood that it wasn't that the food in the canteen was bad, but that Yin Siyi's taste seemed to have changed. Yin Siyi, who was not very spicy before, fell in love with a Sichuan restaurant.Mu Baoliang couldn't bear the spicy taste, but Yin Siyi liked it, so what else could Mu Baoliang do, spoil him.

According to reason, Yin Siyi, a girl who grew up abroad, likes western food, so why is she so spicy?

When Mu Boliang drove half an hour to the Sichuan restaurant to pick up the meal he had already ordered,
(End of this chapter)

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