My wife is a little bit squeamish

Chapter 129 [Mu Baoliang, are you crazy? 5】

Chapter 129 [Mu Baoliang, are you crazy? 5】

Drunk Yin Siyi.It was a big trouble for Mu Baoliang.But Mu Baoliang himself didn't know, why did he watch Yin Siyi drink and didn't stop him?The atmosphere in the private room is very strange, three women play a show, Yin Siyi, Lei Lei, Qiuqiu is very happy to drink.But those men were depressed, chatting a few words from time to time.

Originally, Ji Chenxia had a funny personality, but for some reason, he also became silent, maybe because Qiuqiu said that he didn't have a girlfriend, which touched Ji Chenxia's inner softness.

In fact, only Ji Chenxia knows what's going on.

Entering the private room, his most frequent action is to look down at the phone, and there are not a few words on the phone, but it makes him abnormal, looking up, looking at Yin Siyi and Mu Baoliang from time to time, his eyes are always between them. wandering between.

At this moment, he was silent. The relationship between Mu Baoliang and Yin Siyi had just gotten better, and they started to get married. Could it be that he was going to destroy it? He couldn't do this kind of thing.

However, the information on the mobile phone was like a bomber, constantly bombarding his mind, so that he really didn't know what to do.

Staring at the few words on the phone, he was in a daze, "I'll be back next month."

In just 6 words, the funny Ji Chenxia didn't know what to do. He had already left, so why did he come back?Mu Baoliang is also married, and his relationship with Yin Siyi seems to be developing little by little. Come back at this time?He doesn't know what will happen to Mu Baoliang, will he go crazy again?Will he sneer at Yin Siyi again?Even divorce.

Dutifully returned to her side, but everyone was not optimistic about them.

How did Mu Baoliang live these years?They all see it in their eyes and feel the pain in their hearts. The relationship between men is very delicate.During that time, for Mu Baoliang, it was hell, he got drunk all day long.

He even vented all his anger on Yin Siyi.

He thought that all these were caused by privacy, that's why she hated Yin Siyi so much.

She is coming back, his he is coming back, after waiting for four years, he just started to step out of the abyss, wanting to get out of hell, but she came back, without any warning, just so rampant, appeared in front of them .

Just like back then, she left them without the slightest warning.

The text messages did not stop because of the inherited silence, one text message after another was sent to Ji Chenxia's mobile phone, "How is he?"

"How are you doing?", "Is he happy without me?".

"The nights I stayed up for her were cold."

Sitting next to Ji Chenxia, ​​the mayor glanced at him.Rolling his eyes, he snatched Ji Chenxia's phone and smiled lightly. "You don't have to be so hungry after being hit."

Then he deleted the text message.And add that number to the blacklist.

Of course, the Lord Mayor knows who that number is?Since Ji Chenxia can't make that decision, then he will come.

Both of them tacitly added that number to the blacklist, and Ji Chenxia heaved a sigh of relief.

I only hope that in a month's time, the relationship between Ji Chenxia and Yin Siyi will develop by leaps and bounds, without being affected by that woman.

They don't want to see it again, the tragedy repeats itself, people who are no longer worth it, then don't waste time, just let it pass, it's not worth it, why bother.

(End of this chapter)

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