Chapter 569 Little girl, are you alone

Outside the capital of the country in the east, it is surrounded by a large forest, and only a few main roads can lead to the outside world.

There are often beasts in the forest, and the terrain is dangerous and difficult to cross. This makes the forest protect the capital, but also makes the main road leading to the outside world extremely dangerous. There are beasts from the forest, and there are also beasts from this area. Bandits and bandits bred in the forest's easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain.

In order to ensure the safety of the people entering and leaving the capital, the emperor of Donglin Kingdom once thought of sending troops to garrison the main roads, but the forests are too big and the roads are too long. The feasibility of this plan is extremely small because it will take up huge military power. , In the end, I had to give up, and only told the people who came and went to choose to travel together.

Even so, robbery still happened a lot.

Beitang Qingyi was wearing coarse sackcloth, sitting in an ordinary carriage prepared by Huangfuming, driving along the road most often used by medicinal materials to enter the capital.

The carriage she was riding in was very ordinary, it didn't look like a wealthy family's carriage, such a carriage would not catch the eyes of robbers, but Beitang Qingyi knew that there must be robbers coming to rob her, because...

Because she, a "poor" commoner in coarse linen clothes, has a very beautiful face, no matter how shabby the clothes she wears, they can't hide her beauty.

There was some noise in the surrounding vegetation.

"What a beautiful little beauty."

"I really want to have a taste."

"Recently, our brothers have earned enough, and we always feel that there is something missing. If we can bring this little beauty back to enjoy ourselves, we will have no regrets this year."

"I always feel that something is wrong. How can such a beautiful chick travel alone? She must have other companions. I suspect it is in the carriage."

"You are so stupid! If she really has a powerful companion, how can she dress so poorly with her beauty? Such a beautiful girl should go to our cottage!"

"Tie her back and our boss will definitely be very happy, hahaha."


Beitang Qingyi's consciousness spread out, she had heard these voices a long time ago, but she pretended not to know anything, drove forward as if nothing had happened, and walked for a while, finally two burly men came to the middle of the road , stopped her.

"You... what are you going to do?" Beitang Qingyi asked pretending to be scared, and wanted to turn around, but found that there were bandits blocking the road behind her, and the expression on her face became even more frightened.

" are bandits!"

"Little girl, what are you talking about? You see, our brothers are so simple and honest, how could we be bandits?"

"Then why are you standing in the middle of the road?"

"The ones blocking the road must be bandits? We saw you coming in a carriage alone, and we were afraid that you would be targeted by the beasts in the mountains, so we just wanted to remind you to be careful."

"Really...really? You didn't lie to me?"

"Do we look like a liar?"

"I... I don't know." Beitang Qingyi looked a little shaken, and the robbers saw that she was about to be deceived, so they decided to try harder.

"Little girl, are you alone?"

"No, I'm with my brother, he's sick and weak, resting in the carriage."

"Oh? Since your brother is sick, why don't you wait for him to come to our cottage... I mean, how about resting in our village? Our village is not far from here." 
(End of this chapter)

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