Chapter 737

Lou Sang said so, but what was in his mind, Lu Xueyan only took one look at her to understand.

He sighed helplessly, and suddenly said: "It's really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf."

Hearing such words, Lou Sang became thick-skinned again, she nodded seriously, and said, "Well, thank you for the compliment."

Seeing her being such a rascal, Lu Xueyan rolled her eyes and wanted to leave, but seeing this, Lou Sang immediately pulled him back.

Lu Xueyan was startled by her sudden action, because usually when Lian Jiazi is pulled so suddenly, the subconscious action is to fight back. If he hadn't reacted quickly and stopped him in time, Lou Sang might have already been slapped by him. It was photographed.

Thinking of this, resentment suddenly rose in his heart.

"Speak up before you make a move next time, otherwise what should I do if I hurt you?"

When Lu Xueyan said this, his face was full of seriousness.

Lou Sang was taken aback by his sharp gaze, and then nodded to show that she knew.

She sniffed, then stood beside him, and said, "I just have one more thing I can't figure out."

Lu Xueyan turned around, looked at her indifferently, then nodded, and said, "Say it."

"When we were in Zhao Anhou's mansion, you were the one who took care of me and Ying Wuyang, but I remember that Ying Wuyang clearly said that time was frozen, and he didn't understand when he left. How did you know that we did it?"

Lu Xueyan listened to her quietly, and when she finished speaking, she replied thoughtfully: "Because I knew it from the moment you entered the yard, have you forgotten? I am a time machine, Master Mozun freezes time, just freezes human perception and makes their own time stand still, do you think all this can affect me? I am not human."

He answered carefully, and Lou Sang's curiosity was instantly answered.

At this time, Lu Xueyan spread her hands, looked at her, and said, "So, what's the problem?"

Hearing this, Lou Sang shook his head and said, "No more."

She looked very submissive now, seeing this, he sighed, turned and left.

Looking at his back, Lou Sang suddenly felt that she had gone too far today.

What the senior has done for her during this time has been benevolent and righteous, but she doesn't know how to be grateful at all, and even asks him to provoke the relationship between Zhao Anhou and the king of Jinyu Kingdom with a little suspicion.

The reason why she did this is because of the little darkness in her heart. In her opinion, the senior and Zhao Anhou are old acquaintances. Although he has helped her do so many things now, she still feels that as long as there is a little bit of things, Uncertainty factors, there is no way to calm down.

After all, a little bit of carelessness might make Baili Xi's previous efforts come to naught, so she would rather let herself become a little heartless, and also see clearly what kind of relationship Lu Xueyan has with Zhao Anhou.

Thinking of this, Lou Sang raised his eyes to look in the direction he was leaving again, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Do you feel that you are wolf-hearted and uncomfortable? Can you wish to give yourself two punches?"

Such a sentence popped out of nowhere, Lou Sang subconsciously wanted to answer.

But then her heart was shocked, and she turned her head suddenly, only to see Ying Wuyang looking at her with a smile...

(End of this chapter)

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