Chapter 198

The leader of the Ravens, Lan Bujia, was silent. The battle was provoked by Jon Capet, but he also participated in the war between the entire Twilight Continental clan and the mechanical species. Although the loss of the Raven Clan The two-headed dog demons who didn't charge head-on with the mechanical species were heavy, but they were definitely not small.

"Ha Chier, you said, if, I mean if, if we win this last battle, what will happen to the Twilight Continent in the end?" Lan Bujia said softly, but his tone was extremely heavy .

Ha Chier was silent. Even a simple-minded person like him would know that if this war ends, all forces in the Twilight Continent will be divided. Without the rule of Twilight City, the Twilight Continent will fall into In the long civil war, the number of people killed in the Twilight Continent will probably be several times that of the last battle!
But do they have a choice?They are not willing to succumb to the hands of Jon Capet, who uses all the clans in the Twilight Continent as weapons for his own ambition!There are even rumors that the former leader of the Succubus was forcibly occupied by Jon Capet!In the end, the leader of the Succubus committed suicide!

Although most of the Twilight Continent are demons, each race has its own principles, but Jon Capet has gradually broken these principles over the years!That's why the clan leaders of the Twilight Continent will gather here to overthrow him now!

However, after overthrowing him, isn't it just a civil war that lasted for decades?

Who can stand alone in the civil war in the Twilight Continent that may occur in the future, and even after the red comet falls, which alliance in this world?Which force?What country?who?To be able to keep a piece of peace in this world!
As long as the new king of this world is not elected!As long as there is no unity in this world!Everything in this world will not change!

The god species still never appeared!The phantasy species are still aloof, and the angel species are still admiring their back gardens on the "floating land", waiting for everything on the land to fight you to the death and me, and then come to reap the benefits of the fisherman. The world's oceans are still sea dwellers. Planting the backyard, the "flowing net" is not a panacea!The barrier of mechanical species will be breached, and all intelligent races will fall into deep war!

this world!A new king is needed!For seven centuries!The forces are constantly changing, but the wars are constant, and the countless wars in the seven centuries are telling this problem!The world needs a new king!A true emperor who can unify the world!
Lan Bujia looked at Ha Chi'er, and at the same time, Ha Chi'er also looked at Lan Bujia in unison!
The Ravens are half-orc and half-demon blood, and the barghouls are pure demons. One flies in the sky, the other runs on the ground, and the two races can't hit each other. At this moment, they are completely different. Thought of going together.

"I don't care. After all, our race is big and rough. If you lose the bet, you lose the bet, but do you really want to do this? You are much smarter than all the clan leaders present here." Ha Chi'er smiled stupidly, and then A reminder, "The other party is a mechanical species."

"Hahaha, Ha Chier, do you think I didn't see it? You don't believe that Your Excellency Dragonheart is a mechanical species, no, everyone here, after getting along with His Excellency Dragonheart for a few months, Who still thinks that he is really a mechanical species?" Lan Bujia stretched out his hand and patted Ha Chi'er's shoulder. He originally wanted to pat the dog's head on his left, but he was afraid that he would blow his hair, so let it go.

Indeed, the leaders in the meeting hall have been in contact with Fangte for a long time. At the beginning, basically everyone would not doubt the identity of Fangte's mechanical species, but gradually, they felt strange.

After all, which mechanical species would stare at the maid's skirt and even let himself guess the color inside, which mechanical species would often roast chicken legs by himself and tell him to go for supper, and which mechanical species would have sex with him? Making nasty jokes that I can't even understand.
It can be said that Your Excellency the Dragonheart has no consciousness of pretending to be a mechanical species. If there is no doubt, then the red comet will pass by and the troubled times will begin. The low IQ of these clan leaders may kill their clan .

"Since you don't even know his real identity, then you still make this decision!" Ha Chi'er said.

"Because... I want to take a gamble." This time it was Lan Bujia who looked at the ceiling and let out a deep breath, "Besides, who said that I don't know the real identity of Your Excellency Dragonheart? No, It should be said that you are the only one present who hasn't thought about the true identity of Your Excellency the Dragonheart."


"Silly dog, can't you guess so many things that have happened recently? The Eastern Xia Kingdom announced to the world that it has formed an alliance with the orc tribe, and just last night, the wife of His Excellency Dragonheart brought three thousand orcs and three Thousands of women from the Eastern Xia Kingdom came to Heicheng! And the wife of His Excellency Dragon Heart is so beautiful, tell me, who is the other party? And who is Your Excellency Dragon Heart?"

"You mean?" Ha Chi'er, who was dull and silly, suddenly realized.

"In the seven centuries of the world, this is the first time someone has unified Ainia. The Eastern Xia Kingdom has always said that it is neutral, but now it is participating in the world. The Gear Kingdom has been hiding from the world for a long time! It has never taken the initiative to attack! But this time it took the initiative to come. To the Twilight Continent! If the red comet slides down is a chaotic world, I think he is the 'person' who caused the troubled times, and also the 'person' who ended the chaotic times, and more likely the 'person' who ended the seven centuries of world division '!"

Lan Bujia looked at the closed door of the meeting hall, with sharp determination in his eyes.

"So! Silly dog! This time! I also want to gamble! It's the same as your bet! If I lose the bet! Even if the ancestors of the crows in the underworld will blame me, it doesn't matter!"

"But even if we think so, the other leaders of the council might not think so. If we make this decision together, in order to quell the civil war in the Twilight Continent, it is necessary to go to war with these clan leaders."

"Indeed, it is indispensable, but with the assistance of Dong Xia, the orc tribe, and the mechanical species! The battle will be one-sided! The Twilight Continent clan will have the least number of casualties!"

Lan Bujia glanced around the chamber.

"Besides, who said that only the two of us have this idea? After all, even a stupid person like you has this determination, do you think there are no other leaders?"

After finishing speaking, the corners of Lan Bujia's mouth rose slightly, and he walked to the front of the meeting hall!

For a while, the voices of constant discussions in the meeting hall gradually stopped.
(End of this chapter)

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