Daming Military Empire

Chapter 508 South Asian Turmoil

Chapter 508 South Asian Turmoil
In March of the 15th year of Chongzheng in the Ming Dynasty, a major event also happened in remote West Asia, that is, Safi, the emperor of the Persian Safavid Empire, died, and their heir, Prince Abbas, was less than ten years old at this time.

The court situation of the Persian Safavid Empire began to be turbulent, and the ministers were busy fighting openly and secretly, fighting for power and profit.

It was at this time that the Earl of Trafford led the British envoy to the capital of the Persian Empire. Of course, he did not come to send a condolence letter. He did not know that the emperor of the Persian Empire would die.
The reason why he came here was entrusted by Richelieu to lobby the Persian Safavid Empire to gather an army, and Chen Bing was near Kandahar.

By the way, why did Richelieu invite him over?Could it be that the Earl of Trafford is very eloquent and a master lobbyist?

This is not true, Earl Trafford's eloquence is just like that, mainly because the Persian Safavid Empire has the best relationship with Britain at this time.

The rise of the Persian Safavid Empire can be said to have a great relationship with the United Kingdom. The situation of the Persian Empire was not very good when Abbas I, the legendary emperor of the Persian Safavid Empire, succeeded to the throne. At that time, the Persian Empire was almost defeated by the Ottoman Empire. Heyue Jibie Khanate was out of breath, and the Mughal Empire was also eyeing it.

Abbas the Great had to cede a large area of ​​land in the northwest to the Ottoman Empire in exchange for a brief peace. Then, he hired the retired British general Shirley to help him reorganize the army and introduced gunpowder, muskets and artillery.

This move brought about earth-shaking changes in the army of the Persian Empire, and its combat effectiveness was not even lower than that of the regular armies of the European powers. According to historical records, at that time, the Persian Safavid Empire had no fewer than [-] artillerymen, and even more musketeers. One hundred thousand!

With a strong army, he has the capital for revenge and expansion. He first took Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and other places from the Yuejibe Khanate, and then took back most of Iraq from the Ottoman Empire. Finally, He even captured the Persian Gulf with the help of the British Navy.

Therefore, he was very grateful to Britain. During his reign, he not only strengthened trade with the British East India Company, but also benefited from the Netherlands, which was an anti-Habsburg alliance. The Dutch East India Company was also allowed to enter Persia. The Favidian Empire was in business.

After the death of Abbas the Great, his successor, Safi, also maintained good relations with the United Kingdom. No matter in terms of politics, military affairs or economics, the two countries had frequent exchanges. The Earl of Trafford also led envoys many times. The delegation came to the Persian Safavid Empire for exchanges, so Richelieu asked him to lobby the Persian Safavid Empire.

In other words, he came here at an inopportune time, just in time for the death of the emperor and the turmoil in the court, what should we do?

This naturally did not bother Trafford. Although the old general Shelley had returned to England, his younger brother Shelley was still there, and he was also the chief instructor of the army.

With the help of such a special insider, Trafford quickly identified the lobbying target, which was Sultan, the Minister of Military Affairs of the Persian Safavid Empire.

Of course, if Taqi, the prime minister of the Persian Safavid Empire, can be bribed at this time, then the matter of sending troops will be even easier, because Abbas, the successor of Safavid, is still just a child, and the military and political affairs of the entire Persian Safavid Empire Taqi has the final say.

However, he learned from Xiao Xie Li that this prime minister especially hated corrupt people, and even offended all the ministers in the court because of this. To bribe such a person is simply asking for fun!
Minister of Military Affairs Sultan is different. He not only loves money, but also has a good relationship with Shirley. Most importantly, he is also a powerful figure in the Persian Safavid Empire, second only to Prime Minister Taqi in strength.

With the goal, it is easy to handle. After Trafford paid homage in front of Sapphire, he pretended to pay a visit to Prime Minister Taqi. At night, he blatantly came to Sur with General Shirley. Tan's mansion called it a visit, but it was actually a bribe, encouraging him to gather an army and go around Kandahar.

Of course, Sultan didn't know what they were here for, but Trafford was the Earl of England after all, and it would be a great honor to visit his house, so he warmly received Trafford and Shelley and his party.

After the two parties exchanged polite words, Xie Li hinted that Sultan swung back to the left and right. That look seemed to be beneficial, and Sultan naturally drove all his subordinates away without hesitation.

Trafford didn't talk too much, and when there were only three people left in the room, he said directly: "Master Sultan, I would like to ask you for a favor."

Sure enough, it is beneficial, Sultan immediately said with a smile: "Master Earl, you are offended by what you said, if you have anything to say, just say it, as long as I can do it, it will be absolutely fine."

Trafford also smiled and said: "It's very simple, I want you to gather 20 troops and go around Kandahar."

"Pfft", Sultan was so frightened by his words that he spit out all the tea he had just poured into his mouth. What a joke, he assembled the army and went to Kandahar for a visit. That was the territory of the Ming Empire. Aren't you going to seek death? !

He took a breath and said in fear: "This, this, Lord Earl, are you joking?"

Trafford still smiled and said: "Master Sultan, I am not asking you to lead the army to attack Kandahar, but just to take a look around. What are you afraid of?"

What are you afraid of?Afraid that the Ming Empire would beat him up!

Sultan said with embarrassment: "Well, what if the Ming Empire misunderstands them? They are too terrifying. Such a big Mughal Empire was destroyed by them in less than a year. You must know the strength of the Mughal Empire back then. But it is not under our Persian Empire, what if the Ming Empire misunderstood us and called us directly?"

Trafford immediately reassured: "Master Sultan, don't worry, the Ming Empire will not attack, and they are all in danger at this moment."

Sultan asked curiously: "Oh, what's going on?"

Trafford lured: "You know they fought Tsarist Russia in Siberia, right?"

Sultan nodded and said, "I've heard about this, but Tsarist Russia seems to be unable to defeat the Ming Empire, right?"

Trafford said mysteriously: "Tsarist Russia is naturally unable to defeat the Ming Empire, but with the support of our anti-Habsburg alliance, their strength is almost the same, and the Wacha Department in the northwest of the Ming Empire has also sent troops. Did you say that the Ming Empire still has air traffic control over South Asia?"

Sultan asked in disbelief: "Really?"

Trafford spread his hands and said: "Of course it is true, you will know after you try it."

Hearing this, Sultan hesitated and said, "Try it? Is it too dangerous?"

Trafford directly took out a gold bar, put it in his hand, and said in relief: "Master Sultan, don't worry, no matter how powerful the Ming Empire is, it is not our opponent against the Habsburg alliance. Gen, how about just going around for a while?"

Sultan flipped the gold bars in his hand, almost one catty was hit, one hundred gold bars would be 1000 taels, so he just went around and didn't really hit it, so what are you afraid of!
Thinking of this, he nodded slowly and said, "Okay, I'll try it."

(End of this chapter)

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