Daming Military Empire

Chapter 103 Attack on the Canyon

Chapter 103 Attack on the Canyon
Sure enough, as Gao Yingxiang expected, there was no ambush in the canyon, and the road was unimpeded. Seeing that the exit was in sight, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Zhaocheng is ahead. I don’t know what happened to Huozhou and Fenxi. If King Lu Yan took both cities, he is now either attacking Zhaocheng or on the way to attack Zhaocheng. If this is the case, He suddenly shot out from the slanting stab, wouldn't it be a big loss for King Lu Yan!
The more Gao Yingxiang thought about it, the more enthusiastic he became. He has [-] to [-] cavalry. If King Lu Yan is attacking the city, he will attack from behind, and it is very likely that he will destroy the [-] troops under King Lu Yan in one fell swoop. Lu Yan Wang is afraid that he is really going to see Yan Wang.

He was about to order the whole army to slow down, and then sent scouts to Zhaocheng to investigate the situation before deciding where to go. Suddenly, there was a shout of killing at the entrance of the valley, and teams of officers and soldiers rushed out from both sides of the valley, blocking the entrance of the valley!
Gao Yingxiang's heart skipped a beat: "It's too bad, there's an ambush!"

At this time, more than 5 cavalry led by Gao Yingxiang were only one mile away from Taniguchi, but the officers and soldiers in front of them lined up densely in rows of long snakes, blocking Taniguchi tightly.

"One row, two rows, three rows..." Gao Yingxiang quickly calculated the number of officers and soldiers. The width of the valley is only more than 2000 steps. No matter how dense the infantry station is, a row can squeeze up to [-] people, and the cavalry occupies more space. It's not bad if you can squeeze a thousand riders in a row, as long as you count how many rows there are, you will know how many officers and soldiers are coming from the opposite side.

The officers and soldiers lined up very neatly, and Gao Yingxiang counted them almost in the blink of an eye. There were fifteen rows of infantry and ten rows of cavalry, which meant that there were only [-] officers and troops on the opposite side.

Gao Yingxiang got angry: "Damn it, King Lu Yan, you are so crazy, 5 infantry and [-] cavalry dare to block the way of my [-] cavalry, do you really think your grandpa Gao is a piece of paper?"

Just at this moment, Li Zicheng's anxious cry came from next to his ear: "Uncle, what should we do?"

what to do?Of course it's up to him!

Gao Yingxiang yelled backwards: "The order is for the whole army to slow down and form a long square formation with two hundred riders in each row, half a step across and five steps up and down."

Following his roar, the flag of Gao Zishuai moved down slowly, the whole army began to slow down, and the messenger turned his horse's head and ran back.Soon the cavalry behind quickly spread out to both sides, row after row densely.

When it was about a mile away from Taniguchi, Gao Yingxiang didn't care what happened to the people in the back row, and shouted directly: "The whole army speeds up, charge me."

Gao Zishuaiqi suddenly pointed forward, and the cavalry in the front row shouted in unison: "Come on." They accelerated and rushed forward.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng was still standing on his horse with his sword on his back, and he stood alone at the front of the formation. When he saw the bandits starting to charge, he immediately raised his right hand and shouted: "The two wings are ready, the first row is ready."

Following his order, the first row of musketeers immediately raised their flintlock guns and pointed them forward. At the same time, row after row of musketeers appeared on the mountains on both sides, and also raised their flintlock guns to aim at the bandits in the middle.

Gao Yingxiang didn't pay attention to the two sides at all, he just stared at Lu Yanwang opposite, and rushed forward with his head covered.

When the bandits approached two hundred steps, Lu Xiangsheng suddenly swung his right hand down and shouted: "Let go."

"Papapa..." A puff of smoke rose from both wings and the middle, and the thieves in front and on both sides fell down in a row like cutting wheat.

Lu Xiangsheng shouted without stopping: "The second discharge, the third discharge, the tenth discharge, the first discharge, the second discharge..."

Gao Yingxiang looked at Lu Xiangsheng who was not far away with grief and indignation. He finally understood what happened to the rain of bullets that night. The muskets with such a long range were fired in turn like this. What if he had [-] to [-] cavalry?If you give him another [-] to [-], you won't be able to make it!

At this time, the distance between one hundred and two hundred steps in front of the musket formation was completely blocked by casualties. There were human and horse corpses everywhere, the screams of injured rebels everywhere, and people who lost control everywhere. Gao Yingxiang finally collapsed, and he wailed: "Withdraw." Then he turned his horse's head and came back. run away.

At this time, the high-character handsome flag has changed hands several times. Whenever the guard who raised it fell down, there was always another guard who took over the handsome flag and continued to hold it high. He fell down, not because he was knocked down, but because the guard who raised the flag fell down himself. He swung the commander's flag back horizontally, carried it on his shoulder, turned his horse's head and ran away.

This is actually a kind of semaphore. The handsome flag goes forward, the whole army charges, the handsome flag falls backward, and the whole army retreats. Seeing the handsome flag fall backward, all the rebels turn around and run away. They can't hold it anymore, just afraid Running away without permission will only be cut off by the leader of the war supervisor. Now that the coach has given the order, they naturally run away without hesitation.

They fled all the way and were attacked by muskets on both sides. When Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng escaped from the canyon, almost all those who could escape escaped. More than 5 horses rushed in, but less than [-] escaped in the end!

Gao Yingxiang couldn't care less about being sad, so he didn't know if Lu Yanwang would catch up, so he had better run away.

Lu Xiangsheng wanted to chase after him, but the entire canyon was full of human corpses, horse corpses and war horses running around. The cavalry could not rush through, but the infantry could pass, but they were afraid that they would be trampled by those crazy war horses. There are countless dead and trampled, and what's the use of infantry rushing over, can they catch up with other cavalry?
He had no choice but to order: "The order, the musketeers retreat a hundred steps to repair, the general Cao Wenzhao led [-] cavalry to trap all the galloping horses, and then the generals Wang Chengyin and Zhang Shujia led [-] pikemen and [-] cavalry. The halberd soldiers stepped forward to clean the battlefield, collected all the horse carcasses as rations, and buried all the bandits on the spot, so that no one was left alive."

It's not that Lu Xiangsheng is really as bloodthirsty as Hades. This time the thieves came were all cavalry. Those who were slightly injured must have ridden away, and those who stayed behind must be seriously wounded. I don't know if they can be saved. Why waste precious medicinal materials?Besides, since they have become thieves, they must have the consciousness of being suppressed by the court.

The messengers began to spread orders, and soon Cao Wenzhao led [-] cavalry into the canyon and began to harness horses.As Lu Xiangsheng told before the war, try to shoot people and not horses, so there are still a lot of surviving horses. The last count shows that there are more than [-] horses. In this way, the Tianxiong Army finally reached three points for cavalry and seven points for infantry. is standard.

After Cao Wenzhao led his people to take away all the surviving horses, it was the pikemen and halberd soldiers. Looking at the valley full of corpses, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but think of a sentence that the current emperor once said: It is the world of muskets and artillery, and all cavalry and crossbows will be eliminated by history!"

When he first heard this sentence, Lu Xiangsheng didn't take it seriously. If he wasn't the emperor, Lu Xiangsheng would have wanted to go up and choke him. What are you kidding? Cavalry and crossbows have always dominated the battlefield. disuse!
Now he believed that it was just muskets, and the light cavalry had no choice but to equip more powerful cannons, and the heavy cavalry would be enraged on the spot. From now on, the world of muskets and cannons would indeed be ruled!

(End of this chapter)

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